Nutlet micromorphology of 14 taxa of Scutellaria of subgenera Scutellaria (sects. Scutellaria and Anaspis) and Apeltanthus (sect. Lupulinaria) in Iran was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Nutlet surface sculpturing varies prominently among species within two subgenera and this is mostly congruent with the latest subgenric classification of the genus. However some differences were observed among species in some sections. Five nutlet types were identified: Type I, papillate with sessile glands among the papillae (subgenus Scutellaria sect. Scutellaria: Sc. galericulata). Type II. papillate, papillae circular with concave apex. (subgenus Scutellaria section Scutellaria: Sc. tournefortii). Type III. Nutlet surface papillate, papillae with obtuse to acute apex, more or less finger like (subgenus Scutellaria, section Anaspis: Scutellaria ariana). Type IV, nutlet surface with flattened or apical depressed papillae, with adpressed and patent hairs partially covering the surface, concentrated near the papillae apices. (subgenus Scutellaria: Sc. condensata subsp. condensata and subsp pycnotricha and Sc. velenovskyi subsp. subsimilis). Type V, surface densely hairy with stellate or long simple hairs (sect. Lupulinaria: Sc. araxensis, Sc. farsistanica, Sc. litwinowii, Sc. luteo-coerulea, Sc. multicaulis, Sc. pinnatifida, Sc. platystegia, Sc. theobromina and Sc. tomentosa.).