From the ancient time, Philosophy has been defined by philosophers in many different scopes. Nietzsche, who acknowledged himself as a "Philosopher", has offered a definition of philosophy too; however, his perception of philosophy is thoroughly different from the others, because he contemplated philosophy from a new perspective for the first time. Nietzsche criticized the fundamental presuppositions of metaphysical systems, and believed that the essence of philosophy is nihilistic in itself, and so its time has been come to an end. He declared that philosophy is an untimely and extraordinary expression, and claimed that his own works deserve to be called "philosophy", hence, he named himself not a poet, scientist, or psychologist, but a "philosopher". Nietzsche divided the philosophers into two groups: the masters who create values, and the slaves who love and seek for knowledge and truth. He confessed that he belongs to the first group, and distinguished himself such as "the future philosopher" and his philosophy a heritage to the futurities.