In recent decades, population increasing and its structural changings have doubled municipal water demand management importance and forecast. Proper planning and management is subject to the most important information about households. So, considering the physical and behavioural characteristics of consumers is necessary in different conditions. In this research, classifying influential characteristics and interaction of Neyshabour households in Razavi Khorasan on municipal water consumptions during different periods presented. Many influential parameters has considered in recent investigations then, Gamma Test abilities used for nearly all 27 variables, in a non-parametric space. Results showed that house age, landscape, cooler capacity, high-consumption appliances, number of connections, number of people in each connection, land area, commercial and residential arena, advantage of zone, booster pump, water pressure during the year and summer, maximum temperature, rainfall, average price of drinking water and one- lag consumption were the most important parameters affecting on two-months consumption. Yearly water consumption influenced by house age, landscape, seizin type, high-consumption appliance capacity, land area, residential area, booster pump, metering change, water pressure during the year and summer time, minimum and average temperature, and average price of drinking water. Despite previous studies, long run average consumption for consumers is sensitive to water pressure. However, consumer satisfaction about water and wastewater corporation services has affected their long run consumption. Therefore, qualitative and quantitative differences in influential affecting water consumption must devise in management policies for municipal water demand and supply.