Determination of the time lag caused by utilization of different tubes to measure pressure on the surface of a wind tunnel model is an important problem in the field of aerodynamic especially for unsteady measurements where the pressure signature changes continuously with time. In this investigation the time required for the applied pressure at one end of different tubes to reach its original value (applied pressure) at the other end has been measured. Three plastic tubes and two polyethylene tubes with different lengths and different inner diameters; L=2, 5 and 10 m, d=1, 2 and 4 mm, were used to study the time lag. Experimental data show that the response time in a pressure measuring system is a function of applied pressure, system volume, viscosity, tube length, and tube diameter. As the tube diameter increases, or its length decreases, the required time for the pressure at the end of the tube to reach its initial value reduces significantly.