Poetry is the secret language of the heart and people have sensitive emotions.Poetry is a kind of alchemy in the spectrum of thought with a language having similes, metaphors, allegory, allusion, anagram, paradox, exaggeration, alliteration, homonyms and several other figures of speech, which together become the factor of beautifying it.By the help of the language a poet impresses and conveys his emotions to others.He selects the words from his word store case and arranges them in such a way that particular music occurs. It is obvious that the arrangement of these words creates music in poetry and harmony occurs between the words and the music.The allegorical and metaphorical meaning beautify poetry and makes it alluring. Harmony of words and music in all the Diwans have brought astonishing undulation whether an ode composed in the praise of Sultan Mahmood or whether composed in his mourn.The elegy for Mahmood Ghaznavi is a master piece composed by Farrukhi in Persian which is pictured in a gloomy atmosphere and is one of the most beautiful ode, where the innovative poet has sincerely shown his grief and sorrow for Mahmood. The poetic foresight of Farrukhi bringing harmony between the poetic meter and the contents clearly shows his expertise in music. He while using different meters selected the musical terms and has brought them in his poetry such as: bang (call,cry), zar (loud), surood (song), sama’ (ecstasy), shehnaz (kind of iranian music), ushaq (kind of Iranian music), nawa (melody), and by using the names of various musical instruments such as arghanun (kind of an organ,spinet), barbat (lute), rabab (viol), zakhme (plectrum), zeer (high pitched), ghanoon (an old stringed instrument). He has also brought the names of the musicians of Mahmood’s court such as Bu Amr, Bu Nasr, and the names of the musicians who lived before him like Sargab, Sarkhash hame, and all other encyclopaedic. Information which has been given in his poetry shows his knowledge of music.Farrukhi is such a capable poet who with the magnanimity of a virtuous poet criticises the government in his poetry. To soften the hearts of the rulers this innovative poet has used unusual meters believing that harshness could only be removed by using such coarse meters. But in vain, the stone hearts of the lauded rulers did not turn soft. Such an innovation is less found in Persian poetry. The ode composed by Farrukhi for Amir Yousuf is a witness to what is said.The intermixing of felicitation and condolence was accustomed before Farrukhi but no one can compete him in his literary skill. By using different Persian meters this rhetorician has left the other contemporary poets far behind and has shown excellent mastery in poetry. He has very nicely merged eloquence and music in poetry and in this way he has inspired the expert poet Sadi Shirazi to select short meters with a variety of topics.It can therefore be said that Farrukhi is the master to merge the contents with music.