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Phosphorus (P) is a macro mineral in broiler nutrition. In growing broilers, besides its requirement for proper bone development, it is also involved in almost all metabolic processes. Poor P availability results in decreased productivity and poor health status. Phosphorus availability from plant derived feeds is affected by an anti-nutritional factor “phytate”, which forms a variety of insoluble salts with most of the minerals including P, calcium (Ca), magnesium, zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) due to its reactive anion capability. So, phytate is responsible for considerable nutrient losses as vegetable sources form a major portion in broiler diet formulations. Phytate has also been reported to form complexes with protein and proteolytic enzymes (pepsin and trypsin). Mono-gastric animals lack endogenous phytase (an enzyme capable of hydrolyzing phytate bound P, Ca, protein and other nutrients), so phytate decreases the nutrient availability at the intes-tinal level in poultry. Application of phytase in poultry rations may liberate cations and other nutrients bound by phytate-P complexes resulting in improved production parameters and body structure characteris-tics in broilers. However, efficacy of supplemental phytase rests on its rate of application, Ca: P in ration, composition of diet, genotype and age of birds. Phytase could ensure the economical poultry production by the exploitation of inherent nutritional potential of feedstuffs. Some studies, however, showed that phytase does not degrade dietary phytate efficiently and thus the negative influence of phytate on protein digestibil-ity is not completely removed by phytase supplementation. More focused research on currently available phytase feed enzymes and their potentialimproved action by the simultaneous use of other exogenous en-zymes, which complement their activity is recommended.

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In the early 90’s, donkeys were in danger of extinction as species. In Italy, there were counted few heads of many breeds but, unfortunately, others had already been extinct. With the donkey in danger, there was a risk of disappearance of a part of ecosystem, a biodiversity particularly significant as it represents humans’ history. All countries around the Mediterranean sea, countries of southern Europe from Spain to Greece and of north Africa from Turkey to Morocco, have seen the production and the progress of agricultural world related to the presence of equines. Today, in many parts of Italy, donkey is rediscovered for the potentiality and adaptability in different environments that can still have. The presence of donkey becomes once again useful inside farms, first of all, because of its milk production, milk that is similar to that of woman’s breast milk and, also, for the use of this milk in the industry of cosmetics. Moreover, the use of meat produced by these animals is appreciated by to-day’s consumers for its high chemico-nutritional quality which, nowadays, is used in many traditional recipes. Last but not least, we must consider the ultimate utility of this animal for therapeutically purposes such as its use in onotherapy, method that is frequently being used for people who have disabilities and discomforts with results that can be noticed quickly and can be documented. This work is just a descriptive picture of the Italian breeding reality with many possible suggestions for those countries where the donkey is still a solitary inhabitant of the countryside.

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Forty two small ruminants, 26 (61.90%) sheep and 16 (38.10%) goats were treated for rumen acidosis. 19 (45.24%), 12 (28.57%), 6 (14.29%) and 5 (11.90%) animals had eaten apple, cooked rice (wazwan left over) turnip and chapatti respectively and manifested clinical form of ruminal acidosis with, 2.86%; (n=18) as mild (Rumen fluid pH=6.32 ±0.09316), 38.09%; (n=16) moderate (Rumen fluid pH=5.71 ±0.074) and 19.05%; (n=8) (Rumen fluid pH=4.54 ±0.159) as severe ruminal acidosis and accordingly they were classified as group I, II and III, respectively. In group I rumen motility was reduced (1.67±0.162) and subsequently it was almost absent in group III (0.13±0.125). Rectal temperature recorded to be 102.58±0.166, 101.26±0.188 and 100.83±1.061 in group I, II and III respectively. There was a significant increase heart and respiratory tares before treatment in all the groups. A significant increase in blood glucose and Hb, PCV and TEC was also observed in mild, moderate and severe acidotic animals. Therapeutic measures consisted of neutralization of acidity by oral and / or parenteral use of isotonic (1.3%) and hypertonic (5%) sodium bicarbonate with adequate fluid therapy. Oral and parenteral use of isotonic (1.3%) sodium bicarbonate was given to moderate rumen acidosis. Administration of oral sodium bicarbonate, bolus Rumentas was given to groups I and II and a course of antihistaminic drug was also given to all the groups of animals. Moreover, animals of group II and III were also offered intravenous injection of high dose vitamin B1 along with fluids. Gastric lavage and cud transplantation following rumenotomy was done in animals of group III. All animals except two (one each from group II and III) were recovered uneventfully.

