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Erosion is phenomenon that causes wasting of many water and soil resources and destructing natural resources. Landslide is one of the most common natural phenomena that changes the earth's surface and, in addition to water erosion, produces sediments in the watersheds, is nowadays considered as one of the natural disasters and it causes many damages and compensation every year. These include waste of water resources and the destruction of natural resources. In this study, the purpose is landslide mapping. Landslide can be the main source for sediment supply (Data duration 2006 to 2016). The region was Chelgerd watershed. For landslide hazard mapping, information layers including slope, elevation lithology, land use, distance to road, distance to stream, distance to fault and to springs as effective parameters of landslide have been recognized and digitized using ILWIS. After fuzzy standardizing of constraints and factors by methods fuzzy and Boolean weighing factors using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was incorporated. Final phase, landslide hazard zonation map was prepared. Results show that 49 percent of studied land are high and very high-risk zones located. In this study, the most landslides occur in 500 meters from road and 400 meters from Stream with dip ranging from 15 to 50 percent at the elevation of 2600 meters moreover, agricultural lands and gardens within Khankat and Neyriz formation contain the most landslides. Since the possibility of landslide in the vicinity of roads and Stream, with medium dip is very high. It is necessary to be considered in managing of the area.

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According to the basic principles of sustainable human development, accommodating the basic needs of citizens is an important and essential topic. Providing housing for various social classes is one of the most important necessities. Today, housing is one of the most acute problems in developing countries so that domestic migration, problems relating to the supply of land, lack of adequate resources, poor economic management, lack of comprehensive housing planning, and other housing shortcomings in the country's economic infrastructure, on the one hand, and the rapid increase in urban population, on the other hand, have made housing a complex and multi-dimensional problems in such countries. Homeownership is an important topic due to its importance in citizens` social and psychological aspects. Considering sustainable development, this article aims to assess homeownership in four municipal districts in Saman, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, Iran. A descriptive-analytical study was performed. In terms of the objective, the study is applied. Vikor Decision-Making Model was employed for the analysis. AHP1 was used to weight indicators. Findings indicate that the levels of quality are as follow concerning the housing ownership in four districts: District 1 (0. 710), relatively poor; District 2 (0. 406), medium; District 3(0. 847), poor, District 4 (0. 130), optimal.

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Catalyst projects are one of the most recent approaches to urban regeneration literature in the world and in Iran. In this research, using descriptive-analytical methodو attempting to use the scientific and practical research in selected cities of the world (England, the Netherlands and Iran) and in order to achieve the purpose of the article, the success factors of the implementation of the mentioned projects are expressed. for achiving this goal, five examples of implementation of development Catalyst project from selected countries were selected. In process using the ANP method in Super decision software, a pairwise comparison of the criteria, sub-criteria and options was performed and, finally, after obtaining the weights associated with them, It is concluded that at the level of criteria, the most important factors in the success of the projects are reliance on social and economic criteria. But in more detail, such as environmental improvement (environmental criteria), public space (social criteria), economic actors, branding and improvement of housing (economic criteria), public services, attention to context and fabric and, ultimately, land use (physical criteria) One of the most important factors is the optimal implementation in Catalyst project.

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Increasing problems of the modern world and growth of population have led to a meaningful increase in the speed of constructions to meet the demands of the population. This, in one hand, has caused excessive consumption of fossil fuels, environmental pollution, losing a large amount of natural resources and on the other hand has led to marginalization of the psychological, cultural, social and local needs of the people in the constructions. Thus, sustainable construction programs have been given a high priority in the development policies of industrialized countries. Developing countries, such as Iran, have shown interest in pursuing these policies to address different types of their cultural, social, and environmental issues. The positive economic outcomes of controlling such issues and minimizing their effects resulted in establishment of sustainable certification programs, such as LEED in the United States and BREEAM in the UK. Considering Iran’ s situation in excessive consumption of fossil fuels along with high speed of construction, in this paper, initially, two successful world class systems of LEED and BREEAM for issuing sustainability certifications were studied. Then, by considering the identity, culture and other factors affecting the social relations of the people of Iran and also by considering the needs, shortcomings, necessities and potential of Iran in the field of energy, criteria’ s for establishing a sustainable evaluation system for green building certification in Iran is suggeste.

