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نظریات مختلفی برای تصمیم گیری در مورد انتخاب مدل کشت محصولات، در شرایط وجود ریسک، ارایه شده است که از روش های موتاد، درآمد- واریانس، برنامه ریزی درجه 2، برنامه ریزی خطی جدایی پذیر، مدل ریسک نهایی محدود شده، مدل فوکاس- لاس، مدل هدف- موتاد و... از آن جمله اند. در این تحقیق، الگوی بهینه کشت محصولات برای شهرستان ارسنجان با مدل هدف- موتاد تعیین شده و سپس نتایج با، نتایج حاصل از مدل های موتاد پیشرفته، برنامه ریزی خطی و درجه دو مقایسه شده است، داده های مورد نیاز از بهره برداران کشاورزی و مدیریت جهاد کشاورزی شهرستان ارسنجان برای سال های 1378 ـ 1383 جمع آوری شده است. بعد از تخمین مدل، حدود 60 مدل بهینه تحت شرایط ریسک و هدف های متفاوت تعیین شده سپس با روش رگرسیون، رابطه بین بازده و ریسک براورد شد. نتایج حاکی از این است که بین ریسک و بازده رابطه مستقیم وجود دارد. هم چنین با افزایش ریسک سطح زیر کشت گندم و گوجه فرنگی افزایش و ذرت کاهش می یابد.

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There are various views about decision making for the model of growing crops in risky conditions such as: Motad Model, Inome - variance, grade2 planning, inseparable linear planning, and limited extreme risk model, Focus-Loss Model, and Target- motad . In this study, Target - Motad Model has been used as the optimum pattern of growing crops in Arsanjan. The results have been compared with those of Advanced Motad, linear planning and Grade 2 planning Models. The data have been gatherd from agriclture firms and Arsanjan Jahad cultivation Management for the years 1378 – 1384. After the estimation of about 60 optimum models risk of various objectives were determined. Using regression analysis, the corre laxion between output and risk was calculated. The results show that there is positive correlation between them. Increase in risk causes incrase in product of wheat and tomatoes and decrease in product of corn.

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Trade linearization according to scale, composite, and technology effects, changes the environment quality. On the other hand, trade liberalization, increases capital flow in the world. Based on Pollution Haven Hypothesis, polluted intensive industries move from the countries with stringent environmental policies to those with more relaxed environmental policies. In order to evaluate the effect of trade liberalization on Co2 emission, and to examine the relationship between pollution Haven Hypothesis and Kuznet's Environmental Curve, I employ a panel data method with fixed effect approach to estimate an econometric model for four groups of countries: counters with a high per capita income, with a middle-high per capita income, with middle-low per capita income, and with a low per capita income during the period 1992-2002. Our findings indicate that increasing trade liberalization have a negative effect on the amount of CO2 emission in the high and middle-high income countries. While trade liberalization have a positive effect on the mount of Co2 emission in the low and middle- low income countries. Such that the Co2 emission elasticity to the export of polluting industries, and to the import of polluting industries, and the trade liberalization index in high-income countries are 0.132, -0.051, and -0.093 respectively. In the middle-high income countries, they are, 0.033, -0.049, and -0.038 respectively. Similarly, Co2 emission elasticity to the above-mentioned variables in the middle – low income countries is 0.013, -0.134, and 0.019 respectively. Finally in the low-income countries they are 0.007, 0.002, and 0.021 respectively.

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Plentifulness of oil resources on the one hand, and serious economic challenges in the course of development of the country, on the other hand, makes the optimum use of these resources a considerable issue in achieving the goals of sustainable development. Iran’s experience in establishing Exchange Reserve Account (ERA) during 2000-2005 indicates that its main function is saving the surplus revenues from oil and as soon as some funds have been accumulated, measures are taken to spend them. At the same time, continuous changes in the laws and regulations to facilitate the use of funds prevented the effective role for the account. This paper uses a computable general equilibrium (CGE). Model to examine the impact of economic shocks and government policies on economics. The proposed model is composed of three sections: tradable goods, non-tradable goods and oil-section, which has used three different scenarios to show the effects of oil revenues: Basic, ERA1 and ERA2. The results from the dynamic solution of the model indicates that in the case of temporary shocks of oil prices, the ERA2 leads to the reduction of instability of the government revenues more successfully than the ERA1.

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In most studies in the field of international economics import is considered as a final consumer good in the consumption basket of consumers. Accordingly, if import is considered as a factor of production, estimation of import demand function would be considered as an innovation. In this paper, with the use of shephard lema function, share of each factor of production in total costs has been estimated, and with the use of these estimates price elasticity's and cross elasticity's have been achieved. Also in this paper Morishima. Elasticities (MES) have been estimated. As MES elasticities are explanatory factors showing changes in the ratio of all factors, (due to price change of one of the factors of production) utilization of factors of production has been considered. The factors of production in this paper are capital, labor and imports. The results of the assessments show that there is a substitution relation between capital, labor and (commodity) imports. The results also shown that there is a complimentary relation between labor and commodity imports.