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This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of electron beam irradiation at doses of 250 and 500 kGy on the chemical composition and ruminal dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) degradability of wheat straw. Nylon bags of untreated or irradiated wheat straw were suspended in the rumen of three rams for up to 72 h, and resulting data were fitted to non-linear degradation model to calculate the degradation parameters of DM and NDF. Electron beam irradiation had no effect on crude protein, ether extract and ash, but decreased (P<0.05) contents of NDF and acid detergent fiber. The water soluble and potentially degradable fractions, degradation rate and effective degradability of DM and NDF increased linearly (P<0.001) with increases in irradiation dose. Based upon these results, electron beam irradiation can be used to improve DM and NDF degradation kinetics of wheat straw in the rumen.

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A field study was conducted in nine villages, three each from Kupwara, Handwara and Karnah Tehsils of Kupwara district, to find out the nutritional value of feeds and fodders, existing feeding practices and nutri-tional status of dairy cattle. Data was collected from the fifteen farm families from each of the nine were randomly selected through a common questionnaire. All the farmers were found to add the basal diet (paddy straw, rice bran and wheat bran) with salt (NaCl)) and none of the farmers used a mineral supplement with the diet. The mean values of daily dry matter intake (DMI) for lactating cows was 19.61 and 43.93% above the estimated feed intake according to the feeding standards (FS) for Kupwara and Handwara tehsils The DMI of dry cows was 41.40 and 37.21% above the DMI stated in the FS requirements. According to the live body weight of heifers, the daily DMI was observed to be 22.90, 46.78 and 6.80% above DMI require-ments in the Kupwara, Handwara and Karnah tehsils, respectively. The daily digestible crude protein (DCP) intake in case of lactating cows was 12.65 and 38.10% above their requirement for Kupwara and Handwara tehsils. The dry cows has a DCP intake that was 19.81 and 19.94% above FS requirements in Kupwara and Handwara tehsils. Heifer daily DCP intake was 10.24 and 80.16% below FS requirements in Kupwara and Karnah tehsils, respectively The daily intake of DCP for calves was 29.5, 29.6 and 78.4 % below FS re-quirements in the respective tehsils. The daily intake of total digestible nutrients (TDN) were above FS requirements by 36.70, 55.9 and 7.6% for lactating cows; 51.10, 48.49 and 11.65% for dry cows; 45.85, 60.0 and 18.54% for heifers; 2.70, 14.7 and 11.7% for calves in the respective tehsils. The milk urea nitro-gen concentration of the lactating cows were 18.55±0.74, 21.29±1.31 and 16.87±1.41 mg/dl for the respec-tive tehsils. It was concluded that most of the farmers rear non-descript indigenous cattle of low body weight potentially to a general trend of under feeding protein in calves and sometimes growing heifers, which limits milk production. The genetic potential of the dairy cattle, nutrient imbalance in the diet and farmer awareness of balanced diets are also a potential problem.

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Three cannulated Tswana steers were used to investigate the rumen degradability of mopane worm (Imbra-sia belina) by measuring the amount of dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) disappearing at incubation periods up to 72 h. The effective degradability (ED) of DM and CP in the rumen was calculated at outflow rates of 0.03 / h (ED0.03) and 0.05 / h (ED0.05). Rumen degradable CP (RDP) was estimated as the amount of CP x ED 0.05 and rumen undegraded protein (RUP) was calculated as CP minus RDP. The soluble DM, slowly degradable DM, ED0.03 and ED 0.05, and degradation rate of evacuated (i.e. fresh leaves and faecal material removed) mopane (EM) and intact mopane (IM) were similar (P>0.05).Water soluble protein fraction, slowly degradable protein, degradation rate and RDP were also similar (P>0.05) between EM and IM samples. However, EM had significantly more (P<0.01) RUP than IM samples. The current results support previously observations that removal of gut contents from mopane worms increased CP, consequently improving RUP. Further research is needed to evaluate the effects of roasting on degradability of EM and IM as well as the availability of amino acids post-ruminally.

