The study aims on “ violence against women” during marital life from a sociological point of view.Assumptions are based on the per-spective of three theoretical views including Sources Theory, Learning Theory and Conflict theory.Contribute a better translatiThe study population includes aca-demic and non-academic staff of Azad University of Tehran in 1387-1388.Contribute a better translatiThe sample size consists of 533 ma-rried women, who were selected thr-ough the year multistage cluster sampling? The results show that var-iables such as woman decision making in important situations of life, women experience of observation violence in family of origine, men experience of violence in family of origine, women family support, women social-eco-nomic status, and social-economic status differences between men and women have significant relationship with violence. However, there was no significant relationship between men family support and social-economic status and violence. Final results show that in these three groups the most violence rate against women is among non-academic and the least is among staff. Also higher social-economic status of women compared with their husbands is related to higher rates violence against wives.