Watershed hydrologic response is viewed as a function of rainfall characteristics, geomorphology and soil physical properties .In this research a Gamma type geomorpho-climatic instantaneous unit hydrograph method with special emphasis to path types is presented as a physically based technique for modeling of watershed runoff. The proposed approach is an out-growth of the research on geomorphological instantaneous unit hydrograph (GIUH), geomorpho-climatic instantaneous unit hydrograph (GcIUH) and also the effect of path type on distributed runoff generation (Jin's model).Emameh, a representative watershed in northern LR. Iran, is selected for actual evaluation of the proposed methodology. The ensuing results showed the applicability of the proposed method to simulation of flood hydrographs. However, due to not-synchronized rainfall and runoff records, there was a low prediction for time to peaks of some events. The hypothesis of constant velocity was considered and it was shown that velocity is not constant neither in time nor in space. It was clearly shown that in contrast to high sensitivity of GIUH to mean velocity changes, such sensitivity is remarkably alleviated. Green-Ampt infiltration theory is used for a more proper treatment of soil physical behavior, ie., more realistic separation of excess rainfall values. Therefore, the proposed method brings out a chance for a better determination of flood events. Suitability of the proposed method was evaluated for application to ungaged watersheds. The results are within a 25% variation of the observed values, and so to some extent promising. However, in order to improve the capability of the method to be applied to ungaged watershed, additional research for information utilization is required.