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Separation of property is defined as a principle of matrimonial regime such as, «Alimony» (Nafaqe), «Seal» (Mahriyeh) and «Quantum Meruit» (Ojrat al-Mesl), in Iranian family law. Matrimonial regime in family law is-beside some other especial factors- mainly dependent on the "separation of property regime". But the result of this regime is not perfect. It seems that these factors are unable to create financial equality between spouses which is the main character of modern family law.In order to improve the financial structure of families and accommodate it with modern family requirements, we should redefine matrimonial regimes, for that to be able to create economic equality between spouses. There fore, it is recommended that the legislature, inspired by experiences of other legal systems, starts to modify the regime of separation and prepare the choice of “community of property” between spouses besides the currently existing financial regime.

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This study is carried out with the purpose of investigating the role of couples' cultural capital on the marital satisfaction of married women. Research method of this study was survey and the members of the study population were married women of age 15 to 54 living in Yasuj. The 380 individuals were selected via cluster random sampling as sample groups. Research tools for measuring marital satisfaction was Enrich Marital Satisfaction Scale and the cultural capital data were collected through researcher-made Scale.The validity of the scale was determined by face validity and the reliability of this scale was estimated through Cronbach’s Alpha. Findings showed that the women marital satisfaction tends to be at the medium to high level. Also there were significant relationships between objectified cultural capital of women, husband’s Objectified, Embodied and insituutionalized cultural capital with women’s martial satisfaction. Multiple regression analyses showed that both objectified and embodied cultural capital of husbands together explained 8% of the dependent variable variance of women’s marital satisfaction. Results of this research showed that cultural capital can provide emotional energy for the other side in marital relationships; and consequently, this generated emotional energy can lead to marital satisfaction or lack of it.

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Decision for divorce depends on various personal and interpersonal variables. Personality characteristics and early maladaptive schema as two individual, and family function, as an interpersonal variable would play crucial role in helping people to cope with problems in life. A sample of 285 couples (147 initiator, and 138 noninitiator) were recruited in the family courts, and residential districts in Tehran. They completed a battery of questionnaire including NEO (five factor personality questionnaire), short form of early maladaptive schema questionnaire (YSR), and McMaster family assessment device (FAD).Groups were matched based on age, education level, social economic status, and years of marriage. Results indicated statistical significant differences between two groups in personality characteristics (neuroticism, openness to new experiences, agreeableness and consciousness) early maladaptive schemas (emotional deprivation, rejection, distrust, pessimism and emotional inhibition), and family function (problem solving, roles, and behavioral control). The result of regression logistic analysis showed that 34 to 45 percent of dependent variable predicted by these 12 independent variable. As such, it seems that there is a need to attend the factors would play a role both at primary prevention level and secondary level that psychologists and counselors could consider when providing mental health services.

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The present study was designed to investigate the efficacy of positive thinking training on family process and subjective wellbeing of female heads of household. The method was a semi experimental with pretest-posttest and control group; and the study population included all female heads of household residing in Chaharbagh, Alborz province, who have at least one primary school-kid.Using available sampling method, 50 women were selected among school students’ mothers, and were randomly assigned into two equal groups of experimental and control groups. Both groups filled Self-Report Family Process Scale (SFPS) and Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire (SWQ). The experimental group received positive thinking training for eight 2-hourssessions. Then, all participants were assessed again as the posttest. The data were analyzed by covariance analysis method. Findings showed that after the intervention family process scores of experimental group had been significantly improved, while subjective wellbeing scores had not significantly enhanced. Therefore, it can be told that the present program was effective in increasing the family process, though it went ineffective in improving subjective wellbeing in these irritable individuals. Thus, altering and enriching the program and conducting further investigations seems necessary.

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Globalization is an undeniable fact; however regarding to its complex dimensions assessing the concept is greatly difficult. Having a boundless world has always been discussed in globalization, thus, any discussion on globalizing women's rights, which is associated with the culture, tradition and moral values of a society, is controversial and momentous. First, regarding the terminology of globalization, the concept of globalization will be clarified. Then, three approaches of traditional, reformational and religional modernists, which approach the globalization of women's rights differently, will be defined and examined.These approaches recognize the globalization of women's rights in a way to achieve the same rules, which are enshrined in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Of course, all these approaches have religious attitudes toward the discussion, and atheist opinions are not subject to this study. Finally, it seems that, in conformity with the viewpoint derived from the new religinal modernists’ perspective and the great concern of the reformative approach in respect of protecting religious values, new mechanisms can be designated, which are not harmful to religious foundations on one hand, and pave the way for globalizing women's rights on the other.

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The present study examined the relationship between family emotional atmosphere and affective control with tendency to drug abuse. The study population included all 7500 residents of Qaleh town from Qorveh city. By simple random sampling 323 individuals included the sample group of this study.Family Emotional Atmosphere Questionnaire (FEAQ), Affective Control Scale (ACS), and Tendency to Addiction Questionnaire were the measurement tools for this study. The results indicated that there were significant relationships between family emotional atmosphere with tendency to addiction and its subscales. Also, there was a significant relationship between affective control and tendency to addiction. There is significant relationship between tendency to addiction with all subscales of affective control except anger subscale. In conclusion, there is relationship between family emotional atmosphere and affective control with tendency to addiction. Also, family emotional atmosphere can predict tendency to addiction; while, affective control cannot.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of mediating role of adolescents' appraisals from interparents conflict on the relationship of marital conflicts and parent-adolescent conflict.The study was descriptive correlational and the population of this study included students of Qods town of Tehran province. Sample size was 700 students that were selected by multistage random sampling. The data were collected by Parent-Adolescent Conflict Questionnaire (PACQ), Marital Conflict Scale (MCS) and Children's Appraisals of Interparental Conflict Scale (CPIC). The results of structural equation modeling analysis showed that the theoretical model of the study included in the model was properly fitted with the data. This means that the variable of adolescent's appraisals of interparents’ conflict can be considered as a mediator variable in the relationship of marital conflict and parent-adolescent conflict. Furthermore, in this model all direct and indirect paths to predict parent adolescent conflict were recognized. Therefore, marital conflict can predict parent-adolescent conflicts through mediating factors. Also, it can be concluded that the model of cognitive contextual is capable of explaining the parent-adolescent conflicts.

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This research was aimed to predict and investigate the relationship between parenting dimensions and child-parent relationship with internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems; and designed with descriptive-correlative method. The statistical population included 413 single-child and multi-childe elementary school students in Yazd (141 single-child, 121 two-children, 101 three-children, 50 four-children and more) with their parents, who were selected by multistage random cluster sampling.The Child Behavior Check List (CBCL), Alabama Parenting Dimensions Questionnaire (APQ), Parent Child Relationship Scale (PCRS) and also a researcher-made form for demography information, were used for data collecting. Results of a stepwise linear regression showed that among parenting skills, dimensions of “poor control”, and “physical punishment” were better predictors for internalized behavioral problems, and dimensions of “participation” and “physical punishment” were better predictors for externalized behavioral problems in children. Among subscales of PCRS, the “dependence” in boys and the “conflict” in girls were better predictors for internalizing problems, and the subscale of “conflict” in both boys and girls was a better predictor for externalizing problems.

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