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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی تاثیر درمان شناختی ـ رفتاری وسواس مادران بر کاهش افسردگی کودکان آن ها انجام شده است.به این منظور ابتدا به روش نمونه گیری تصادفی یکی از نواحی پنج گانه در استان اصفهان انتخاب و سپس به همین روش دو دبستان از این ناحیه برگزیده شدند به مادران 260 دانش آموز کلاس اول و دوم، پرسشنامه وسواس مادزلی و مقیاس سلامت روانی کودک انتاریو (جهت سنجش افسردگی کودک) داده شد.تحلیل نتایج در مرحله اول، همبستگی 0.49 و معناداری را در سطح0.01  بین وسواس مادر و اختلالات رفتاری کودک نشان داد. در مرحله دوم از میان کل آزمودنی ها 40 نفر از افرادی که بالاترین نمره را در سیاهه وسواس مادزلی کسب کرده بودند، انتخاب و مورد مصاحبه تشخیصی قرار گرفتند. از این افراد، 32 نفر که بر اساس ملاک های تشخیصی چهارمین ویرایش راهنمای تشخیصی و آمـاری اختلالات روانـی (DSMIV) واجد علایم وسواس، تشخیص داده شدند به طور تصادفی در دو گروه 16 نفری آزمایش و کنترل جایگزین گردیدند. نمرات اولیه آزمودنی ها در دو مقیاس نام برده، به عنوان نمره پیش آزمون در نظر گرفته شد. گروه آزمایش، در مدت یک ماه، 8 جلسه 90 دقیقه ای درمان شناختی ـ رفتاری گروهی شامل آرام سازی عضلانی، شناخت خطاهای منطقی، چالش با افکار، مواجهه و جلوگیری از پاسخ را دریافت نمود. بعد از پایان جلسات درمانی، پس آزمون بر روی دو گروه اجرا شد. یک ماه بعد از اجرای پس آزمون نیز آزمون پیگیری انجام گرفت. تحلیل کوواریانس نتایج نشان داد که علایم وسواس مادران گروه آزمایش نسبت به گروه کنترل در مراحل پس آزمون و پیگیری به طور معناداری کاهش یافته است (p<0.0001). افسردگی کـودکـان گروه آزمایش در مرحله پس آزمون تفـاوت معنـاداری نسبـت بـه گـروه کنتـرل نـداشـت p=0.118))؛ اما در مرحله پیگیری، نمرات گروه آزمایش کاهش معناداری نسبت به گروه کنترل نشان داد (p=0.012)

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The aim of the present study is pre-paring and investigating the reliability and validation of the family social support questionnaire in chronic pat-ients. In order to achieve the aim, a questionnaire was developed based on literature and existing questionnaires in the field of social support. 256 (125 male and 131 female) married cancer patients were selected by random clu-ster sampling method from Imam Khomeini Hospital.Applied methods were: Item analysis (discrimination coefficient, loop me-thod), content validity and construct validity (factor analysis) and relia-bility of factors and total score. In factor analysis 4 factors (Emotional support, informational support, sup-port seeking and instrumental support) were extracted. The reliability of the questionnaire was 0.97 Considering the results of this study, FSSQ has a good reliability and validity and factors can measure appropriately the family social support.

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The study aims on “ violence against women” during marital life from a sociological point of view.Assumptions are based on the per-spective of three theoretical views including Sources Theory, Learning Theory and Conflict theory.Contribute a better translatiThe study population includes aca-demic and non-academic staff of Azad University of Tehran in 1387-1388.Contribute a better translatiThe sample size consists of 533 ma-rried women, who were selected thr-ough the year multistage cluster sampling? The results show that var-iables such as woman decision making in important situations of life, women experience of observation violence in family of origine, men experience of violence in family of origine, women family support, women social-eco-nomic status, and social-economic status differences between men and women have significant relationship with violence. However, there was no significant relationship between men family support and social-economic status and violence. Final results show that in these three groups the most violence rate against women is among non-academic and the least is among staff. Also higher social-economic status of women compared with their husbands is related to higher rates violence against wives.

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Chronic diseases like Diabetes affect quality of life, family relations, marriage and sexual relations. Dia-betes Mellitus may afflict men and women equally, but the suffering associated with the disease when it appears in an adolescent girl will have disastrous impact on her life. The aim of the study was to explore Iranian diabetic adolescent girls' per-spective on marriage problems.A qualitative design using content analysis was applied including unstr-uctured interviews conducted on 28 adolescent girls, aged 13 to 18, with type I diabetes. The participants were recruited through purposeful sampling of " West Azerbaijan Diabetes Ass-ociation" members’ as well as some patients from Uremia city hospitals.Qualitative content analysis demonstr-ated three original categories related to marriage problems: 1- Ado-lescents attitude toward negative effects of diabetes 2-Social and fa-mily negative attitude toward diseases 3- psychological issues. Also it was shown that the cultural habits and attitudes can change, and the marriage problems among adolescent girls are decreased by developing coping strategies in adolescents and providing suitable interventions.

