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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In this paper we measure the relationship between relative size and propensity to imports of the regions. The measurement is empirically tested with respect to the following conventional regional theory: "the propensity to import varies inversely with the relative size of regions, thus larger regions are expected to have high multipliers, because they import less, and vice-versa". Since macro and micro regional models are not suitable for such empirical testing, regional input-output model is proposed. For this, we initially used a modified location quotient to estimate input and import coefficients of seven aggregated sectors for 28 provinces in 1380. Then, we employed the econometric techniques to empirically test the above-mentioned relationship. Overall, findings revealed that there is a meaningful relationship between the relative size of the regions and their propensity to imports.

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The main objective of this study is to investigate the competitiveness indices effects on export of  Iran’s industrial sub-sectors in the period of 1998-2003. In this study, the price indices such as inflation rate and real exchange rate and the non-price indices such as labor productivity and revealed comparative advantage were used to investigate the effects of competitive indices on the industrial sub-sectors export of Iran. The model of this research was estimated with fixed effect and random effect approaches. The main findings of this study indicate that labor productivity, real exchange rate and revealed comparative advantage variables have positive and significant effects on export, but inflation rate has negative and significant effect on the Iranian industrial subsectors export. Moreover, the results of this study show that in order to increase the export of Iranian industrial sub-sectors, we should consider the non-price indices such as labor productivity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Economic specifications of cities on land abode influence is an asset or in some cases acts like a capital good. Effects of different effective factors on the economy of the city show itself in land and residential prices. Population changes, local and macro policies, labor market changes, etc are the most important issues which can affect the price of land and residential places in cities. In contrast, change in land and residential prices leads to change in its supply size or in building the whole land and abode markets. This paper investigates finance structures and also investigates impact of tax on the abode sector in Isfahan. In this regard, we used spatial econometric method. Which, we used as a spatial variable in order to show the effects of residential land price of an area on the residential land price of other areas. Furthermore, we combined cross sectional data and time series data to estimate our model. The data gathered from areas of Isfahan and the period of estimation is from 1377 to 1385. The results show that commercial land price, tax on building permits and tax on high rise building have statistically significant effects on residential land prices and among these, commercial land prices have the greatest effects on residential land prices. In second rank, tax on high rise building has the most effect on raising residential land prices.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This article aims to analyze industries of Khorasan provinces rankly in years 1374, 1378 and 1382. Factor analysis and numerical taxonomy methods have been used to achieve this goal. Furthermore some indexes including indexes related to workshops, employment, performance, energy consumption and exports of different industrial sections have been selected and ranked according to ISIC three-digit codes for years 1374, 1378 and 1382. The obtained results show that only a few numbers of the industries could keep their position in the three above mentioned years. It was also found that the industries which were considered as the first priority were not the same in the three mentioned years and it is shown that they are shifting to chemical, electrical and rubber industries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this investigation, first the equation of food demand was estimated using an almost ideal demand system (AIDS) and Iranian cross sectional survey of income expenditure in 1384. Because of the cross sectional form of the data, the prices have calculated as marginal or unit values. Then with applying the elasticities of food categories, nutrient elasticities have extracted using Lancaster technology of consumption. These elasticities are useful to analysis the effects of aid policy on food demand and nutrient consumption respectively, and show the effects of the change in one food category price or food expenditure on the availability of each nutrient. In this article, as regard as demand equation is blocked-recursive simultaneous system, and zero value are existed as dependent variable, we use seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) and tobit model.In another section, effects on demographic variables on food prices are examined. These variables are: age, education, region, urban or rural and Percapita income. Results have shown more food expenditure causes more food quality of food consumption and education, household size and other demographic variables are often effective on the quality of food.

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The Concentration of firms in an industry is of the interest of economists, business, strategist, and government agencies. The concentration ratio is the percent of the market share owned by the largest few firms in an industry. In this research the 5-firm concentration ratio is estimated using the lognormal model by 2002 statistics and its comparison with that of 1994; corresponding to 2-digit ISIC industrial code, in terms of employment. The results indicate that the concentration ratio in all industries except the industry of Radio, Television and Communications have reduced in 2002 relative to that of in 1994. In these years, the Fabric metal (but machineries and instruments) production, Non-metal mineral products, Textiles, Furniture and Other unclassified products have been the most competitive industries, respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1387

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Government fiscal disequillibrium are not due to a particular reason which can find a special solution for them. There are several issues which influence on the government fiscal disequilibrium, For example, government weaknesses in earning the government predicted incomes, leads to budget deficit. In this paper we argue about the effects of government fiscal disequillibrium on the private sector investment in machinery and building over the period of 1338-1380. In this regard, we focus on the budget deficit which is because of misallignment between revenues and expenditures of government. Therefore, we study this issue because generally in the majority of developing countries like Iran, governments face with budget deficit as a problem. In this study, we used two stage least square (2SLS) that is a type of simultaneous equation systems which is designed according to structural economical specifications of Iran. We find that increasing of government budget deficit will reduce the private investment in machinery sector and will raise the private investment in building sector.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1118

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