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The main objective of this study is to investigate the production factors productivity in large manufacturing sub-sectors. For this purpose, using statistical data for period 1972-2004, we have tried to study and analyze the trend and level of production factors productivity (partial and total productivity) in each sub-sectors classified according to ISIC two digits code. The average and marginal productivity indices have been used for evaluation of partial factors productivity. The total factors productivity (TFP) is estimated via the production functions approach The findings are indicative of relatively good status of partial factors productivity in manufacturing of chemical products and manufacturing of basic metals in comparison with other sub-sectors. But the status of partial factors productivity in other sub-sectors especially in manufacturing of textile, wearing apparel and leather product and manufacturing of wood and products of wood seems to be fatal. The study of TFP using estimation of production functions of large manufacturing sub-sectors reveals that the largest rate TFP growth is respectively related to the manufacturing of machinery, equipment, and metal instruments and products, manufacturing of basic metals and manufacturing of chemical products. As for the other sub-sectors, TFP growth rate is not statistically different from zero. The findings also indicate that the events like war, revolution and sanctions have negatively affected TFP growth rate in the manufacturing sub-sectors.

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Many reports that appeared during the last 20 years have shown that atmospheric pollution causes serious damage to human health and to environment. Electricity generation from fuel fossil is one of the major sources of pollution and considerable share of this damage. The price of electricity in Iran, as in many other countries also, includes only the production of private costs and ignores any other external economic effects. In this research, the external costs of SO2 and NO2 emissions have been calculated for Shahid Rajaii Power Plant. Shahid Rajaii Power Plant is located at Tehran – Gavin free way. The system of Shahid Rajaii almost depends upon fuel oil, gas oil and natural gas. Its total capacity is almost 2000 MW. The system is based on fire Power Plant which consists of 13 units. There are 4 steam turbines with 1000 MW capacity, 6 gas turbines with 640 MW and 3 steam units with 375 MW. In this paper, the external costs have been accounted for unit steam of power plant. The SO2 and NO2 emissions were compared with international standard of ambient air on four seasons, and in two conditions of Normal and Maximum load. The resulting external costs of SO2 and NO2 emissions were achieved about 444.226, 276.069 Ris/kWh.The results shows that the external costs of SO2 emission is highest due to high usage of fuel oil.

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Capital market is one of the most important sectors of every economy. Economic growth can lead to capital market boom and development; on the other hand, achieving desired economic growth and development is impossible without efficient financial institution and suitable funding resources. In this study the relationship between financial development and economic growth in OPEC countries and non-oil-developing countries is investigated and compared. The survey is done by using the GMM estimator based on Dynamic panel data model within the years 1990-2004. The results of this estimation indicate that financial development in OPEC countries due to oil revenues and inefficiency of financial institutions in raising financial resources. Has a negative effect on the economic growth of the OPEC countries. The effect of financial development on capital accumulation is also negative in these countries.

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Almost all countries have faced the urbanization. In the long run, changes in the production technology have caused migration from rural to urban areas. Existing cities have grown and new ones have been created. This is named as “urban development” in the urban literature. Cites are created because of economies of scale in production and consumption. There are different cities with different sizes in an urban system which produces different goods and services. There are different factors affecting the urban development among them economic ones are important. This paper surveys the impact of economic factors on city size growth through Henderson’s urban development models. These models are specified in spatial panel data models and are estimated for 1966-96 for Iran’s urban system. Hence, contiguity effects are entered in the models by spatial econometric techniques. The results show that considered factors have affected city sizes growth in Iran, and contiguity and neighboring effects have had important role in Iran’s city sizes growth.

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The Bank Profit Rates Reduction Law is enacted and put into action, while the main rationale of its designers is that putting this law into action will result in lower inflation rate. On the other hand, the critics of this law believe that the main condition for reducing bank profit rates is the reduction of inflation rate and hence adjusting inflationary expectations which will provide reduction in profit rates. Implicit assumption under the critics' rationale is the veracity of "fisher effect" theory referred to "Irving Fisher". According to this theory, in the long run, a reduction in inflation rate will result in a reduction in nominal profit rates. The main purpose of the this article is to examine two hypotheses of research, and test the veracity of this rationale that in the long run, the lower inflation rate is the reason of parallel decline in nominal profit rates. This research is faced with the limitation of appropriate data for nominal profit rates in Iran. As a result, in order to reach this goal, "Johansen" Co integration test and "Granger” causality test are used in five scenarios with different substitutive variables for nominal profit rates. The results confirm the hypotheses of research and illustrate that in case of Iran's economy like many other developed or under- developing countries, long run changes in nominal profit rates can be explained by changes in inflation rate. Finally, according to these results, appropriate policy implications are proposed in response to research questions.

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We study the effect of education and its expenditures, especially in higher education, on poverty and income inequality. Using the Keynesian approach it is shown that education, from the theoretical point of view, lowers poverty and income inequality level. In an empirical work we, used the data including 111 observations from 91 countries, with different human development levels, and concluded that the net enrolment rate in secondary schools has inversely and significantly affected the poverty and income inequality. Also education expenditures as percent of GNP have significantly decreased the level of poverty and income inequality. Another result of this research is that the negative effect of higher education expenditures on poverty and income inequality is greater than the effect of education expenditures in primary and secondary schools.

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