In connection with human dignity and rights of women, Kant and Mill retain a same viewpoint, i. e., they cognize that women own intrinsically human values. They also reject instrumental usage of women, but in relation to women’ s social and political rights, their ways are separated: Kant considers women as man’ s property and passive citizens. He denies the social and political rights of women. Conversely, Mill defends women’ s social and political rights on the bases of liberty and equality. So, Kant’ s standpoints on human dignity of women on the one hand, and their social and political rights on the other, suffer from contradiction, while Mill’ s thoughts are consistence in this context. One can understand the essence of difference between these two philosopher’ s notions by using hermeneutic method (text and context). The controversy on women’ s rights mainly emerges from effects of historical developments particularly economic, social and political affairs, within Kant’ s and Mill’ s thoughts.