The purpose of this study is to introduce an application of fuzzy centroid-based approach to ranking the customer requirements using QFD with competition considerations for Diba Fiberglass, an Iranian Company. The illustrated approach, not only focuses on the normal fuzzy numbers, but also considers the non-normal fuzzy numbers to capture the true customer requirements. To this end, first, we provide a concise and operational description of the fuzzy centroid-based approach to ranking the customer requirements in QFD. Then, we focus on the first steps of house of quality (HOQ), which are essentially the customer inputs in QFD with fuzzy considerations including: customer direct ratings, fuzzy representation of customers’ assessments, company performance ratings, competitive priority ratings and final importance ratings. The QFD technique can help Diba Fiberglass Company to make the right decision, which will result in higher improvement. According to the 10 customers’ assessments of the relative performance of the three companies and seven WHATs, a customer comparison matrix is obtained.