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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aim: One of the responsibilities of nurses is to identify of effective factors on sleeping, because identification of these factors prevents from occurrence of sleep disorders, improves sleeping, decreases duration of hospitalization, and reduces use of hypnotic drugs.Methods & Materials: This research is a comparative descriptive study. The population under research was included 50 nurses who were working in CCU wards and 50 patients who were hospitalized in CCU wards that were selected by interviewing and information gathering tools was a questionnaires which consisted of tow parts and for each group one questionnaire was used. The first part was included demographic specification. Second part is consisted of 56 questions (four rating) related to effective factors on patient's sleeping in the domains such as environmental factors, personal (physical and mental) factors, pre-sleeping habits and an extra question (to explain other factors with the except of factors that mentioned in sleeping). Gathered data is processed by SPSS software, 12'Th version, and for achieving to research goals, descriptive and perceptive statistical methods (such as t-test, ANOVA test, and Pearson coefficient of correlation) were used. Then descriptive statistic was used in data analysis and statistical t-tests were used to compare of these two groups opinions. Results: The results of this research showed that environmental factors such as turned on light, pain, anxiety due to loss of job, fears of outcome of disease, connection to monitoring systems are the important effective factors on sleeping according to the nurses points of view however patients believe that phone ring, pain, anxiety from loss of job, fears of outcomes of disease, connection to monitoring systems are important. Conclusion: According to the research results, the most important effective factors on sleeping are "turned on light", "phone ring" "pain", "anxiety from loss of job", "fears of outcome of illness", "connection to monitoring systems". The foundation of this schedule is based on identification of effective factors on sleeping according to viewpoint of patients and then eliminating the disturbing factors.

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Background & Aim: The severe pain of labor is the important cause of fear and anxiety in pregnant women. This study has been performed to evaluate effect of education on midwives practice. Methods & Materials: This is a quasi-experimental study. That was done 59 midwives in the labor wards of non-educational of Guilan University of Medical Sciences Hospital. Data gathered by a questioner, which its validity was done by panel of experts and reliability by test-retest. 59 midwives were chosen by quota sampling and participated in a one-day workshop. Pretest and post-test questioner completed before and after four months of education by all midwives. Data analyzed by descriptive and inferencing statistical methods with SPSS. Results: The paired t-test results showed that midwives practice about pain relieving methods changed significantly after workshop (p<0.005). Analytical methods demonstrated that there was no significant difference between mean practice scores and demographic characteristics of midwives. Conclusion: This study showed that teaching through workshop can improve the use of pain-relieving methods by midwives in labor wards especially more simple and efficacious methods.

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Background & Aim: Knowledge of nursing is necessary for caring people suffering from pain. Regarding pain management and nursing role in order to put into practice exact pain management and availing comfort, possessing knowledge and positive attitude toward nursing care in this population have an important role. Methods & Materials: This descriptive (cross- sectional study) determines cancer nurses knowledge and attitudes regarding pain management in hospitalized patients in related wards in Tehran University of medical sciences. Total of 113 nurses (from 132 questionnaires were sent, 113 of them were completed) who work in cancer wards in Tehran University of medical science hospitals were selected by convenience sampling (accidental sampling). For data gathering, questionnaires were used. Statistical analysis was performed using 2 test, t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. To compare results and for describing the results, descriptive analysis were used. Results: Results indicates that knowledge and attitude of samples is in a high school (level of knowledge 76% and level of attitude 86.6%). The correlation between knowledge and attitudes is (R=0.350), (p=0.000) that means there is a direct relation between nurses knowledge and attitudes and by increasing one of them، the other will increase. Conclusion: Some of features like level of education, taking part in continuing education, working in chemotherapy and radiotherapy ward, operating room and facing to cancer patients, influence on nurses knowledge and attitudes.

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Background & Aim: Chronic illnesses, such as cancer, can cause changing in self-esteem. This study has been perform to compare the self-esteem between male and female cancer patients. Methods & Materials: In this research 101 patients (51 women and 50 men) with different types of cancer (solid tumors and leukemia) have selected by simple sampling method. The tool for gathering data was a questionnaire, with three parts: demographic characteristics, disease characteristics, and Cooper smith self-esteem inventory. Data collection was done through interview, patient’s charts and patients self-report. The descriptive and analytic statistics have been used and the exams were “chi-2” and “Fisher”, through SPSS software. Results: This study showed that the majority of cancer patients in male and female group have moderate level of self-esteem. There is no significant difference in self-esteem of men and women with cancer and the majority of them (84.3% women) and (%76 men) have moderate self-esteem, but noticeable difference between men and women is connected to the variables that are related to self-esteem, whereas, men’s self-esteem has not any significant meaningful relationship with demographic variables, meanwhile, variables of being under support of somebody (p=0.005) and having caregivers at home (p=0.039) have a meaningful relationship with women’s’ self-esteem. Among the diseases’ characters change or decrease in function of different parts of body has a meaningful relationship with men’s (p=0.014) and women’s (p=0.005) self-esteem. Constipation is the only other variable related to men’s’ self-esteem (p=0.071), but about women there are some variables related to the self-esteem of them consist of duration of amputation (p=0.018), anorexia (p=0.001), alopecia (p=0.027) and fatigue (p=0.021). Conclusion: It seems that, in comparison between tow genders with cancer although the women’s self- esteem is related to more variables than men, but, recognition and specify these variables can help nurses to design an effective care-plan to meet the gender-specific needs.

