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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Natural gas, having less polluting effects on environment as well as easier accessibility and transferability, has been enjoying the highest demand growth among the fossil fuels for the last few years. The world's largest gas reserves are located in Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea regions and the countries of South and East Asia are considered the largest markets for the consumption of gas coming from the regions. There are alternate routes to transport the gas from Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. One of the options is the transport of natural gas from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan and Pakistan to India.This paper seeks to answer the question that "what are the Background, challenges and the obstacles of Turkmenistan-to-India Pipeline Project known as TAPI? The findings of the research show that there are many factors involved in the pipeline project implementation and there are also many challenges and problems within the project construction and transport processes. Such problems, if not solved properly, will surely interfere with the construction and transport processes.

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Metropolitan areas are One of the most important emerging phenomena in the past few decades, which have presented the different patterns of urbanization, settlement, city scale Estimates indicate that the current problems in the region Tehran metropolitan, especially in the area of Islamshahr city of Robat Karim, such as unplanned and rapid development of population centers, the concentration of groups of low-income and poors, intensified separation of social groups, lack of economic and social diversity, absence of coherence and internal dynamics, increasing poverty, informal settlements, informal occupation, political - security problems, lack of infrastructure and, most importantly, the absence public participation in all aspects of the operation, in one hand and future prospects of the erea, on the other hand shows that using community-driven developments as an approach is important and necessary in order to rescue from the existing challenges and impasses and improving the quality of citizens life. Community-based development is an approach which can be a suitable solution for this issue. Community-based development is a process and a means of promoting participation and democratic governance which is applicable in various governance and socioeconomic fields. and implementation of its effectiveness amount in Tehran metropolitan, especially Islamshahr area – Robat Karim. The type of research is based on the Practical purpose, studying method and research nature. Moreover, bothe quantitative and qualitative data will be included. The main finding of this paper is on the basis of achieving social stability in Tehran metropolitan and its areas by considering and applying the community-driven development approach, not only, in serious policies and mechanisms used for reducing poverty and improving living standards, but also, in preventive policies for prevention of disorder production and distribution and naccessary attention to development approach and public participation as well.

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Settlement village in stature Bom enverment first human biology, especially in developing countries due to economic, social and political trends in these countries, poverty, inequality and lack of development have been met. In this context, efforts to eliminate disparities in rural and double. requires a broad understanding of the situation of the rural population is the development of these centers. The research discribe analytical method based on field data, we identify documental, to measure the degree of development of rural areas with district Rustem county has two steps. Measurement data using human development indicators and indicators of doing is centered. This research has analyzed 17 index and variables of economical, Infrastructural, Educational, and healthy levels of rural development. Health Educational and services has been done. The results show that: the villages studied in terms of enjoyment and development of a very low level, which is the migration of many rural areas to cities. The only other towns and villages Dehno high gain coefficient of rank very low. In terms of education and health village located in a more favorable conditions. In terms of employment and economic indicators as well as all the villages are underdeveloped and Impossibility. The indices indicate rank unself half studied rural development, which requires integrated planning in order to create balance and prepare the ground for the development of these centers is the settlement.

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In recent years, the interaction of land use change with soil erosion has become a major environmental concern and has a dramatic impact on soil erosion and sediment yield. In this research the impact of land use and vegetation on erosion forms and sediment production of the basin vers in Qazvin province was investigated using MPSIAC erosion model by Geographical Information System (GIS). The different forms of erosion (Surface, Rill, gully, bank, Stream) can be seen as moderate to severe in vers watershed. Amount of sediment for the whole of watershed was 7.1 ton per hectare per year and the amount erosion was 7.04 tons per hectare per year. Dry land farming with 2.14 (metric tons per hectare per year) has the greatest impact on erosion and sediment yield. In pasture (type 3) and dry farming have very high sediment yield and indicated the improper use of land. Sediment produced on pasture (Type 1) Less than a garden land use that reflects the positive impact of proper pasture vegetation in reducing the amount of erosion and deposition.

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Evaporation is one of the climatic variables that predict significant role in the planning of water. Due to the relatively high rainfall in areas of West Iran, awareness of the evaporation rate of water in these areas is essential for proper management. The factors influencing rate of evaporation, which are climatic signals according to their role in predicting enables evaporation. Evaporation prediction was performed using artificial neural network model based on climatic signals. the data of evaporation at three synoptic stations and the most important climate signals whit at least 20 years of monthly analysis using NeuroSolution software. The results show that the most Important signals affecting the evaporation areas include; Nina3, Nina1, Sw monsoon, Mei and Nina4.Comparison of observed data with a high correlation between the ANN output data shows. So that the correlation of the Kermanshah station is 71%, Hamedan 82% and Sanandaj 80%.The output data of the neural network and climatic signals, can accurately predict the top 97% of the areas evaporation.

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Drought is creeping phenomenon, which affects and threatening human life. Drought in a period of unusually dry weather that lack enough water to cause hydrological imbalance faces define. Drought is studied in four main characteristics include intensity, duration, frequency and areal extent. The aim of this study is mapping the intensity of droughts in Kashan. For this purpose, the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) as an indicator for drought monitoring stations located in the plains of the period of 20 years (1390-1369) in the time scale 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 and 48 months were used. The most frequent drought in 24 months and the most comprehensive range of acute and severe drought in the plains. SPI values for the severe drought in the province timescales for geostatistics techniques and were classified image. The maps show the extent of the drought and the reduced by increasing the time scale drought in the plains of the West to the East increased.

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Many cities of Iran are faced with Geomorphological constrains in Physical development trend. Gorgan city is located in the northern region of the country and it cannot be extended widely, because it is confront with physical constraints of urban development like appropriate agricultural land, forests, rivers and hills on the margin of town. The purpose of this study is identifying effective variables of urban Physical development and presenting the model which locates future development of Gorgan with minimal damage to the natural environment. The results show that current status of Gorgan is restricted to the forest through South and other part by agricultural lands. For the physical development has two selection: 1- Urban development is possible with more building density to urban buildings.2- Suburban development in areas that are suitable for physical development of Gorgan. Therefore, the best places for future of Gorgan development are part of the east and west of Gorgan.

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