Globalization, regionalism and economic integration are the basic issues which bring many positive consequences to the world economy. Among all, it would impress foreign transactions, increase the amount of trade flows, increase the moving FDI, accelerate in technology, achieve the competitive capability and improve it, removes the tarrif and non-tarrif barriers and acquiring the binding conditions for a presence in the world free trade. In order to enter to globalization of economy, making a competitive position is one of the most important issues. In other word make a competitive position and notice to export and delete the nowdays barriers and after it, increasing the competitive capability and competitive advantage is the most important chracters of global economy and enter to its space. In this paper, in addition to review the process of globalization, competitive, the relationship of them and their effects on export and Irans economy, it tests the relationship between competitive and nonoil export of Iran by utilizing the Hsiao Causality Test and its analysis. The results show that there is no causality relationship between competitive and nonoil export of Iran. In other word nonoil export of Iran is affected by oil exports and their reveniues and Irans economy had forgot competitive advantage and policies of