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Background & Aim: Patient education, one of the most important nurses responsibilities, depend on their motivation therefore, this study was performed and the purpose of the study was for determining the nurses motivating factors related to the patients education. Methods & Materials: A descriptive cross sectional research was carried out among the nurses in the hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of medical science. Sample population was 214 nurses selected by stratified & cluster sampling. Data was collected by questioner through self reporting. The data were analyzed by SPSS computer software. Descriptive statistic and 2 Test, Fisher Exact Test, Exact Test Mont Carlo were used. Results: Data of motivating factors categorized in 3 levels, high, moderate, low with Lickrate scale showed that in nurses’ opinion salary and payment (48%), facilities (49.5%), supervision (57.5%), have average effect on their motivation related to the patient education. Job security (68%), respect & appreciation (76%), career development (74%), work-interest (81.5%), knowledge (85.5%), professional responsibilities (90%) have much effect on their motivation related to the patient education. Statistical test showed a meaningful relation between demographic variables and motivating factors. Conclusion: According to the findings, Job security, respect & appreciation, career development, work-interest, knowledge, professional responsibility have much effect on the motivation for patient education.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aim: Some aspects of life style in adulthood have major preventive role from osteoporosis in adult ages. This research has been done in order to determining female teenager’s life style in relation with prevention of osteoporosis. Methods & Materials: This research was a descriptive - analytical study. In this study, 760 person of female teenage students in high schools and pre-university centers of zone 17 in Tehran city were chosen by random classified cluster sampling method. In this study, the tool for data collection was written questionnaire, and method of it was answering to questionnaire. The questionnaire had 2 parts. First part included demographic characteristics, and second part included different dimensions of lifestyle in relation with prevention of osteoporosis, such as nutrition, exercise and physical activity, habits (smoking, using weight loss food regimen and weight loss drug). The life style categorized as 3 levels unfavorable, partially favorable, and favorable. The collected information was assessed by SPSS software and descriptive and analytical statistical methods were used to reaching study objects.Results: Results Showed nutrition, phisycal activity and exercise the highest percent of cases (51.8%, 57.7%) had undesirable lifestyle. Also 50 percent of cases had undesirable lifestyle. About habits (Smoking, using weight loss food regimen and using weight loss drug) the highest percent of cases (74.9%) had desirable lifestyle. Also there was a significant statistical relationship between life style and variables of education level (p=0.004), economical status of family (p=0.043), the birth number in family (p=0.001) and educational level of mother (p=0.005). Conclusion: According to the results of research, lifestyle of 50% of female teenagers was undesirable. Findings of this research are attentive and need more assessment and planning by responsible people in order to omitting noted problems in lifestyle.

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Background & Aim: Epilepsy as the most important chronic neurological disease affects on child and his/her family therefore it can lead to occur some stresses in family particularly in parents. This study has been done to determine ideas of parents with epileptic children about stressors and their coping with this agent in those who come to the optional therapeutic centers in Tehran. Methods & Materials: This is a descriptive-analytical research which 400 parents with epileptic children were selected based on aim. The method of collecting data was by questionnaire for literate persons and by interview for illiterates whose research tool was questionnaire. The questionnaire was prepared in three parts (demographic information’s, stressors questions, and coping questions for parents with epileptic children. The data was collected in one stage and analyzed with SPSS software. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods (t-test, analyze variance) have been used. Results: Statistical analysis showed that there is significant differences in stress between parents (p=0.001). The most percentage (86%) of fathers in comparison mothers (81.9%) have moderate level of stress and least percentage (5.4%) fathers and (4.4%) of mothers have low level of stress. The level of stress in parents showed significant correlation with personal variables. Most percentage (69%) of fathers and mothers (66.1%) have low-moderate level of coping and it has significant correlation with some personal variables. The analyze variance test showed that there was significant and converse relationship between stress and coping in parents with epileptic children and increasing stress lead to decrease coping. Conclusion: The results of this study have been shown that the stress in father of epileptic children is more that mothers; however there is no significant differences in the level of coping.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aim: Scorpion bites are one of the major health problems in some parts of Iran. This study has been conducted to evaluate the scorpion biting in north-western of Khuzestan province from May 2002 to December 2003. Methods & Materials: This study was a prospective case series conducted from May 2002 to December 2003. Location of the study was the Northwest region of Khuzestan Province. Results: From all 139 cases of scorpion bites by Androctonus crassicauda came to the clinic most bites were occurred during summer. All patients were treated conservatively without injecting anti-scorpion serum and discharged without any complication. Conclusion: The major threat in that region is because of Androctonus crassicauda bites. Considering that there is no need to inject anti-scorpion serum for these kinds of bites, further evaluation and doing more through studies about treatment is recommended. Moreover, no relation was seen between scorpion bites and different nights of month.

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