Independent random variables Y1, . . . , Yn belongs to the proportional reversed hazard rate (PRHR) model with proportionality parameters l1, ..., ln, if Yk ~ Glk (x), for k = 1, ..., n, where G is an absolutely continuous distribution function. In this paper we compare the smallest order statistics, the sample ranges and the ratios of the smallest and largest order statistics of two sets of independent random variables belonging to PRHR model, in the sense of (reversed) hazard rate order, likelihood ratio order and dispersive order, when the variables in one set have proportionality parameters l1, ..., ln and the variables in the other set are independent and identically distributed with common parameter `l=Snk =1 lk/n. We also compare the relative degree of dependence between the smallest and the largest order statistics of these samples whit respect to the monotone regression dependence order.