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the pregnancy results of 17337 inseminations carried out in a dairy herd near Cairo over a period of 12 years were retrospectively analyzed in relation to environmental temperature and temperature-humidity index (THI). The overall average of pregnancy rates to all inseminations was significantly (P<0.01) lower in pluriparous cows (31.0%) than in heifers (63.5%). Stress of lactation, propensity for clinical and sub-clinical mastitis and problems associated with calving are possible underlying causes. In cows, the month of insemination significantly (P<0.05) influenced the pregnancy rate. A substantial decrease of pregnancy rates from 34.1% in May to 15.7% in July as the maximum environmental temperature increased from 33.3 0C to 36.3 0C and mean THI increased from 69 to 74 was recorded. In spite of the slight increase in pregnancy rates after July, it remained low during autumn referring to the carryover effects of the summer heat load. This resulted in significantly (P<0.05) lower pregnancy rates during summer (21.2%) and autumn (24.4%) than in winter (39.1%) and spring (37.2%). Maximum environmental temperature and mean THI accounted for 72% and 82%, respectively, of the variations in pregnancy rates. The average number of inseminations per conception was the lowest between January and April (2.4±0.2 to 2.6±0.2). This was followed by a significant (P<0.05) increase in this parameter (from 2.9±0.6 in May to 6.4±1.9 in July) coinciding with increased maximum environmental temperature to reach its peak in July. The overall average number of inseminations per conception in cows was 3.2±0.4. In heifers, the pregnancy rate was high (56.9 to 69.8%) throughout the year with no significant differences between months or seasons of insemination. Better efficiency of heifers at thermoregulation compared with pluriparous cows may be implicated. The average number of inseminations per conception in heifers was 1.6±0.04.

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an experiment was conducted in early lactating buffaloes for the period of 3 months in Jadakheria and Poli-simal village of Limkheda Taluka in Dahod district of Gujarat to assess the effect of supplementation of bypass fat on milk production, composition, body weight change and economic efficiency. Forty buffaloes in their 2nd and 3rd lactation were equally divided in completely randomized design in two groups according to their milk production and body weight, control group ‘CON’ was fed with a basal diet without bypass fat and treatment group ‘BYFAT’ was supplemented with bypass fat (Ca salt of palm oil fatty acids) at 20 g/kg milk yield. Fortnightly body weight changes, feed intake, milk production and composition were recorded for individual animal. The result revealed that the average daily milk yield and 6% fat corrected milk (FCM) was significantly (P<0.01) increased in BYFAT group compared to CON. Milk fat percent and fat yield was increased (P<0.001) due to feeding of bypass fat than control diet. There was significant (P<0.001) decrease in body weight loss in BYFAT group compared to control. The receipt for sale of milk was significantly (P<0.001) improved in bypass fat supplemented buffaloes compared to control animals. Feeding of bypass fat significantly (P<0.01) improved net returns on sale of milk.

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The study was conducted to indicate the determinants of technical efficiency of the dairy farmers in Ada’a district of Oromia state, Ethiopia. The study was arranged in four purposively selected peasant associations of the peri-urban and four kebeles of the urban dairy production sub-systems from which thirty dairy farmers were selected randomly. A total of two hundred forty respondents were personally interviewed using structured questionnaires to know the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents. The stochastic frontier production function of the Cobb-Douglas model was used to estimate the technical efficiency of milk production. The study revealed that mass media exposure of the dairy farmers, training on dairy farming, dry fodder and concentrate feeds were the significant determinants of technical efficiency of milk production in the study area. Organizational participation of the farmers, education level, labor and experience of the farmers in dairy farming had also positive effect on the technical efficiency of milk production. The results obtained with this study suggest that there is a need to strengthening the existing extension services to address the determinants of technical efficiency of the dairy farmers to bring about significant increase in milk production and a balance in demand and supply of milk production in the study area.

