Gnosis (Mysticism) is a philosophy and meditation school leading the way farer through the reality and truth recognition on the basis of Gnostics’ intectual intuition to attain his aim.Gnostics adjusted Qoranic concepts and prophetic sayings to the man’s inner state and inner world, and ultimately offered a perfect thought. This unique characteristic is clearly revealed in Mowlana and ibn Farez works. By seventh century, practical way farring, mystic spiritual practices and sufies ‘way faring experiences were Sufism and gnosis’ backbone and invaluable support.However, during the seventh century, due to ibn ‘Arabi and his follower’s appearance, there was a significant revolution in Sufism and Gnosis. In this era, those two great characters, Mowlana and ibn farez, were elegant in accordance to this Gnostic revolution in philosophical shape.Mowlana accomplished mystic spiritual practices; however, he did not refuse to mention arguements about Unity of Existence and Unity of Vision in his couplets. There was a difference between Rumi‘s Unity of Existence and that of ibn ‘Arabi and his followers – inb farez was similar to ibn ‘Arabi and Mowlana in deep emotion, love, splendor, and divine beauty. His words contained more unity tone, although sometimes he uttered some speeches to please Unity of Vision supporters.Distinguishing the similarities between Mowlana and ibn Farez thoughts is one of the most momentous issues to be studied in this paper. There would be a variety of discussions such as splendor and divine beauty, love and mystical concert, intellectual faculty, plurality of religions, mystic beauty- worshipping and… to be investigated. The most important point to be considered is that there has been some differences between Mowlana and ibn farez but the considerable point is the commonality in these two characters thought which was more notable them their differences.