The main objective of this research is to study the basic grounds in maritime industry including standards, laws and regulations, players, safety management system and usage of developed countries experiences for improvement of safety. These are classified in the following sections: First, the evolution trend of international laws and conventions, then the players and their interactions in safety issue, safety control structure, organizations that set the regulations are analyzed. In the next section, the experience of developed countries is discussed. In addition to studying the safety management systems, national strategic goals and approaches to safety management as examples for experiences of Canada, Australia and Newsland are examined. The final section of this article deals with the results of this study. In this section, while naming safety requirements and comparing the status of maritime safety in IR Iran with requirements of safety management system, the safety management systems which are based on TQM as a solution to safety improvement in this industry are studied. At last, a logical model for safety program is examined. The given model includes parts for compliance enforcement, education and awareness, program management and regulatory framework. These activity areas, which mirror marine safety's performance measurement framework, help facilitate the setting of goals and objectives for easy monitoring and measurement against clearly defined performance indicators. They also promote consistency in planning throughout the program.