Political organization system of the country, executed in the form of sub national entities, is considered as one of the most important and essential parts of the official system. This tern means the regionalization of geographical areas, or identification of homogenous natural, social and economical regions and then organizing them in political units to exert the political control. Political- official units therefore, have political functions, in addition to their economical, social and official functions.Political system and its form, official system, geographical space, emotional and political links between human and place, social relations network, together with the population and its geographical distribution influence the process of determining sub national entities. For a long time, the way of taking taxes, defending the boundaries against the possible attacks of foreign powers, ethnical and cultural problems, and martial considerations for further states control over the Khans and provinces have been effective factors on the political configuration of the space. In Fars province, some factors such as the great area, privation of the southern regions, as well as the cultural, religious and ethnical differences, and competitions over the places have also affected the formation of sub national entities. Based on these facts, the present study seeks an answer to the question which factors influence the elevation of levels of the sub national entities. This study employs the analytical - descriptive research method using documentation and literature review.