The history of human thought testifies to the persistence of the question about the relation between reason and faith, or science and religion. And endeavor for solving this dilemma becomes a must especially for the adherents of religion who live in an age of scientific flourish, and aver to organize individual, as well as social, affairs with simultaneous recourse to religion and science.The Divine philosopher, and contemporary exegete of the Qur’an, Ayatollah Javadi Amuli, is on of the scholars who have shouldered the burden of this endeavor. From his point of view, intellect is part of religion, and not over against it, and therefore, to surmise their opposition is irrational. What may occur at the outset is an opposition between reason and narration (naql) which has been dealt with in the Islamic sciences. This article is an attempt to understand, analyze, and criticize this theory.