In most places heavy metals exits to environment as environmental pollutants in different physical and chemical forms. One of the objectives of this research has been finding a solution to purity this kind of industrial run-offs. The research was initiated by screening lead-absorbing bacterium from among other microorganisms, and, finally, a particular bacterial strain, with demonstrated a maximum capacity for absorbing lead was chosen, identified, and enhancing the conditions of its absorption was carried out. From the outset, selection and collection of samples were made from the industrial and manufacturing centers the major part of whose wastes consisted of lead. Altogether, this research has two phases of screening. Selecting strains resistant to high lead density and screening selected strains, based on absorption capability. After the initial stage of screening, about 35 different bacterial strains resistant to lead were identified, which consisted of a particular strain of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It should be mentioned that all these strains were capable of resisting a 5mM concentration of lead in a cultural environment, containing this metal. For achieving the goal in the second phase, a particular method (Pumpel et al.,1995) was employed. By proximating H2S to the colony, it became evident that in lead-contaminated regions, the interaction between H2S and lead would create the black sediment of PbS and consequently, a thin and transparent layer occurs around those colonies capable of absorbing lead. The 8 strains with typical metal absorption haloes were selected and their biomasses were proximated with the metal solution. At last, the amount of the metal in the supernatant measured with the help of atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Thus, the sample that shows the maximum reduction in percentage of lead concentration in supernatant represents the maximum absorption of the metal by the related bacterium. In this strain, bioaccumulation was more than biosorption.