Modesty is one of the significant and widely used concepts in Islamic Mysticism which is closely interrelated to important subjects such as faith, knowledge, nearness to God, and unshakable fail in God; however, theosophists have approached this concept in various ways. It has been considered as the status of people of meditation, the state of those nearest to the God and observers, and equal to faith, certainty, knowledge and the pre-requisite in the relationship between the God and the humans. Moreover, it has sometimes been recommended to avoid shame and modesty before God, which can lead to falling into an abyss of blasphemy. Considering the definitions, types, and degrees of modesty offered by the theosophists, it could be stated that modesty, based on its general and ethical meaning, is a status which theosophists, regardless of their school of thought, are bound to, emphasizing adherence to their own words and deeds. However, at the stage of divine affinity, the Gnostics have adopted different approaches toward modesty based on their mystical school and possession of beauty and glory manifestations of God; therefore, this difference is considered as the status of people nearest to God. Using a descriptive-analytical method, this study aims to provide a clear description of modesty in mystical texts and explaining the connection between this concept and other mystical one.