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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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    3 (پیاپی 23)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (پیاپی 23)
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In the past, the conflicts and struggles between states used to take place on land, and there was less conflict over marine regions. However, the perception of national interests, power and security has been transformed by the fact that seas have achieved a double function. At the beginning of the 21st century, the state of the United Arab Emirates announced that it will have constructed 325 artificial islands in the Persian Gulf waters by the next ten years. This article has set out to study this subject by addressing the question of “From the viewpoint of the geopolitics of seas as well as a futurologist’s perspective, what consequences will the UAE’s attempt to construct artificial islands on the shores of the Persian Gulf have for the Islamic Republic of Iran?” The results of this study reveal that considering the importance of Iran’s national interests and authority as a country that has the most population and shores, constructing artificial islands by the UAE in a wider scale, which has actually no counterpart in the world, will prolong the process of determining the maritime boundaries between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United Arab Emirates, and will give grounds to the UAE’s claim over Abu Musa Island owned by Iran, all of which will in turn deteriorate Iran-UAE relations. Finally, due to the importance of the Persian Gulf, the construction of artificial islands will increase the presence of trans-regional powers specially the United States of America in the Persian Gulf, and increase their interference in the Arab states in the region.

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    3 (23)
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Many researchers believe that economic and social poverty among rural households that are real manifestations of malnutrition, illiteracy, unemployment, lack of suitable level of health, improper quality of substructures, and unsafe residence is the result of applying the centralism policies in developing countries. It seems that rural poverty in most of the developing countries has a close relationship with official, financial and political centralism and applying these kinds of policies will amplify the requirements in the rural areas. The policy that has been damned to failure and resulted in the formation of a new subject called decentralization has become an accelerated method for rural development. Along these two recent decades, the subject of promoting the political management levels of geographical spaces in the form of formation of new province has been the indication of applying the decentralization policies, applying policies that have been has different economical, social and physical effects especially in rural residence levels. So, researchers are trying not only to explain the role of changing the political space management levels. In the  form of formation of new provinces  in the process of applying  the  anti – decentralization policies in the Qazvin but also to answer this crucial question that what a development effects does this strategy have has in the economical ,social and physical dimensions in rural areas of Qazvin? So the researchers with use of economical, social and physical explanations in the of Likert spectrum and with applying the retrospective panel design based on outlook assessment in the two periods before and after Qazvin become province with use of Cochran formula and random classification method among 450 households that   live in rural centres and in 45 villages form  5 county of Qazvin province, understand that the procedure of rural areas changes in all the economical ,social and physical fields with centralization of framework dimension form sample  society point of view has been positive and has been accompanied by decrease of negative elements. Although the formation of new provinces hasn’t been in the form giving the power and authority in the form of local governments and we just faced with official and financial decentralism in the province level, so it seems that the present movement is a fundamental step in decrease of government presence in the local levels and could provide positive and meaningful effects in rural areas.