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Variace / covariance components of 227118 first lactaiom test-day milk yield records belonged to 31258 Iranian Holstein cows were estimated using nine random regression models. Afterwards, different measures of persistency based on estimation breeding value were evaluated. Three functions were used to adjust fixed lactation curve: Ali and Schaeffer (AS), quadratic (LE3) and cubic (LE4) order of Legendre polynomial but for random effects, unequal order of Legendre polynomials (LE3, LE4, LE5 and Ali and Schaffer) functions were evaluated. Heterogeneous residual variance considered during days in milk and evaluation of models was based on eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors and residual variance. Model with Ali and Schaeffer function for fixed part and LE3 and LE4 for additive and permanent environmental effects was selected as the best model for random regression analysis in first parity dairy cows. The highest and lowest heritability were observed in the middle (0.29) and beginning (0.08) of lactation, respectively. Persistency measurement proposed by Cobuci (PSY1) (difference between estimation breeding value between 290 and 90 days) was preferential for using in further genetic evaluations for persistency in milk yield of Iranian Holstein cows.

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Cyfluthrin [cyano [4-fluoro-3-phenoxyphenyl]-methyl-3-[2, 2-dichloroethenyl]-2, 2-dimethyl-cyclo propane carboxylate] is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide, that has both contact and stomach poison action. The pre-sent study evaluated the long-term toxic effects of cyfluthrin on antioxidant status in buffalo calves. Oral administration of cyfluthrin at a dose rate of 10 and 20 mg/kg/d for 11 consecutive weeks did not produce any marked toxic symptoms in the buffalo calves. However, the oral administration of cyfluthrin resulted in a significant increase in the extent of lipid peroxidation. This increase was dose dependent with an elevation to the extent of 48.5% in low dose group and 64.4% in the high dose group. Similarly there was also an increase in the enzymic activity of glutathione peroxidase to the extent of 16.9% and 18.8%, in low-dose and high-dose groups respectively. The repeated administration of cyfluthrin produced a significant depletion of the blood glutathione levels as well as the enzymic activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase. Thus on the basis of the present investigation it can be concluded that cyfluthrin is a moderately toxic pesticide.

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The present study was designed to investigate the impact of exogenous administration of GnRH (Receptal VETâ, Intervet Pharmaceuticals Ltd., India) on serum progesterone profile and conception rates during mid luteal phase of estrous cycle in buffaloes. Estrus was induced using Cyclix 2 mL. i/m. (Intervet India Pvt. Ltd., India) and animals were bred naturally during observed estrus. The buffaloes (n=40) were grouped as control (n=10) on day 0 and treatment groups (I, II and III, n=10 in each group). GnRH (2.5 Ml) was administrated on day 0, 11 and 13 of estrous cycle. Progesterone concentration was significantly higher (P<0.05; 1.782±0.046 ng/mL) in group I on day 5 and in group II on day 13 (4.514±0.038 ng/mL) and day 18 (6.173±0.015). However, in group III progesterone concentration was significantly higher on day 18 (6.554±0.0993) compared to control on day 5 (1.390±0.587 ng/mL), day 13 (3.770±0.103 ng/mL) and day 18 (5.114±0.009 ng/mL), respectively. Although progesterone concentration increased in all the three treatment groups compared to control, it was significantlymals of group I on days 5, 11, 12, 13 and 18 than non-pregnant animals of same group. Nevertheless, these differences were significant on days 13 and 18 in group II and on day 18 in group III in pregnant animals compared to non-pregnant animals, respectively. Similarly the conception rate was also significantly higher (P<0.05; 80% vs. 60%) in animals at group III compared to those at control. Comparison of data on progesterone profile be-tween pregnant and non-pregnant (within group) animals of various treatment and control groups showed significantly higher levels of serum progesterone in pregnant animals on days 11, 12, 13 and 18 as compared to non-pregnant animals of the same group. Thus, the above study revealed positive impact of GnRH administration on progesterone profile during mid luteal phase of estrous cycle, which could be used to improve fertility in buffaloes.

