This research was aimed to investigate the mineral elements of four range species including Dactylis glomerata, Poa bulbosa, Bromus tomentellus, and Stipa barbata in the summer rangelands of Taleghan at vegetative, flowering, and seeding stages. Therefore, in each growth stage, at least five plant species were collected. The data were analyzed by the one-way analysis of variance, and in order to determine the sources of variations, the Duncan test was used. In addition, to meet the daily livestock requirements for maintenance condition, the amount of aforementioned elements was compared with their critical level using the t test. According to the results, the amount of minerals decreased with the development of plant growth. Moreover, these values differed among the species studied at each growth stage. Generally, the species studied here could supply the daily livestock requirements in terms of calcium, iron, copper, manganese, and cobalt; however, the amounts of macronutrients, especially sodium and magnesium were less than the required value. These results could be used to estimate the daily livestock requirement at different times and years.