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    3 (23)
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Baltic sea amongst   half closed and closed seas of classification, which is located in Northern Europe. This sea, in contemporary, specially twentieth century with has been special important strategic & geopolitic area. During the Cold War and bipolar, it is one of  major access roads of the Soviet to open sea world and  also is a strategic northern front line number modular contact the NATO and Warsaw . Geostrategists believe in 21st century will be the operational stage arctic and the Baltic will organize one of the branch important to the scene. Dispersion energy resources to the world show an important part of the world's oil and gas reserves in Russia is located .Russia's recent energy crisis export to Europe and It’s depended this country for export of energy to the region, Russia understand the geoeconomic  role and importance of the Baltic sea economic. On the other hand, the only marine way to access the border maritime world trade routes, many coastal states unique to the sea. This article meantime review answer the question that end of the Cold War and the transformation arise from what had impact on region importance to predict the future trend changes is analyzed. Purpose of this research methodology (descriptive - analytical) is used.  The result shows at least three factors cause continuing and increasing importance of regional Baltic area has been made.1- Baltic Sea the most economical and convenient way to export energy to Europe and other regions of Russia are the world.2- The study satellite photos of ice represents Russia in the decade 2040 North Coast because of ice retreat during the year will be navigable. In such circumstances the Baltic Sea as one of arctic branches in geo strategic of Russia as a major regional role and importance more than ever before will appear.3- Baltic Sea only access path countries such as, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Sweden and is one of the main access routes to Russia and Germany to open sea.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (23)
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Emergence of man-made and natural hazards in Global-local scale has been accompanied with changing in security discourses, directions and political- security issues. The end of the cold war was a new beginning in realm at security area that it is based on interactions among political Units. Given to increasing destructive role of human at biosphere and its political-social amplifications, many researchers have focused this area. It seems that unpleasant social and political ramification, emerging from environmental degradation, global warming and climate change have sustainable consequences in individuals, societies livelihood, sustainable security all over the biosphere, especially in developing countries. In this case, geographical sciences traditionally have studied spatial outcomes of ecological human-environment interactions and greatly analyzed its security dimensions in critical geopolitics framework. Therefore only State is not at the core of political geography but human security beyond political borders in term of biosphere is important.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (23)
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This article, is studying the geo-economics parameters of Shanghai Cooperation Organization Economy (SCO) and its permanent and observer member countries variables of this organization and its place in the world economy according to the latest statistical data. This article at the first step is going to clarify the comparative studies of key parameters influencing geo economy and their abilities and talents in creating regional economic convergence. Summarize the article suggests that:1- SCO merely is not a military - security alliance, and gradually the economic agenda will consider as its priorities. The organization at the present situation has six permanent members and four members are observers. With full membership of this organization in the future, Iran will be the first time that is going to join in a non-economic (respectively military - security) organization. The areas of the  Member States (the main and observer members both) of SCO approximately  is equal by 37 million square kilometers, equivalent to or more than 28 percent of Earth's surface and its members from point of geographical view in fact they are both natural trade partners to each other. The organization with 2.9 billion population, has 43.62 percent of the world population, and from this point stands as the first regional actor in the world.2- In this realm the two economic giants of Asia (India an China) are strengthening as the powers that are affecting both the region and the world, but they do not have enough energy resources and compelled a large part of the energy used for growing their economies from the outside world to import. In this treaty the two major oil-producing giants (Iran and Russia) have rich deposits of gas and petroleum also. Thus the three factors mentioned, energy resources (oil and gas), manufacturing products (industrial and agriculture) and consumption markets (significant population) there are in the region. Large population of the region itself is the main local market for agricultural and industrial products of the region.3- But in the regional treaty, there are several negative points. Shanghai treaty member countries in addition separatism movements, is faced with current drug trafficking, arms and human smuggling, Taliban Islamism, are common threats that can work together. Future threats could damage the framework of common cooperation of members countries are including the hostilities between China and India between one side and India and Pakistan is the other side. Algebraic sum game they can play is zero. Hence the covenant with two powerful and populous members could collapse if the negative balance, and if the balance becomes positive influence.4- Primarily regional organizations in the international arena without a high security factor failed to be successful. Three powers of this important treaty (China, India and Russia) are Muslim countries, thus they are with different religious and cultural perspectives, the traditional Muslim countries (Iran and Pakistan) have gathered together to work in the framework of Islamic values. It is too early to be able to continue working on the final decision issued in Shanghai, but these countries wills that they decided and want to come together to work in a regional organization, is a step forward. If we know that the SCO in the 1990’s played a positive role to eliminate military threats and fight against radical Islam, and formed for solving boundary disputes(remaining from the Cold War between China and the Soviet Union), expectations of economic cooperation development is not out of expectation. However, the future world and regional cooperation organization in the world could be successfully considered in SCO too.

