The present study examined the relationship of global media, modern reflexivity and marital satisfaction of couples willing to have extramarital involvement. The theoretical framework of this research is based on an integration of Giddens theory of cultural globalization, reflexivity and the transformation of intimacy, and approach towards satisfaction and psychological theories of Azkmp and Yablvnsky.The inferred model included variables: the use of global media, modern reflexivity, and marital satisfaction as the variables that are suggested to show tendency to extramarital involvement in spouses.This research carried out using a multi-stage cluster sampling method, including 260 couples in Qorveh. The overall result of this study showed that consumption of media can set the stage to form the audience tendency to extramarital involvement; however, confronted people with these messages respond according to their psychological and social characteristics that is different responses and as a result affect them differently. Among the factors involved in the tendency to extramarital involvement, media consumption, modern reflexivity, marital satisfaction, gender, and mode of propose in marriage, have a significant relationship with extramarital involvement tendency.