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The effect of the substitution of imported raw materials (corn and soyabeans) by local food resources (bar-ley, white sorghum, triticale and horse bean) on the parameters of facies fermentation and digestibility in the rumen of sheep was evaluated. Four Sicilo-Sarde rams 4.8±0.5 years of age with an average live weight of 45.25±3.5 kg, permanently canulated in the rumen and housed in individual cages were used. Rams re-ceived a daily ration in two equal meals. The diet contained 1.5 kg DM of oat hay, complemented by one of four concentrates. During the test, 50 mL of rumen fluid were collected from each animal before and 2, 5, and 8 hours after the morning meal to measure the pH and ammonia nitrogen. Determining the total gas (CO2 and CH4) was performed on filtered rumen contents, collected before the distribution of the morning meal. Counting and classifying different types of ciliates were carried out on unfiltered rumen juice, col-lected two hours after the morning meal distribution. The dry matter digestibility of the basal diet was de-termined by nylon bags calibrated during fixed hours (3, 6, 12, 24, 36 and 48). Results showed that the ru-men pH was statistically different (P<0.05) before and 2 hours after the morning meal distribution among different types of concentrates, but remained constant at the end of the day (P>0.05). The rate of ammonia nitrogen was in favor (P<0.05) of CCbf and CCms concentrates 5 and 8 hours postprandially. The amount of ammonia in the rumen decreased significantly without a significant difference among diets (P>0.05). The population of ciliates for the concentrate CCbf was significantly higher (P<0.05) than those for CCms, CCsf and CCtf concentrates while different genus of these protozoa were comparable among diets. The total vol-ume of gas produced was lower for the CCbf regimen (P<0.05) compared to other diets. The degradation of DM evolves for different schemes with significant difference (P<0.05) for concentrates CCbf and CCtf.

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the purpose of the given work was to study the dairy efficiency of the delivered, local and crossbreed goats in three different generations (F1, F2 and F3), derived from their crosses, as well as the biochemical composition of milk and some blood plasma hormones, participating in the process of lactopoez. For the bio-chemical tests of milk we have selected casein and serum proteins, iron in lactoferrin and xanthine oxidase activity as one of the enzymes of protein catabolism together with lysozyme activity. Delivered goat breeds surpass the locals in milk production. Cross-breeds F1, F2, and especially F3 occupy an intermediate position, and the latter ones even surpass Toggenburg breed, but are inferior to Alpine and Zaane breeds. It is stated a direct correlation between milk production of goat breeds and their crossbreeds and the level of prolactin in blood. It is noted the inverse correlation on the content of insulin.

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The data were collected from 1992 to 2009 in Burri, White Boni and Black Boni sheep maintained at the Regional Research Station in the Central Highlands of Yemen. Data were analyzed to study the effects of environmental and genetic factors on body weight and growth rate from birth to weaning. The least square means for body weights (BW) were 2.54, 2.18 and 2.26 kg for birth; 12.49, 10.58 and 11.14 kg for weaning weight (WW) and 114.91, 98.68 and 106.04 g for growth rate in Barri, Black Boni and White Boni sheep, respectively. Year of birth effects were significant (P<0.05) on BW, WW and growth rate in all the breeds. Also, analysis of variance showed that the sex of the lambs and the type of birth were important sources of variation (P<0.05) in the three breeds for all traits. The size of the ewe during lambing had also significant effect (P<0.01) on birth in all the breeds. The results show direct heritability for all traits, it was varied be-tween 0.36 and 0.38 for BW, 0.30 and 0.35 for WW, 0.26 and 0.36 for growth rate in all breeds. Higher estimates of heritability for growth performance traits are refers to the presence of more additive genetic variance.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of organic selenium supplementation on the immune re-sponse of broilers vaccinated against coccidiosis, Infection Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) and Newcastle Diseases Virus (NDV). The study included three treatments (T), T1= control (inclusion of inorganic selenium in a basal diet), T2= basal diet + 0.2 ppm of organic selenium as selenomethionine and selenocys-teine, T3= basal diet + 0.4 ppm of organic selenium as selenomethionine and selenocysteine. Birds supplemented with organic selenium showed higher numbers of CD3+ cells in duodenum and less severe ileal lesions compared to birds in the control group. Organic selenium supplementation in the diet had no significant, except for 14 to 21 days of age, effect on broiler weight gain.

