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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Psychodrama is an emotional projection method that opens one’s personality problem and presents life’s dimensions using theater method.Objective: The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis of effectiveness of psychodrama on executive functions in nursing students.Methods: This is a quasi experimental study in which from all first term nursing students (male and female) enrolled in Tonekabon Azad University, 24 new nursing students were selected and divided to two groups of 12 into experiment and control. The experimental group received two sessions of psychodrama every two weeks for 90 minutes for five weeks. Data were collected using Wisconsin cards in both groups as pre and post test and data were analyzed by descriptive statistics (Mean and SD) and analytical statistics such as covariance (MANCOVA).Results: The results showed n that between experimental groups who received psychodrama and control group who didn’t receive psychodrama the difference was significant (P<0.0005) and the group with psychodrama had higher performance. Also there was a significant difference between balance means in two groups in missed element reduction error (P<0.0005) and psychodrama was effectiveness on reduction error (increase cognitive flexibility) in nursing students. There was no significant difference between two groups in the element of uses of feedbacks (P<0.068).Conclusion: Psychodrama was effective intervention on executive functions and missing error element. Therefore this method can be used to improve students’ cognitive flexibility and empower them in confronting stress and resolve specific problems encountering in their field of study.

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Introduction: Measuring level of disability in elderly in attention to their physical status requires an instrument practicable in elderly and easy to score.Objective: Survey the reliability and validity of the HAQ 8-item DI in older people residing in Kashan Golabchi nursing home.Methods: In this methodological study, samples were chosen by census method (n=100). After translation of original copy, the inter-rater agreement between evaluators and internal consistency were assessed. For validity determination, concurrent validity, exploratory factor analysis and Known-groups were used. The data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient, Intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), Kappa, Equal- Length spearman-brown, Guttman, Alpha Cronbach coefficient, Kruskal-Wallis test and factor analysis via principal component analysis with varimax rotation.Results: Inter-rater reliability coefficient for every item was good or excellent (Kappa>0.7). ICC in relation to overall instrument was 0.992. The questionnaire reliability coefficient (internal consistency) was 0.95-0.98. Item-total correlation confirmed its reliability too. Its concurrent validity with original Barthel index was confirmed (r=-0.92, p<0.0001). The known-groups approach revealed this tool as valid (p<0.0001). The factor analysis extracted one main factor with value more than one which could explain %87.15 of the total variance of elderly disability.Conclusion: The Persian translation of HAQ 8-item DI for evaluation of disability in elderly people residing in Golabchi nursing home is valid and reliable.

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Introduction: Nowadays stress is the most common daily life condition for many people. The new method of effectively confronting stress is task focused approach which provides a new viewpoint on predicting success factors in life and efficient coping with stress variables. Due to the importance of this subject in visually impaired people, little research has been conducted.Objective: This study was done to determine the effectiveness of emotional intelligence training on coping strategies with stress in individuals with visual impairment.Methods: Semi-experimental method was used in this study. The statistical society consisted of all persons of 17 to 30 years of age with visual impairment member of Society of Guilan Vision Disabled Welfare and Cultural Services in Rasht in 2010 who included 70 individuals. Out of the sample society, 30 individuals were selected and divided randomly into experimental and control groups. The data was collected using Coping Inventory for Stressful Situation questionnaire. The experimental group participated in 8 sessions of emotional intelligence training for eight weeks. Data were analyzed by multi-variable co variance.Results: The results of covariance analysis indicated that emotional intelligence training significantly decreased avoidance-focused coping strategy (p<0.0001) and its subscales, distraction (p<0.003) and social diversion (p<0.0001), but it did not significantly affect task-focused (p<0.036) and emotion-focused (p<0.26) coping strategies.Conclusion: In attention to study results participation of individuals with visual impairment in emotional intelligence training sessions is effective on decrease of maladaptive coping strategies, therefore emotional intelligence training can increase the use of logical and intellectual methods such as increase of personal and environmental efficiency.

