A very precious collection containing 209 works, written both in verse and prose, both long and short, compiled and written in 720 to 723 (lunar year) by Abo-l-Majd Mohammad-Ibne-Mas'ood-e-Tabrizi, one of the scholars of Tabriz, has been recently possessed by Islamic Parliament and fortunately a facsimile edition of that was published after a short time, and could, in this way, delight the scholars and researchers.
Some of the works in this collection were not acknowledged at all in recent years, and some others were known, but sometimes this edition seems to be more reliable and more accurate; There are also some works in this collection which are not attributed to those who have been considered the author of those works until now.
In this essay, the writer describes this collection first, and then discusses about "Gol-o-Mol Dialogue" (one of the eleven dialogues of this collection) which is attributed to "Seraj-e-Ghomri", the gifted poet of seventh century, and inspects whether the attribution of this collection to "Ghomri" is correct or not.