CMP and APMP pulping characteristics of corn stalk were investigated. Chemical composition of corn stalks including cellulose, lignin, extractives soluble in alcohol-actone and ash content were measured at %49.67, %21.88, %2.53 and %4.087 respectively. Fiber length, diameter, lumen and cell wall thickness were measured at 0.936mm, 18.463um, 11.59um, and 3.48 um respectively. CMP and APMP pulps were prepared using two pulping temperatures of 90-95 C, cooking times of 20,30,40 and 60 minutes, and NaOH charge at 5 and 10 percent based on oven dry weight of corn stalks. Liquor to corn stalk ratio was constant at 8/1. %3 H2O2 (based on oven dry weight of corn stalks) was used in APMP pulping. The highest CMP yield was obtained with 20 minutes pulping time and these pulps as well as two pulps obtained in 30 and 40 minutes are in group A. The yield of APMP pulp produced with 20 minutes pulping time (pulp yield of %71.1) is in group A and the pulps produced with 30 ,40 and 60 minutes pulping times with average yields at % 70.27, %68.82 and %66.74 are in B,C and D groups respectively. The burst strength of hand sheets produced from these pulps varied between 1.02-1.23 kPa. m²/gr , tear strength between 4.166-4.392 mNm²/gr and breaking length between 4.018- 4.144 Km. This investigation showed that due to limited availabilities of wood, corn stalks can be considered as a potential raw material for pulping development in IRAN.