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    3 (23)
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Great Powers had limited presence in the Caspian Regions at the era of former Soviet Union. The Soviet Union’s sovereignty embraced Northern, Eastern and Western Regions of the Caspian Region. Iran had its sovereignty over the southern region of the Caspian Sea. Iran was under the influence of the United States until the Islamic Revolution. But thereafter, the influence of United States ceased and with respect to the Islamic Republic’s Policies, no country could have its presence as a predominant influential power at this region. Therefore, in the years prior to disintegration of the Soviet Union, due to sovereignty of the Soviet Union on a vast part of the Caspian Region and due to United States’ reluctance to encounter the Soviet Union, and also recognition of the super powers’ spheres of influence, the great powers played a stabilizing role at the Caspian Sea Region; but after the collapse of the former Soviet Union, numerous powers made their presence at the region. Existence of several powers has provided the ground for many competitions and challenges at the region. In such a situation, Great Powers play as instability factors in the region. The aim of this article is to define such change of roles of the Great Powers after the collapse of the Soviet Union and occurrence of geopolitical developments at the Caspian Sea Region. To this end, meanwhile introducing influential powers at the Caspian Sea Region and investigating their goals and interests in the years prior to and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, we have compared their roles and the effects of such roles. Through this investigation, we have tried to deal with the great powers’ different roles and effects during the two aforesaid eras. The result of this investigation is that although the intervention and intrusive system at the Caspian Sea in the years prior to disintegration of the Soviet Union had a stabilizing role in the region, after the years of the collapse of the Soviet Union this system has changed its role to an intrusive system that plays as an instability factor in the region.

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    3 (23)
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Of the most influential factors in the incidence of social deviance, environmental features and facilities place where crime is occurring. User forms and distribute them between the occurrence of various crimes in the city has a considerable impact on the other hand unbalanced distribution of land in the city because the population distribution and inharmonious activities and this will reduce the social regulations and increasing insecurity and the occurrence effective crime. The paper type and amount of urban land use in shaping spatial patterns of crime has been studied. Method according to research topic, questions and hypotheses proposed a combination of descriptive statistics, comparative and analytical. In analyzing the data and statistical analysis in GIS and graphic software office / Excel is used. For statistical analysis and graphics software and plug-Arc GIS .9.3 (Case) and Crime Analysis plug-in is used in Arc View environment. The study population as all the numbers (without the use of sampling techniques) from the police and criminal cases related to administrative units of the Greater Tehran police commander on 1/1/1387 till 30/11/1387(21/03/2008 till 19/02/2009) has been extracted. Thus the present study collection of crime statistics community committed drug trafficking and abuse that study period within the central business district of Tehran have occurred. Results show reviews the most important problems of the central business district of Tehran and the lack of proper implementation of the principles of urban land use planning regulations and lack of a balanced distribution of user in this part of the city. This and other issues of physical, social, in this part of the city of Tehran has been caused, in some particular land uses business and service event land uses crime is much more than the other. High population densities and activities as well as crowd during the day in some specific user and their adjacent roads caused the formation of focal focus is crime in these places. Research results indicate measures because empowering physical construction and organization of land use patterns along the central part of optimal management activities central business district of Tehran and reduce bottlenecks and problems in the total physical, social, economic impact of this significant decrease in crime is the central business district of Tehran.

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    3 (23)
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A political system dominated on a country to have a better manage on its affairs, needs an administrative division of political spaces, and putting a governer with special powers on these units. The First experience administrative division of political space, backs to Achaemenid period (330-550 BC). In this period, Darius the Great, organized the spatial structure of the country into twenty satrapies and appointed a satrap from the central government on the rule of satrapies. Achaemenid political governance method was Federation and Conquered areas with having their autonomy, were submissive of central government. One of conquered area was Asia Minor (Modern Turkey) that some of Achaemenid satrapies were located there. The purpose of this study is reviewing aspects of Achaemenid federal rule in Asia Minors satrapies and how to classify them according to Achaemenid administration policy.

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