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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aims: Leukemia as the most common childhood cancer, not only for children, has created a serious challenge for the whole family, especially parents, it could change their quality of life. This study aimed to examine quality of life of parents of children with leukemia and related factors.Material and Methods: This was a descriptive study in 2012 on parents of 200 children with leukemia referred to the hospital affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences, selected by consecutive sampling. Data were collected using the Caregiver Quality of Life Index Cancer Persian (CQOLC-P) and demographic questionnaires of parents and children with 1 to 15 years old. Outcomes analyzed using descriptive statistics (independent ttest, ANOVA and linear regression) in SPSS- PC version 16.Results: The results showed that the mean of quality of life of subjects is less than 50% of total score of quality of life. Furthermore, there was significant relationship between gender, incomejob status and quality of life (p£0.05).Discussion and Conclusion: According to the finding, inappropriate quality of life of parents of children with leukemia, education of parent about way of care of child and recognizing their problem for specific guidance for dealing and coping with the situation are essential.

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Background and Aim: Chronic renal disease is highly associated with reduced quality of life and nurses are responsible for promotion of the quality of life of these patients and lead them to a balanced life by appropriate interventions. This study was aimed to determine the effect of food diet training on the quality of life of nondialysis patients with chronic renal disease.Material and Methods: It was a quasi-experimental before-after nonequivalent comparative group study. Eighty chronic renal disease patients with Glomerular Filtration Rate of 15-60 ml/min/1.73 m2, were recruited and assigned by purposive sampling either to control or experimental groups (n=40). The experimental group received food diet training package and the control group received only usual care. Before and after 12 weeks, patients were evaluated by Kidney Disease Quality of Life_iranian_Final_ver1.3 questionnaire. The data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics (t-test and chi square) using SPSS-PC (v.16).Results: After 12 weeks significant differences were found in the physical and mental components of the general dimension and overall quality of life between the two groups (P<0.05). There were also significant differences in the specific dimension of quality of life including signs and symptoms, effects of disease, limitations associated with illness, satisfaction and total health between the two groups (P<0.05).Discussion and Conclusion: Increasing the awareness of non- dialysis chronic renal disease patients using this method would improve their quality of life.

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Background and Aim: Marital life as one of the most important influential factors affecting family performance is influenced by numerous factors that would be different for employed women. Accordingly the aim of this study is to determine the predicators of marital satisfaction based on variables of work-family conflict, familywok conflict, work-family conflict self- efficacy and family-work conflict self- efficacy in married female nurses working in educational hospitals affiliated to Jundishapor University of Medical Sciences during 2012.Material and Methods: It was a descriptive-correlational study. Two hundred and forty married female nurses were selected by randomized stratified sampling among eight educational hospitals affiliated to Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences. Data was collected by Work-Family Conflict, Family- Wok Conflict, Work-Family Conflict Self- Efficacy, Family-Work Conflict Self- Efficacy, Marital Satisfaction scales and analyzed using Pearson correlation and regression analysis using SPSS-PC (v.16).Results: There were significant negative correlations between work-family conflict and family-work conflict with marital satisfaction (P<0.001). There were also significant positive correlation between work-family conflict self- efficacy and family-work conflict self-efficacy with marital satisfaction (P<0.001). The results of regression analysis showed that family-wok conflict and work-family conflicts self-efficacy are the predictors of marital satisfaction.Discussion and Conclusion: According to the findings, nurses are suggested to avoid letting job problems to interfere with their family responsibilities because this will reduce their job satisfaction, family life and their health. They are advised to make balance between the identities of their dual roles by bargaining between them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and aims: The Intrauterine contraceptive device is one of the safe, effective, longtime, and reversible and globally used contraceptive methods. The purpose of this research was to identify the factors associated with discontinuation of intrauterine contraceptive device among women referred to Sananda. health centers.Material and Methods: In this descriptive- analytical study 5 centers were selected among the health centers of Sanandaj using cluster sapling method. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect the data related to the women who discontinued using intrauterine contraceptives device during one year. Data was analyzed by chi-square test using SPSS-PC (v.16).Results: The findings revealed that 166 women had removed their IUDs during the study. The most common reason for discontinuation of IUD was the complications (59.04%) of the device and other reasons were desire for pregnancy, concern about its complications, spontaneous expulsion, invisibility of the thread, expired date of use, pregnancy, menopause, husband death, divorce and vasectomy. The most common complications were bleeding (38.77%), infection (28.57%), dysmenorrhea (19.39%) and spotting (17.27%).Conclusion: Having at least three children has been recommended in the country. However, regarding the findings of this study whenever more pregnancies are contraindicated, other kinds of IUD such as Progestasert should be available in health centers to offer woman with excessive bleeding.

