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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Aims: The main necessity of planning for dental health promotion and preventive training intervention is the continuous monitoring. The current study has been designed for evaluation of dental hygiene condition of a sample of 12 year old students in Isfahan.Materials and Methods: this cross-sectional study included 300 students with the age of 12 who were chosen by cluster sampling. A dentist gathered the information via examination and then the diagnosis of dental decay and dental hygiene condition (based on the suggested method by WHO) and calculation of DMFT and OHI-s indexes in the students were performed.Results: 132 individuals (44%) of 300 students were girls. Average of DMFT and OHI-s among students was 4.016±2.376 and 1.284±0.465 respectively. There was no significant difference of DMFT between girls and boys (P=0.891).The OHI-s was significantly higher in boys than girls (P=0.028). The levels of good and intermediate conditions of OHI-s based on the OHI-s classification were determined in 45.4% and 54.6% of girls and 33.9% and 66.1% of the boys respectively. (P=0.028) Conclusion: Dental and oral hygiene condition of Isfahanian students is at the intermediate level. These results are representative of a serious requirement for planning and programming to survive of intact, filled and decayed teeth. Also training intervention with focus on psychiatric and socioeconomic condition of individuals is suggested for oral and dental health promotion of students.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aims: A dentist should be has a good primary background in diagnosis of growing children malocclusion and how they are created; Natural agents of growth should be recognized so that it can be detected abnormal factors early. Because of the prevention of any disease is an essential and consider to it, can reduce the much cost and time to meet the treatment needs in future, it is required the existence of a basic information series that it can indicate the discussed problem and its etiologic factors in achieving the desired objects - that it is the provide a context for proper planning of prevention. The main purpose of this study is a survey of malocclusion frequency epidemiology in primary teeth system, in the 3-5 years old children of Qazvin in 1390.Materials and Methods: In this study population Included 400 children 3-5 years, boys and girls in Qazvin kindergartens in 1389-90, that each selected person was considered as a statistical unit. First proposal was prepared and after approval, permission of examination for kindergarten children in ages 5-3 years old was received from the State Welfare Organization of Qazvin city. All examinations has been done in appropriate light and on the class chair in children sitting position by a general dentist under the supervision of a specialist in pediatric dentistry and findings were recorded in the pre-prepared form.Results: The frequency of occlusion status in second primary molar was as follows: FTP Malocclusion, 5/49%, MS malocclusion, 34/5%, and DS malocclusion 16%. The rate of frequency for anterior - posterior relationship of canines in studied population was: People who were the CLI, 77/8%, people who were CLII, 6/21%, and People who were C 1 lI was %0/6.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (14)
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Background and Aims: fluoride is used as an anticaries agent in dentistry and Dental fluorosis is one of the side effects of chronic exposure to fluoride.The aim of this study was to determine prevalence of dental fluorosis among 12 to 15 years – old students in Mahmood Abad city.Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional study 504 Students of 12-15 years in the city of Mahmud abad of ghazvin form were sampled randomly. Inspection of teeth was done in the form of direct observation and regarding to WHO recommendation, Dean Index was used for classification fluorosis severity in our study. In order to accessing the data, variance and regression analysis also t & x2 tests have been used.Results: 464 (92.1 percent) students of 504 students had dental fluorosis (246 girls and 218 boys). In this study: there was no significant relationship between fluorosis prevalence and gender (P=0.202), but there was significant relationship with age (P=0.005). The prevalence of fluorosis varied in different teeth, so that the prevalence of fluorosis in Second molars, premolars and canines was higher than first molars, central and lateral tha was statistically significant. (p value=0.005) Conclusion: Regard to the results of this study, It is recommended that dentists don't use therapeutic fluoride in their treatment plan, because it can be contributed to increasing fluorosis severity in this region.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (14)
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Background & Aim: Microbial plaque is an important factor in occurrence of oral and dental disease and prevention of plaque formation is important. Use of toothpastes with antimicrobial effects is prominent. Sodium lauryl sulfate is one of the anti microbial agents used in toothpastes. That was claimed to be effective in prevention of plaque formation.Due to controversies about SLS effectiveness and in order to failures of previous studies, especially in the field of pediatric dentistry, the aim of this study was to compare the effect of two Iranian toothpaste (darugar/ kam) with a standard foreign toothpaste (Colgate) on plaque control.Materials and Methods: This clinical randomized double blind cross over study was done on 48 cases of 6-7 year old female pediatric patients. It was performed in 4 stages by use of 4 chemical products (water, Kam, Darugar and Colgate). Initial plaque levels were determined using disclosing tablet, then turns to zero by standard procedure.The patients were followed regularly and plaque indices were registered after 96 hour tooth brushing with products as the only form of oral hygiene, plaque indices were measured and recorded again. Nor the samples neither the examiners were aware of toothpastes type and groups. Data were analyzed using Repeated Measure ANOVAs test.Result: Plaque index was reduced after using Darugar and Colgate toothpastes (p.value: o.008), that was significant.But after using Kam toothpaste and water, plaque index do not have any significant changes.(p.value: o.252) The amount of plaque reduction using Darugar toothpaste was little more than Colgate, but it was not statistically significant.Conclusion: Darugar and Colgate toothpastes were effective in plaque control. Darugar showed more reduction in plaque index, but the difference was not significant. After using Kam and water, the plaque indices did not show significant changes, so it seems that Darugar and Colgate toothpastes are more effective for plaque control.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (14)
