Introduction: In the most of medical researches it's needed to use animals as experimental groups. So, it's essential to provide them safe and natural environment.Objective: The purpose of this qualitative study is the determination of considering standard ethical issues from the viewpoint of providing and caring animals, stuffs knowledge, care methods, investigator's knowledge and project performance.Methods: Data collection procedure was done by researcher with observing 12 research projects in research center and biology department from 3 aspects: researchers evaluation, animal care and use methods, personnel evaluation These data were abstracted and details were provided. Then containing analysis was done.Finding: In the researcher evaluation, knowing animal environment conditions in laboratory and it's effectiveness on the research results, the researcher's knowledge about natural animal environment, stress and pain control methods, knowing animal bodies burial methods were undesirable. Animal care personnel were not professionally trained. Building of animal care place, animal cages and number of animal in those were any standard in one of centers, but there was not an isolated place for newly entrance animals in all of animal care centers.Conclusion: Animal research has been increased in Iran. In order to, the ethical and standard issues in relation to laboratory animals to be better and getting more careful research results, several efforts are necessary: recovery of ancient animal care places (moisture, ventilation, light, ...), training of animal care personnel, providing new standard animal care places, training of researchers, establishment of training centers, issuing license for researchers and establishment of control centers.