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Background and Aim: The use of computers has become mandatory for doing every kind of work in recent years, and fewer professionals can be found on which to perform the functions without computers. One of the most common complaints of computer users is ocular problems. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of ocular symptoms in computer users in one of Abadan oil companies.Material and Methods: It was a cross-sectional study which was performed on 199 computer users. Simple randomization was used to recruit the sample. The data was collected using demographic sheet and eye fatigue and workplace ergonomics questionnaire and was analyzed by descriptive statistics and Chi-square test using SPSS-PC (v.19) Results: The sample consisted of 78 females and 121 males. Their age ranged between 30 to 40 years and their use of computers ranged between 21 to 40 hours a week. Frequent eye complaints of the users included, dim display (44.2%), dizziness when looking at the monitor (41.2%), tears and tearing eyes while working with the monitor (38.7%), burning eyes, (38.2%) and feel eye dryness 38.2% respectively. There was significant relationships between the ocular complaints and age (P-value=0.014), the number of hours of working with computers (P-value=0.004), the position of chair (P-value=0.03), working conditions (P-value=0.001) and the position of monitors (P-value=0.02).Conclusions: The results of this study revealed the high frequency of ocular symptoms in computer users and the impact of non-ergonomic conditions on the occurrence of these complaints and represented the necessity of modification of ergonomic conditions.

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Background and Aims: Quality of life of patients with cancer is not determined only with the disease and its treatment but it depends on other medical, psychological and social conditions. Death anxiety and psychological disorders can affect the quality of life for this group of patients. The aim of this study was to determine death anxiety and its relationship with quality of life in women with cancer admitted to Kosar Hospital of Qazvin city in 2013.Material and Methods: It was a cross-sectional study that was carried out among 276 women with cancer. Data was collected by questionnaire. It included three parts: demographic characteristics, Templer Death Anxiety Scale and the McGill Quality of Life Scale. Data analysis was performed by descriptive and inferential statistics (Kolmogorov - Smirnov, Spearman correlation test, linear regression) using SPSS-PC (v.20).Results: The median of death anxiety score and the mean score of quality of life were 48 (IQR: 8) and 103.07±25.11 respectively. There was a significant relationship between death anxiety and quality of life (rs=-0.35).Also there was significant correlation between death anxiety and psychological quality of life (rs=-0.38), age (rs=-0.13) and frequency of praying (rs=-0.14). Multivariate linear regression showed that death anxiety, social support and education level are predictive factors of the quality of life in women with cancer.Conclusion: Developing a comprehensive care program for patients with cancer regarding the factors affecting their quality of life would be possible. Reducing death anxiety, increased social support and improved level of education can improve the quality of life of women with cancer.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: While in many instances, mechanical ventilation discontinuation is assessed subjectively by a number of parameters; protocols would provide safe and effective discontinuation. This study aimed to determine the effect of discontinuation protocol on the duration of mechanical ventilation among patients hospitalized in intensive care units (ICUs) of Al Zahra hospital in Esfahan city.Materials and Methods: It was a randomized clinical trial. Fifty patients who had been connected to mechanical ventilators for more than 48 hours were assigned to either experimental (n=25) or control (n=25) group by minimization. The experimental group was weaned by a special protocol by trained nurses and the control group was weaned as usual. Data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics (t-test, chi-square, Fisher's exact and Mann-Whitney) using SPSS-PC (v.17).Results: The findings showed that the mean duration of mechanical ventilation in experimental group is significantly lower than the control group (p=0.03). The mean length of stay in intensive care unit of patients in the experimental group was significantly lower than the control group (p=0.006). There were also a significant deference between unsuccessful extubaion in experimental and control groups (p=0.01).Conclusions: The results showed that using a structured guideline and weaning tool shortens the length of mechanical ventilation and length of stay in ICUs and also reduces unsuccessful extubation comparing routine methods.

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Background and Aims: Quality of services and products has always attracted people. Synergy model provides a unified framework to describe nursing job, peer review functionality, quality of performance improvement and the care pathway. This study aimed to determine the intensive care unit nurses’ quality of performance in Shiraz and Jahrom according to Synergy model.Material and Methods: It was a descriptive study. The nurses working in ICUs were recruited by census (n=364) in 2012. The checklist of quality performance was constructed according to Synergy model concepts and was completed by nurses. Total performance score and the scores of different dimensions were calculated. Data was analyzed by chi-square test; t-test and Wilcoxon test using SPSS-PC (v.16).Results: The results show that the nurses have expressed their best performance in the areas of collaboration (99.1±6.02) and caring practice (97.92±3.6); and their lowest performance in the areas of clinical inquiry (81.98±4.7) and response to diversity (85.98±3.8). Also additional findings revealed that there were statistically significant differences between Shiraz and Jahrom nurses’ performance in the areas of clinical judgment, collaboration, system thinking, response to diversity, and learning facilitation and overall performance (p value<0.05).Conclusion: Regarding the capabilities of Synergy Model in determining the required standards to empower ICU nurses, it can improve the quality of health care team performance, especially nurses and thus improve the care outcomes, prognosis and satisfaction of patients in ICUs.

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