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Introduction: Now more than 50 percent of children, who suffer from cancer, survive 5 years or more and reach to adult stage. On the other hand an increase in use of aggressive treatment causes children experience unpleasant physical, mental and behavioral side effects during treatment. Lack of side effect control intensifies negative effects on quality of life. This brought attention to quality of life in children when offering treatments.Objective: The purpose of present study was to determine related factors to quality of Life among children with cancer.Methods: This is an analytical descriptive cross-sectional study among 89, 2-5 year old children with cancer referred to Imam Reza (AS) clinic and Amir Hospital at Shiraz in 2012. Data were collected using a three-part questionnaire including: 1) relevant factors with QOL in children with cancer, 2) Health-Related Quality of Life and 3) Specialty Quality of Life (PedQLCancer Modules), through interview with mothers and review of medical records. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients and multiple regressions.Results: Findings indicated that health related quality of life mean score was 62.96±15.78 and specialty quality of life mean score was 63.35±15.81. Surveying socio-demographic and clinical factors showed significant differences between child’s age (p<0.002, OR=0.38), father’s occupation (p<0.025, OR=5.29) and time elapse between periods of chemotherapy (p<0.001, OR=22.13) and health related QOL using multiple regression (p<0.05).Conclusion: In attention that chemotherapy in most patients with cancer is not only used as a definite treatment but also as a way to increase life duration and survival of child and quality of life, therefore it should be possible to survey the long-term and short term side effects of illness and chemotherapy in children. And also foundations such as supportive network can help through finance and provide more socioeconomic security and therefore leave a positive effect on quality of life in children with cancer and their families.

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Introduction: Nowadays the most important problem of our educational system is educational subsidence phenomenon. Therefore knowing factors which improves education and prevents is of special importance. Self-concept is among factors studied a lot. Many studies indicate a direct relationship between self-concept and educational subsidence but some experts doubt the direct relationship of these two concepts.Objective: This study aimed to determine the correlation between self-concept and academic achievement of students.Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study. Study population consisted of 238 BS level students East Gilan Faculty who spent at least two consecutive semesters in this college. The criteria of academic achievement included students' grade point average of last two semesters and no history of probation. Data gathering instrument included personal-educational characteristic questionnaire and Cooper smith 58 -item test on self concept. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods such as one way variance analysis and nonparametric tests (Spearman, Mann-Whitney, Kuriscal Wallis and Tukey tests).Results: The majorities (85.7 %) were educationally successful and (92.8%) had high self-concept. Average grade mean and deviation of individuals with low self-concept was 16. /16+1.7 and indviduals with high self-concept was16.51+1.2. Based on Spearman correlation coefficients a significant correlation was observed between self-concept and academic achievement of students (p=0.061). Predictive variables of academic achievement included satisfaction with growth environment and family training of students.Conclusions: Although individuals with high self-concept had higher average grade point but this relationship was not significant. Therefore due to cultural differences and fast changes of factors during time no one factor can be stated as the overall rule but a positive significant relationship between educational success and students' satisfaction with growth environment and their family training may be a good indicator for student advisors to pay attention to family factor in time of problemsluding educational subsidence.

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Introduction: Menopause is one of four crises of women’s life that predispose for many of hormonal change. Menopause is the stage of women’s life in which ovarian function is terminated and level of estrone hormones that are secreted form ovarianes, severely reduced. Menopause accompanied with remarkable somatic and psychologic changes. The most important of these changes in long time causes evidence of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, bone fracture and even Alzhemier. Regarding to knowledge and attitude towards menopause and hormone replacement therapy in women can help to improve their performance and reduce the severity of these effects. Therefore, pay special attention to increase awareness and provide good service before and after the menopause.Objective: the aim of this study is to evaluate attitude and knowledge of women about menopausal symptoms, associated factors, side effects and hormone replacement therapy in menopausal periods.Material and methods: this is a cross sectional-descriptive study has done in 277 women aged 45 years or more which have been visited in hospital’s clinics at Rasht city in 2007. Data were obstetrician history and patient’s information about menopouse, its symptoms, side effect and female attitude for hormone therapy. These data were analysed by T test and Chi-square and spss10 software.Results: 32.1% of 277 women had high knowledge about predisposing factors of menopause 60.7% (168) were well informed about menopausal signs, 75.5% (209)were agreed about hormone therapy, between attitude and knowledge of inducing factors, also attitude and knowledge of menopausal signs were direct correlation(p<0.0001-P<0.0001). Among education level, socio-economic situation, less number of parity and knowledge of Predisposing factors were significant relation (P<0.0001- p<0.0001 and p= 0.025) Also level of knowledge about menopausal signs, education status, socio-economic situation History of abortion and kind of contraception had significant relation (p<0.0001-p<0.0001-p=0.027 and p=0.036). Education, socio-economic situation, higher age group had significant relation with hormon replacement therapy (p<0.0001-p<0.0001-and p=0.001).Conclusion: Socio-economic situation and educational level had direct effect on menopausal signs and risk factors, so by improving of women education and socio-economic situation can improve female’s awareness or passing this period of life without any crises.