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In the present era, one of the most important challenges in the city of Tehran is the issue of privacy and its management, so that the changes in the utilization of the new city centers, especially in the southern and western parts of Tehran, are very fragile and confusedIn the present study, we consider the capacity of the institutions involved in the sustainable development and development of District 19 on the basis of the capacity of institutions, the capacity of institutions integrated, the capacity of knowledge of institutions and appropriate legal arrangements. The type of research is based on the purpose of exploratory and descriptive-analytical method. For statistical analysis, the descriptive findings of the frequency and mean of percentages are used. In the inferential part, one-sample T and Friedman tests have been used. The results show that none of the potentials of the mentioned components are in a desirable and high level. The average rating also indicates that the integrated capacity of institutions has the highest average of these components with a value of 3. 15.

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Economic development is one of the major approaches of countries to the border regions. These countries need to compensate for backwardness, escape from political, economic and cultural poverty, and to achieve a balanced and comprehensive development that can improve the lives of inhabitants of the border regions. Proper understanding and optimal planning at the national and regional levels. Economic and security development in the border regions has a reciprocal effect, so that any action in the development research process There is a direct impact on security. Thus, regions with high development indicators have higher security coefficients than non-developed regions. Hence, the authors use a descriptive analytical method and use library studies and field studies to analyze the components Economic development on the sustainable security of the Boralan border region to Sardasht seeks to answer this question: What are the effective components of economic development on the sustainable security of the Boralan border region to Sardasht? The findings of the research, which have been obtained using the spss software, indicate that the components of the expansion of border markets, the increase of border residents' income, corruption, rents and administrative bureaucracy and the ways of coping with it, the use of young people and education The increase in the level of prosperity, the reduction of economic inequality and the attraction of domestic and foreign investment have been more effective than other components on the sustainable security of the border region.

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The world’ s political map has under gone many changes since 1648 when, under the Treaty of Westphalia, great European powers officially recognized each state’ s sovereignty over its own territory. In the twenty-first century, geopolitical thoughts and developments will be centered around ethnicities and nationalities, as we are already witnessing the growth of independence-seeking movements in separatist regions of different geopolitical areas. The present study aimed to investigate and propose an operational model for the factors influencing the independence of separatist regions and its impact on self-awareness and the rise of separatist movements. The present research was a descriptive-analytical survey in which the data were collected through desk and field studies and then were analyzed using path analysis in LISREL. The results showed that political 80/48, military-security 78/34, and territorial factors 74/62, geo-economics 60/07, geopolitics 55/12, geoculture 50/76, and hydro-politics 47/38, respectively, had the most significant relationship with the independence of separatist regions. There was also a significant relationship between the independence of such regions and self-awareness and the rise of separatist movements. The results of model fit indices, indicated that the proposed model was well fitted with the sample data and was closely related to theoretical assumptions.

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One of the important issues of defense against air and ground attacks is to protect the lives of troops and reduce casualties, have proper medical facilities and adequate hospitals in places where inappropriate defense principles and location considerations are taken into considerationThe present study was conducted as a descriptive-analytic barometric applied research and used by military experts to optimize the location of hospitals by using one of the multi-criteria decision making methods (FUZZYAHP) in the GIS. The end of the research indicated that susceptible places for the establishment of field hospitals in the Nasrabad area were identified. In this research, criteria such as elevation, gradient, access to roads, land cover, distance from the position of forces and artillery enemy style, visibility, access to suitable helicopter landing sites and distance from the waterways are considered. Then the weighting criteria were performed based on the experts' opinions and the zoning plan of the appropriate places for the construction of the hospital was prepared. The results of the locating show that about 95 hectares of land in the region, which accounts for approximately 5percent of the total area, is the most suitable area for the deployment of these units according to the criteria considered.

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