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The term of the "Heurtland" wxpressecl by the prominent British geographer, sir Helford Mackinder in his lecture entitled "Geographical Pirot of History" Presented to the Royal Geogrophical society on January.* From view point of mackinder, the heaktlancl of pirot area, had been situated bet ween Volga kivel , Himalayas mountains, eastern Siberia and Arctic, which had the strong political (function; sothat its control could be culminated in superiority on the world. The writer of this note believes, that the political function of the places and spaces is not fixed and permanent, on the contrary the power of this function can be changed time by time and place to place. The writer of this note believes that the political Function of the places and spaces is not fixed and place to place. The term of the Hearland can be conceptualized to the strong Political role of the place and geographical space with a global impact, sothat such place or space can influence on the global politics or global political processes.

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In many cases, resources, facilities and instruments used to project a strategy are adjusted to well known geopolitical factors in terms of issue and proof. Some of these factors are strategic and geostrategic situation; others are economic, political, military, social, and cultural conditions or natural and physical phases of the land such as shape and extent. There are other communicational, sea and coastal situations. The type and size of natural resources and quality and quantity of human resources, and cultural and historical elements are also important geopolitical factors. Defense strategy planners usually pay attention to the role of geopolitical factors although there is no evidence of scientific consideration and systematic effects of these factors in codification of defense strategy. In order to provide a theoretical model for defense strategies based on geopolitical factors, this paper maintains that the effective factors and the relationship between these factors and defense strategy should first be identified. Then the expression of the type, manner and the effects of proposed factors in planning defense strategy should be taking into consideration. In this article, a model for determining the scope of effectiveness of these factors along with the methods in which these factors engaged in codification of defense strategy have been provided.

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The Energy Strategic Ellipse Geoffrey Kemp, (1997), has a particular status in the field of political geography. This viewpoint indicates that recent discovery of fossil resources in the Caspian Sea, has had political-security aims when ever other experts consider it as one of the secret targets of the US in Greater Middle East Initiative, with the object of gaining possession of the new resources. The main question in this research is whether or not one can utilize this viewpoint for the time being. In other words, has the discovery of the new resources in the Caspian Sea basin been the past predictions come true in recent years? Also has the US been able to acquire its economic aims of the energy resources in this region? This article targets to represent a clear portrait of the process of vicissitude in the discovery of the new energy resources in this area, which is the origin of many political-security changes. This research has been carried out by using analytic-descriptive method, basined on the newest published statistics of the authorized centers and institutions about the amount of the energy resources in the Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf, compiled in the last decade. The result of the investigation illuminates that there is considerable difference between the preliminary performed estimates and the amount of the present established resources. As a result, in accordance with this viewpoint it is wrong to replace Caspian Sea Basin with Persian Gulf Basin. Also the so-called Energy Strategic Ellipse does not imply with the realities of the region, at least in the present circumstances.

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Globalization has attracted lots of attentions in the academia in the last few decades. Many people and many disciplines have sought to define its characteristics as well as its consequences. One major feature of globalization, it is argued, is that it has reduced the importance of territoriality and borders in politics. Thus, globalization as de-territorialization stands in opposite to geopolitics. However, both globalization and geopolitics have shaped states' behavior and foreign relations. This article sets to examine which of globalization or geopolitics has had major impact on the American foreign policy in the Middle East particularly after 9/11. Our main thesis is that the United States' foreign policy in the Middle East since the event in September 11, 2001, has been basically shaped by its geopolitical interests but under discuss of globalization.

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Early in the 1990s. The world was faced with a new and unusual of incidence, known a collapse of the soviet union, that occurred not because of interference of any foreign power, but simply on the basis of ruptures in the inter political, social, military and cultural structure of the union at the same time changing the bipolarity and balance of power to lake of polarity and fluidity in international relation. Under the circumstance every one of the great powers, having in mind. Their own interest tried assume responsibility abilities of the disappeared power they filling the vacancy created by its abs sense. The desire for superiority confided. The clash of interest and the resulting anarchy created irregularities such as American invasion of Iraq on the exclude of the liberating Kuwait-occupied by Iraq the September 2001, etc. Consequently, the study of the results of the breakdown of the eastern black and the geopolitical development, of the 1990, s, particularly their impact, in the middle east, remain the main point of interest in the minds of treachery, of the middle east problems. The present article having in mind the studying the effect of the development upon interests of the Iran in the area put forth th following theory:1- After collapse of the Soviet Union the geopolitical frontiers of the us. Has reached the geopolitical frontiers of Russian. 2- The spatial expansion of America has resulted in physical siege of Iran, thus increasing its security expenditures.In the opinion of the author, in order to reduce the security cost it is advisable to consider adoption of alliance and collation policies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Borders are spatial phenomena that define geographic boundaries of political entities or legal jurisdictions, such as governments and states. And thus under certain regulations prevent illegal transferred goods, animals or people. One of the important aspects of the international borders is the role and functions of different boundaries and more important than that is the knowledge of knowing various factors affecting them. Experts design different roles and functions for borders such as consolidation, struggle, communication, delimitation, separation, formation of political economies.It seems that based on a new approach and a general attitude one can divide the most important border functions into two groups namely defensive-security and communication-commercial .On the other hand, geopolitical factors of different nature affect the role and function of the borders, including the cases can be as pointed out: among these one can name The political system of neighboring countries one two sides of the border, economic and social status of the border residents relative position of the country the type of strategic control over the region, kind of attitude and behavior of the states towards the border, reserves and natural resources in the border region. This article has tried to analyze the effectiveness geopolitical factors on the role and function of the International boundaries in relation to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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