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Introduction: Leadership is one of the important responsibilities of leaders, science and art of influencing others is to access goals. Leadership style or management determines atmosphere, culture and rules which control organization. Heads of departments can increase job satisfaction, employees' organizational obligation and efficiency by using leadership styles.Objective: This study aimed to determine the relationship between leadership styles of heads of educational groups and faculties’ job Satisfaction of Guilan University of Medical Sciences.Methods: In this cross-sectional, descriptive study, 150 full-time faculty members of Guilan University of Medical Sciences were selected. Data were collected through questionnaire. The questionnaire included three parts covering personal characteristics, the leadership styles of heads of educational groups and job satisfaction of university faculty members. Data were analyzed using frequency distribution, correlation matrices and two- way ANOVA.Results: Data analysis indicated that job satisfaction of faculty members was moderate (Mean and SD 219.46±27.41 from total job satisfaction and 118.14±17.77 from total leadership styles) and also showed a direct and significant relationship between leadership styles of heads of educational groups and job satisfaction of faculty members(P<0.01). Also there was a strong relationship between structured style (task-oriented) of educational group managers and faculty members’ job satisfaction (P<0.01). Based on results, mean of leadership style in men was 115.20±18.27 and in women 120.78±18.27 and there was no significant difference between gender and leadership style (P=0.055). There was a significant relationship between gender and job satisfaction (men 214.71±24.94and women 223.66±28.98) (P=0.048).Conclusion: In attention to significant and positive relationship between leadership styles of heads of educational groups and job satisfaction of faculty members, for dynamic management system in groups, it is required to make decisions at different levels based on mission, goals and active participation of faculty members to increase their job satisfaction and to arise areas for change, invention, innovation and creativity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Emergency Department (ED) is the most important ward of hospital which its function can have enormous effect on function of other wards and patients' satisfaction. One of the most important criteria in evaluation of ED is the duration of time spent by patients for receiving diagnostic and treatment services. Prolonged waiting and visiting time in ED reduce the quality of care and increase the adverse events.Objective: This study aimed to determine number of patients discharged in less than 6 hrs before and after presence of medical emergency specialists.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on hospitalized patients three months before and after the presence of EM specialists in Poursina Educational-therapeutic Hospital from September 2009 to March 2010 and patients' condition was assessed considering the variable of discharge in less than 6 hours. Data were collected by hospital information system (HIS) and analyzed using chi-square statistical method and logistic regression model.Results: Findings of this study showed that only 856 patients (15.54%) of all hospitalized patients in ED (5506) were discharged in less than 6 hours 3 months before the presence of EM specialists. However, this rate increased from 5271to 1621 (30.75%) in first three months after presence of EM specialists in ED. According to regression model there was a significant association between presence of EM specialists and percent of patients discharged in less than 6 hours (P< 0.0001).Conclusion: By on time diagnosis and treatment waiting time and hospital stay can be decreased and patient satisfaction increased. Therefore for prevention of wasted time in diagnosis and patient treatment it is suggested to provide opportunities that ED could benefit from continuous ED specialists' care.

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