Inflation is one of the most important considered problems in economics, which has many harmful effects. Some of these harmful effects are lack of optimum allocation of sources, retarding the process of economy development and creation of inconfidence for the future. This study with the topic of "estimation of optimum rate of inflation for Iranian economy calibring Sydraski model" has been also an attempt to clear one subset of inflation issue. The method of tills study is descriptive-analytic. First, the model of study that is adopted Sydraski model (1967), is developed and for approaching tills model to reality, some parameters are added to it and it is solved by using Ramsey optimization method, which is a Dynamic general Equilibrium method. Having gathered and estimated necessary data, the model of tills study is established and optimization and calibration operations will be accomplished by using Matlab software. The results of tills investigation indicate that the inflation rate, which is able to have the most social welfare for Iranian economy, is -0.0196. This rate that expresses the most amount of welfare dependent, provide Freedman's optimization formula, From tills investigation's result, by increasing the population growth and also by decreasing rate of money circulation growth, by money creation by means of commercial banks, it is possible to reach lower inflation rate.