Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of celebrities’ attractiveness on the effectiveness of advertisements, considering the factors influencing the attractiveness of the celebrities. Method: this research is practical research and in case of its method it is a descriptive survey. Research’ s data are collected using random sampling. In this research researchers’ questionnaire consisting of 17 questions is used and it’ s contextually and structurally valid with a high Chronbach cooefficient of 0. 91. In order to analyze data and testing the hypotheses of the research, structural equation modeling in LISREL is employed. Finding: Findings of research indicate that each of these variables, honesty and trustworthiness, familiarity, popularity, and credibility have a positive meaningful effect on celebrities’ attractiveness. In addition, there is a positive meaningful relationship between celebrities’ attractiveness and the effectiveness of addiction prevention advertisements. Results: Using the celebrities in prevalentative advertising of addiction is effective.