Shaking table is one of the most effective devices for gravity concentration which is used in coal washing for the particles sized from 0.15 to 9.5 mm. In this research, some parameters were determined such as longitudinal tilt, slide tilt and frequency which affect efficiency of shaking table. 16 one - parameter tests were carried out in order to determine the aforementioned parameters. Therefore, the optimum range of longitudinal tilt, slid tilt and frequency obtained were 0 to 0.5 degree, 3 to 4 degree and 240 to 260 cycle per minute respectively. Since there may exist interactive effects among these parameters, a three-parameter Hdamard experimental design was carried out on the optimum range of above parameters. Results of this experiment show that interactive effects exist between these parameters, and optimum rate of the longitudinal tilt, slide tilt and frequency are 0 degree, 3 degree and 260(rpm) respectively. Separation efficiency for these parameters obtained were 64.2%, 55.5% and 47.55%, respectively.