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We can assume that the factors, which affect the presence of Western theories about the Orient in general and about the Arab world in particular, begun in ancient history since the Scriptures as well as the Crusades, and in the modern history through the writings of Orientalists who visited Arab countries and observed and discussed their cultures. This study has been conducted in the light of cultural theories, in which the perception among Westerners on the Arab character was built on the basis of pride and arrogance. It has been done by using existing resources from many libraries, as well as by revision and monitoring of many animated series and movies. The data and information was gathered, discussed and criticized according to the analytical and critical researching methods. The result of this study shows that the Representation Phenomena of the Westerners about Arabs and the Arab characteristic is just a Media phenomenon in which the Westerners portrayed Arab populations as they are “the others”, in order to find their own identity and Western culture. Therefore, the picture of Arabs in the cultural and artistic products especially in the animated series and movies presents them as people who are not civilized and ignorant and they are terrorists who pose a threat to the world. As a result, the visual arts especially the animated series in the Western media, try to impose the Western culture and spread the beliefs and Western theories among children and adults all over the world to find a western lifestyle in general.

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This research intends to study the social and political state of the wandering space in the north of Tehran based upon studying its present power relations. Accordingly, the exerted power on wandering space was divided into two kinds: cultural power and class based power relations. In addition, according to main presupposition of this research which is perpetual presence of resistance against power, and for obtaining a better knowledge from social and political state of the wandering space, we tried to figure a map of power-resistance relations in this space. For this reason, we selected Iranzamin Street in Qods Township as main field and, besides that, Africa (Jordan) Street and Saadatabad Street as additional fields of the research. The samples (persons) from whom we gathered data was typified based upon their situation in the power relation of our research field. Generally, we can call the method of this research as a qualitative circular/additive method. In the part of data analysis, according to the views about wandering space, we recognized three types among interviewees who were linked to the spaces: indifferent persons, opponents, and agreeable persons. Explanation of the views of these three types about wandering space is not possibly based upon economical states. Furthermore, the users of space were divided to five types and were explained by their affinities of economic status, cultural capital, and reaction against the exerted power on the space. As a result, the wandering space is a hardly problematic space with a very complex power- resistance relation and, therefore, explanation of its social and political status is impossible by simplistic, reductionist, polar, and clichés analysis.

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Street Music is an urban phenomenon. In this regard, to understand it’s meaning as a social interaction, it is necessary to study it’s music producers correlation to the city as a context for social production. In Tehran, with a mixed cultural structure, a new type of street music has formed which is different from it’s precedents. In this newly formed street music, apart from being an urban phenomenon, in the modern sense, it is also a kind of street art, which is unique and requires technical skills. It should be taken into consideration that the transitional relation of this newly formed street music, which in this paper we will refer to as Recent Type, with it’s precedent type, requires further study. This article, which starts with defining conditions of existence of Recent Type and ends with reflexive analysis of collected data through life story, is an attempt to find an answer for this question that “is there any correlation between the Recent Type’s street music and that of Precedent Type’s?” In other words, is Recent Type’s street music a transition from Precedent Type? The results of this research show that, there are deep and fundamental differences between these two types; Attempts at individualization, audience and music centered performances, professional music experiences and showing resistance to pity and contempt in Recent Type, are all examples of the fundamental differences between these two types of street music in Tehran.

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Happiness produces motivate and mobility in the life of the youth. Also it can play an accelerating role on the process of society’s development. Thus, with the regard of importance of happiness in the life of young people, this study aims to examine relationships of cultural capital and its dimensions with happiness. Using a combined theoretical framework by focusing on Bourdieu’s theories. Survey is our research method. Data was collected through questionnaires distributed among 380 people residing in Babolsar city who were selected through random sampling. Findings based on Pierson tests; show that there is a direct correlation between independent variable of cultural capital and its dimensions with youth' happiness. Among the dimensions, the most influenced variable on happiness is Objectified cultural capital and the lest is Institutionalized cultural capital. Demographic variables such gender, age and marital status have no correlation with happiness and among them only education and social-economic status have significant relationship with dependent variables. Findings on multiple regression technique show that objectified cultural capital, education and social_ economic status account for 11 percent of happiness variance in population.

