Metropolitan areas are One of the most important emerging phenomena in the past few decades, which have presented the different patterns of urbanization, settlement, city scale Estimates indicate that the current problems in the region Tehran metropolitan, especially in the area of Islamshahr city of Robat Karim, such as unplanned and rapid development of population centers, the concentration of groups of low-income and poors, intensified separation of social groups, lack of economic and social diversity, absence of coherence and internal dynamics, increasing poverty, informal settlements, informal occupation, political - security problems, lack of infrastructure and, most importantly, the absence public participation in all aspects of the operation, in one hand and future prospects of the erea, on the other hand shows that using community-driven developments as an approach is important and necessary in order to rescue from the existing challenges and impasses and improving the quality of citizens life. Community-based development is an approach which can be a suitable solution for this issue. Community-based development is a process and a means of promoting participation and democratic governance which is applicable in various governance and socioeconomic fields. and implementation of its effectiveness amount in Tehran metropolitan, especially Islamshahr area – Robat Karim. The type of research is based on the Practical purpose, studying method and research nature. Moreover, bothe quantitative and qualitative data will be included. The main finding of this paper is on the basis of achieving social stability in Tehran metropolitan and its areas by considering and applying the community-driven development approach, not only, in serious policies and mechanisms used for reducing poverty and improving living standards, but also, in preventive policies for prevention of disorder production and distribution and naccessary attention to development approach and public participation as well.