One of the Quranic sciences was considered by scholars of this science is "Mojmal & Mobayan" in the Quran. Jalaluddin al-Suyuti in the chapter titled "Fi Mojmaleh wa Mobayaneh" of his book "al-Etgan fi Olum al-Quran" has enumerated the verses which he seems to have been "Ejmal”, as well as the various related meaning of the verses stated. He has enumerated the rhetorical devices such as "Eshterake lafzi", "Hazf", "Garabat", etc…and for instance articulates some verses. This article has attempted to investigate the "Asbabe Ejmal" on the verses has come in "al-Etgan fi Olum al-Quran", as well as "Hadith" at his another book "Al-dor Al-manthoor”. For this investigation different books of Quranic sciences plus "commentary Almizan" has been considered. It seems in most cases, Allamah Tabatabae, in his commentary Almizan, has removed the succinct (Ejmal) fore of the verses, According to the style (Siagh). Of course, the succinct verses (Ayate mojmal) based on Suyuti view point. Of course, Allamah Tabatabae comment did not have explicit and certain, just express certain aspects of the meaning has been into Consideration.