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Assemblies including UNESCO, which is because of the importance of the “dialogue in media”. Here, the researcher’s problem is to study and explain the basics and elements of dialogue journalism and its situation in Iran’s Media. The Conceptual framework of this research is based on Lev Vygotsky’s concept of the “Zone of Proximal Development” combined with Mikhail Bakhtin's “dialogism”, Jurgen Habermas's “communicative action” and the “public sphere” theories and Jan Servaes's “Participatory Communication”. Designing “the pattern of cultural development in the media zone of proximal development”, here the researchers have defined characteristics and requirements of dialogue journalism. The method of research in this study has been “in-depth interview with experts” which finally included 21 people who were dialogue experts, professors of communication and journalists and by the purposive sampling they have been chosen to be interviewed. The findings of this study display that dialogue journalism is based on the recent news-values like being “Solution oriented”, “Process oriented”, “Truth oriented” and “People oriented”, yet the classic values have been considered as well. Indeed, a combination of professional journalism with new genres like citizen, networked and activist journalism is much more coherent with nature of the dialogue journalism. Moreover, the research has come to the point that this kind of journalism has not yet achieved its appropriate position and function in Iran, but it is possible to promote it through increasing the media literacy of the public besides general and professional education about dialogue journalism’s accessories and functions and finally providing an operational doctrine for dialogue journalism.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The knowledge of "jurisprudence in law" is on the eve of transition of its first era of epistemology; it means the metamorphoses of juridical philosophy. Second era of evolution of jurisprudence of epistemology could be expected in interdisciplinary arena including field of jurisprudence, news and information. The juridical management of information process has the more impressive functional status in national and religious authority. in the essay, processing phases of the pattern, paradigm principles, law system, principles of juridical management have been explained by progressive methodology and feed backing of progress and both inductive and inference logics in particular, more effort has been expend to explain the second phase. it is understood that obtain juridical law system, source, audiences and practitioners in news and information field of juridical law system phase, which is based on outlined paradigm principles that have been formed in first phase and is a basis for the principles of juridical management of news and information, in process of produce, distribute and utilization of news is one of necessity for achieving juridical pattern of news and information. Analytic headlines are: laws about the content of news, laws of source of news, laws of audience and laws of practitioner in news fields. Idea of velayat-faqih (guardianship of jurisconsult) is come from velayate-fiqh (jurisprudence guardianship) (the knowledge in management of changing processes), and guardianship of jurisprudence depends on deducing general law of all arena of personal and social development and life. Understanding the pillar of epistemology of Islamic republic theory and Islamic contemporary is based on guardianship of jurisprudence. Therefore, it has illustrated the status of jurisprudence of news and information and guardianship of jurisprudence in information management field and process of information.

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Citizenship is one of the most important political-Social ideas at Contemporary age. This concept is a reflection of expectations about rights and responsibilities in a special society which its members have toward each others, structures and society. Media is one of the most important tools of citizen rights. At the present age. And because of the influence and spreading Media which distribute the massage with variable subjects, different structures and wide geographical extent, it not only can play the role of informing people with different programs, but also it can provide a suitable bed to certain the rights and responsibilities of people. In this study, we are going to consider the relation of Media (Radio and television) to amount of knowledge about citizen rights by using of sociologists and commentators suggestions about Media such as " connection to Media theory by BalRokije & Difloor, Processor citizen theory by porto, satisfaction and informing theory by Gill and Radfar, Training theory by Gerbenner, relative action theory by Habermass…and the other citizen comments as: citizen tripartite rights by Marshal, Post modern citizen by Parsonez. we ve applied the measuring method in this research.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this article through critical view try to explain approach of Ahamad Ashraf and katouzian in relation with meta narrative of modernity and Representation of local history. Accordingly, Our purpose consist of describe and critique of discourse statements of modernity and tradition, which is done through. Components of "Representation of local history" and "Western meta-narratives of modernity" It is noteworthy that, this article in order to explain similarities and differences about modernity and local history according to view of Ahamad Ashraf and katouzian. We try to answer following question: "Is it just one impression of modernity? or we can discuss about Modernities or different way of modernity in conformity with history of society? " In this two approach discussion about tradition if rely upon native history of Iranian society? Or representation from society has been formed through framework of "comparative and contrastive" in "Resemblances" or "differences" with referral of western language of history.

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