The threats and risks that countries regularly encounter with, depending on their intensity and scale, are so capable of challenging the local, national and international spaces. Sometimes, human-made and natural threats in the geographical space create settings that hinder the state functions. Inequality in distributing opportunities has caused a regional imbalance in Iran. This regional imbalance has had great impact on the human resources relationships and as a consequence, has made many different kinds of threat resources. In addition, the natural environment of Iran is also under threat so that in various occasions, this creates challenges in local and national levels. In this research, the threats are divided based on two factors: human-made and natural factors. The threats based on the former includes: population, ethnic and religious variables, political challenges, economic imbalances and so on. On the other hand, the natural threats include flood, earthquake, draught, climate changes, avalanches, and so on.Using statistical data obtained from GIS, the types of threat sources were examined and analyzed. The results promoted, embody a wide variety of threats that should be considered in any political management. Using a descriptive-analytical approach and different library resources, and analysis of statistical data extracted from designed maps, the current research tries to make a typology of various threat sources in order to help politically manage the space in Iran.