In the age of capitalistic production, capital plays a vital role in the
economic life. Considering the concept of capital, the concept of interest
stands out. The purpose of this paper is to make a crirical survey of the
image of interest in the view of Muslem scholars.
The problem of interest is the descriptive and theoretical analysis of the
income obtained from capitaL The main question, posed in this respect, is
what Muslem thinkers do contribute to the scientific exposition of the
essence of this income. To realize such a contribution, we have compared
the Muslem thinkers attitudes towards interest with the prevailing
explanations in the capitalistic literature.
The conclusion would be that The concept of interest in the view of
Muslem Thinkers is no more than the contractual interest fixed in loan
contracts. The contractual interest in loans is regarded as the obvious
exercise of Riba; which is strongly prohibited in Islam. This attitude is so
dominated that the bulk of Islamic writings has targeted money, rather
than capital, as the fundamental concept related to the problem of
interest. However, to solve tne problem of interest, a new paradigm would
be trying to alter the conceptualization of money by an alternative theory
of capital which substitutes natrual interest for contract interest. If so; it
would be found out that there is no difference between interest and profit
in essence. In economic world, profit can not come into existence if the ex
ante natural rate of interest is omitted. Nevertheless, with resort to the
concept of natural rate of interest, the economic raison d"etre of all kinds
of contract interests can be explained and many controversies regarding the
fundamental concept of interest, which are held between Islamic ideals
and conventional practices, can be settled down.