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Background and Aims: Avulsion is one of the complicated cases of dental trauma that contains 16% of dental trauma in the children at the aged 7-11 years old. In the case of lack of on time treatment, patient will face mantel problems. One of common causes of dental trauma is sport activities and physical education teachers are the first people facing children at the moment of incidents and have the opportunity to put back the Avulsed tooth in the socket. They should be aware of dental traumas and their treatment. Regard to the lack of knowledge in these teachers about tooth Avulsion, we decided to survive the man masters of martial arts in Tehran.Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive analytic research. We divided Tehran into four parts. This survey is done in 18 stadium located in region 3, 6, 7, 15.112 masteres answered to our questionnaires. All trainers were asked individual question through interview. The questionnaire included 16 questions. There were 7 questions about personal information in the first section which had no points. There were 9 questions about knowledge of dental trauma emergencies in the second section. The effect of each effecting factor in the questionnaire we used the linear regression method and spa version 11.5 software.Results: Among 112 people, 26 people (22.4%) had good knowledge, 59 (52.6%) average knowledge and 27 (25%) weak knowledge. There is a significance relation between knowledge and working experience (P. value=0.001) and educational level (P. value=0.001)Conclusion: Most of the masters had weak knowledge about replanting the Avulsed tooth and suitable media for keeping it. conclusion shows that to promote the knowledge of the martial art masters, training courses in the field of dental trauma emergencies and first aid is necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (14)
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Background and Aim: Minimal training of dental student increases the problems of disabled. The objective of the present study was to investigate knowledge of oral health promotion for disabled children, satisfaction from the course of “oral health promotion for disabled” and importance of embedding the related course among senior dental students at Tehran University of Medical Sciences.Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional study, was asked the students to fill in a self-administered questionnaire regarding their age, gender, knowledge, satisfaction with training received in oral health promotion for disabled and importance of embedding the related course. Data were analyzed using SPSS version16 by linear regression model.Results: The mean percentage of knowledge scores was 62.3% (range 32.1 % to 92.8 %). Among the students, 1.7% was completely satisfied with related theoretical course and 5% with practical course.Satisfactions from theoretical and practical courses were not associated with the age and gender of students.Linear regression model showed those students with higher knowledge score to mention higher importance for embedding the course “oral health promotion for disabled” in their curriculum.Conclusion: The students’ knowledge of oral health promotion toward disabled children was rarely poor. General dissatisfaction of dental students from the courses, showed necessity to enrich dental school curriculum on this subject.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (14)
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Background and Aim: Aphtous lesions are painful ulcers on the unattached mucous membrane and causes some disorders such as limitation in eating ¸speaking and swelling.The aim of this study was evaluation of the prevalence of Aphtous lesions and relating factors on high schools girls of districts 2, 3, 6, 9, 10 in Tehran.Materials and Methods: this study was done as sectional- descriptive one. A total of 412 female students of high school districts 2, 3, 6, 9, 10 of Tehran have been studied as samples. A questionnaire was completed regarding the spread of RAS (Recurrent Aphtous Stomatitis) and, place of calamity, period of recurrence and relating factors reported by students. Data was analyzed by ordinal regression, mann Whitney, correlation coefficient Spearman in spss.Results: Prevalence of RAS was 51/21%. Recurrent period was between 3-6 months (32.3%) in 145 Patients and lesser than 3 months in others. The lesions were most spread in cheek mucous, vestibule buccal and labial (32/7%). The results of questionnaire showed that some food stuffs increased the calamity such as walnut¸ melon¸ kiwi, but this finding was not statistically significant.There was significant correlation between psychological disorders (stress and depression & anxiety) and RAS (p<0.0001), and between iron deficiency anemia and RAS (p=0.0001).Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, prevalence of aphthous ulcers is 51/21 and some food stuffs intensify these lesions and depression effects on recurrence of them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (14)
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Background and aim: Dental trauma injuries are public health concerns. Dental trauma affect daily living activities and quality of life. The purpose of this cross sectional study was to seeking effects of dental trauma injuries of eating, tooth hrushing, talking, social interaction, playing, schooling, sleep, smiling, showing the tooth, embarrassing.Materials and Methods: A total of 120 pupils were included in this investigation. This population consisted of 80 children with a history of dental trauma within the past 3 months and 40 children without such history.Children were recruited from neighboring schools in the city of Isfahan, Iran. Cases were subjected to a full oral health examination including: History of Dental Trauma, DMFT, demographic characteristics, occlusion, oral hygiene (WHO Criteria). Pupils were interviewed also through the Persian version of Child-OIDP on visual analogue scale (VAS). Collected data was then subjected to statistical analysis using SPSS 11.5 software.Analysis of the data was further checked using t-test, ANOVA, X2, post hoc Turkey’s test.Results: The mean frequency of dental trauma in this population was 1.21±0.91 for those with recent history of trauma. The severity of trauma impact was reported at 1.025 0.74 for tis group too. The mean of the frequencies and severity of impacts on those with no history of recent trauma were 0.60±0.50 and 0.59±0.47 respectively. The differences of OIDP were significant in two groups (P=0.001, 0.000). The means OIDP was bigger in avulsion, complex crown fracture, simple crown fracture, subluxation, enamel cracks respectively (p=0.02).Conclusion: The rate of damaged teeth is different in both groups with those who had a history to present a higher chance of repeated trauma. The highest frequency and severity of OIPD score was attributed to avulsion and complicated crown fractures.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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