Eucalyptus is an important exotic species in Iran from industrial, medicinal and ornamental points of view. Different species of Eucalyptus demonstrate various responses to salinity. This research was carried out to estimate the salinity resistance of three Eucalyptus species at germination and seedling stages. The effects of five NaCl concentrations (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mM) on three Eucalyptus species (Eucalyptus camaldulensis, E. salubris, E. tetragona) were studied under factorial and base of completely, randomized design, with three replicates in growth chamber. One way analysis of variance was used to estimate reaction of every species to salinity.Also analysis of variance was applied to identify differences between different species and saline treatments in respect to seed and seedling characters, including radicle length, plumule length, vigour index germination percentage, germination speed and germination index. The results showed that there was significant difference between the species in respect to their germination percentage, vigour index, and germination speed, but the difference between radicle length, plumule length and germination index was not significant. The effects of different salinity levels on the seed characters were significant, whereas the effects of species salinity interaction were only significant on radicle length, vigour index, germination speed and germination index. The species performed different seed characters at different levels of salinity. Effects of NaCl concentration on different traits were significantly different. Comparison of means classified the species in different classification. Also probit analysis was used to estimate LD50 and indicated that between three species E. salubris is the most resistant to salinity.