The French elements and motifs have been entered to Iran art through building moldings. Meanwhile, importing postcards and chocolate boxes having European stencils, have had important role at stencils of carpet. At the period of Gublan in Kerman province, by the request of America for using French Golfrang and Gublan, the structure and elements of Kerman carpet was influenced by Aubusson and Savonery carpets.In this article, by study these two types of carpet, we try to show the relationship between French carpet stencils and the Gublan period carpet in Kerman and by comparing the resemblances and differences to show: How much the Kerman carpet has been influenced by the French carpet, whether the designers copied the designs or incorporated them.To achieve a precise and accurate result,56 samples of Gublan Period carpet in Kerman were collected by field study. Also 70 samples of French carpets were photographed by library method. By comparing these designs through descriptive, analytical and comparative methods, their different and common aspects were surveyed and specified that no copy has been done and at the Gublan period, the Kerman designers have been influenced by French carpet design. In some cases adaptations used, have resulted to innovation of new designs.With regard to the similarities between the composition and structure of these two types of carpet, in spite of French carpet, the colour used in Kerman carpets are bright and opaque.Though the basis of French carpet design has been originated from the East, but in comparison to Kerman carpet, less porportions have been observed.