Indicators and statistics of Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) databases considered as a framework for evaluating and assessing scientific activities for Scientometrics professionals and policy makers in research affaires in many countries. In this article, Scientometrics of Agricultural Sciences is reviewed in Pioneer Islamic Countries according to ISI Databases and Open Access Journals (OAJ). The Studied Countries consist of Iran, Turkey, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Pakistan which have agricultural scientific journals both in JCR and OAJ. Results show that during a 4-years period (2005-2008), Turkey with 80402 scientific productions is in the first place among Islamic countries and Iran is in the 2nd based on ESI statistics, in "plant and animal sciences" and "agricultural sciences" subject Categories, in view of citation per paper among Islamic countries Malaysia is in the first place. Most of the papers in agricultural sciences in Islamic countries indexed in the subject category "plant sciences". Turkish and Pakistani journals have important role in publishing their own scientific productions. Islamic countries' authors published most of their scientific productions with the collaboration of other Islamic countries in OAJ, while in ISI Web of science, most of their papers are produced with the collaboration of American and European countries' authors. In OAJ, Pakistan with 11 journals is in the first and Bangladesh with only one is the last place. According to JCR databases the Iranian “International Journal of Plant Production” with 0.350 impact factor, has cited 11 times which indexed in “agronomy” subject category.