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Adolescents take risky behaviors from early through middle of the per-iod which significantly drops by the late adolescence. A random selected sample of 1204 students completed Risk-taking Scale measuring 7 risky behaviors such as violation, smoking, drug use, alcohol drinking, and sexual relations. In addition, School Con-nection Questionnaire and FACES-III were used.Results indicated that perceived fa-mily cohesion was correlated with decreased risky behaviors, and perc-eived family adaptability in boys was significantly associated with increased violence and substance use. Those adolescentswho perceived their par-ents as authoritative had a lower risk-taking and thosewho perceived their parents as neglectful or permissive were found to engage in risky behaviors more frequently. The adol-escents' perception of the parents demanding behaviors, as associated with authoritative style parenting, was found to be a strong predictor of the risky behaviors. Mother’ s high edu-cation and family economic well-being are significantly associated with permissive mother’ s parenting which may be associated with high risk behaviors increase.

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The present study investigates the causes and factors of university students suicide.A sample of university students who attempted swiced (n= 96) and non- suicidal ones (n=96) were selected. Information was collected using Fa-mily Performance Scale and Multid-imensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Data was analyzed using t-test.there was a significant difference between groups in eight subscales of Family Performance and in all subscales of Social Support. It was found that subscales of family cohesion, expressiveness, sociability and family idealization in suicidal attempted students was lower than non-suicidal attempted students. Also, Conflict, discord, intellectual/cultural orientations and enmeshment level in suicidal attempted students is higher than non- suicidal attempted students. Social support in different forms (family, friends, special person) revealed as a protective factor in suicidal behaviors

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of tran-sactional analysis training on mothers to improve their family function. A semi-experimental method was applied in this research. Statistical population consisted of all mothers of girl students in the state girl’ s high schools of the second district in Tehran. 50 mothers were selected through combination of cluster andrandom sampling methods, divided randomly into two groups of 25 members called experimental and control, which assigned into two control and experimental groups.Family assessment device (FAD) que-stionnaire, were filled at pre-test and post-test. The analysis of covariance test was carried out using SPSS software.The results of the research show that this method is effective for improving the family function of the mothers. It means, transactional analysis training improves their “ roles”, “ problem solving” and “ affective responsiveness” .

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The purpose of this study was to examine the efficacy of cognitive-beh-aviour therapy of maternal obsessive-compulsive symptom on their children depression.Therefore, one of the fifth educationalregions of Isfahan and two elementary school of this region were randomly selected.Then 260student’ s mothers in grade one and two were asked to complete Moudzly Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory (MOCI) and Ontario Child HealthScale (OCHS). The result of Pearson correlation showed a correlation of 0.49 between mother’ s obsession and her child depression. This correlation was significant at the level of 0.01 (2- tailed). In the second step 40 mothers with highest MOCI score wereinterviewed. As a result 32 mothers received the diagnosis of OCD. These subjects were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. The 8 cognitive-behaviour therapy sessions of 90 minutes addressing parenting styles, " perfectionism" a cause of anxiety, relaxation, logical errors, challenging thoughts, exposure and response prevention (E/RP) were conducted during one month on the experimental group. The control group received no intervention. The MOCI and OCHS scores were taken at pre-test and post-test. One month later they were followed-up using the same scales. The results of analysis of covariance showed that symptoms of maternal OCD in the experimental group was significantly reduced in comparison to the control group in post-test and follow-up phases (p< 0.0001). The mean score of childdepressiondidn' t decrease significantly in comparison to the control group at post-test (P=0.118), but it was decreased in the follow-up phase (P=0.012).

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The purpose of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of the short-term triple p-positive parenting program in modification of parenting styles of mothers of children with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).Four schools were randomly selected from schools of Nahavand city. 27 mothers whose children had received scores above of cut-off points on oppositional defiant disorder subtest of Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL) and their problems were also confirmed by the Teacher Report Form (TRF) were selected. Parenting styles questionnaire was administered to the mothers. A sum of 22 mothers that had ineffective parenting styles were randomly selected and allocoted to the experimental and control groups. Experimental group received Triple-p for 8 weekly sessions each lasted for two houres. Upon the completion of the training, the parenting style questionnaire was administered as a post-test to both groups of mothers. Data obtained from this study was analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U procedure. The results indicated that there is a significant difference be-tween the experimental and control groups after the training. The ex-perimental group reported a sign-ificant decrease in authoritarian and permissive parenting styles (p< 0/01) and significant increase in author-itative parenting style (p< 0/05).Parenting styles impacted the developpment of prolem behaviors in childrens with oppositional defiant dis-order. The results of this research suggest that the triple p-positive parenting program is helpful for modification of effectless parenting styles of mothers of childrens with oppositional defiant disorder.

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