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In this study 495 smallholder dairy farms in 52 villages of different township in southwestern province of Iran (Chaharmohal and Bakhtiari province) included 1321 lactating cows and 2811 total mature cows (lactating and dry) during winter 2009 to summer 2010 were used to estimate economic opportunities in small-holder dairy farms. Questionnaire survey was used to collect data from last year information, recorded information, direct recording during visit the farm and interview with the small holder farmers. The economic opportunity is the amount of additional revenue that could be obtained if farmers could improve various productivity indexes to meet reasonable targets. The total of economic opportunities per farm per year estimated as 2009.68 US $ included 1354.85 US $ (57.94% total) for average daily milk produce per cow, 475.52 US $ (26.07% total) for average lactation length, 75.04 US $ (4.00% total) for average age at first calving, 37.52 US $ (8.98% total) for average calf production interval and 66.75 US $ (3.00% total) for average calf mortality, respectively. The considerable variation observed for economic opportunities, per-cent of total and total of economic opportunities in different townships, seasons, breeds and size of herds. Thus, increasing the average daily milk production per cow and average lactation length, as well as decreasing average age at first calving and average calf production interval could affect profit and productivity.

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One hundred and eighty 28-days-old Arbor Acres broiler birds were utilized in a 28 day experiment to in-vestigate the effect of replacing bone ash with eggshell meal in the diet of broiler birds on their nutrient digestibility and blood parameters. Five experimental diets tagged T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 were formulated to be isocaloric (2865.53 kcal ME/kg) and isonitrogenous (20% crude protein) such that eggshell meal re-placed bone ash at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% for treatments T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 respectively. The birds were randomly assigned to the five dietary treatments and replicated twice giving a total of eighteen birds per replicate in a completely randomized design. The study showed that the haematological parameters were not affected (P>0.05) by the treatments except for Corpuscular Haemoglobin which were best (P<0.05) at T5 (47.95 pg) and T3 (45.60 pg) and followed by those fed T1 (42.85 pg), T2 (42.20 pg) and T4 (43.40 pg). Similarly, values obtained for Mean Corpuscular Volume were improved (P<0.05) in birds fed T5 (148.45 fl) followed by those fed T3 (142.95 fl) and T4 (140.45 fl). Serum urea, glucose, triglyceride and total pro-tein were not (P>0.05) influenced by the treatments. Ten 28-days old birds with similar live body weight were paired and randomly assigned to five dietary treatments tagged T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 which were compounded to contain the same composition as those used in the blood studies. The birds were housed in cages and fed such that each group passed through the five treatments by rotation in a Latin Square Design arrangement. Feed and faecal samples were taken for proximate analysis. The results of the proximate analysis of the oven-dried faeces were used to compute the coefficient of digestibility of the nutrients. The results obtained showed that digestibility of dry matter, crude protein, crude fibre, ether extract, ash and nitrogen-free extract were not affected (P>0.05) by the treatments. It is therefore, recommended that since there was no deleterious and adverse effect of including eggshell meal in the diets on the blood parameters and digestibility of the nutrients, farmers can use eggshell meal as a major source of dietary calcium in broiler’ diets.

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total of 288 broiler chickens (1 d old) were used in a 42-d growth trial to study the effects of chicory (Cichorium intybus) and nettle (Urtica dioica) with or without multi-enzyme on growth performance, car-cass traits, and biochemical parameters. The corn-soybean based control diet and 8 experimental diets were fed to each of 3 pens of chickens (12 chickens/pen). Treatments were as follows: 1. Basal diet (B), no additives, 2. B + 0.05% enzyme (E), 3. B + 1% chicory (C), 4. B + 1% nettle (N); 5. B + 1% N + E (NE), 6. B + 1% C + E (CE), 7. B + 0.5% N + 0.5% C (NC), 8. B + 0.5% N + 0.5% C + E (NCE). A higher body weight gain were found at 42 d of age in chickens fed the E, CE, NE, and NCE in diet (P<0.05), whereas BW did not differ between the control and C, N, and NC diets. A lower food conversion ratio was observed at 42 d of age in birds receiving the NE, and CE. No diet effects on carcass yield, and relative weights of gizzard, and ceca were detected. In contrast, a higher breast yield was found for all treatments except to N group (P<0.05). The intestinal weight decreased with E, NE, CE, NC, and NCE (P<0.05). Serum cholesterol de-creased in birds fed C, and NC (P<0.05) as compared to N. Serum total protein and triglyceride content were similar among all treatments. Serum cholesterol concentration indicated the C and NC treatment had a lower concentration than N (P<0.05). Broiler performance and carcass traits for birds given dietary NE and CE supplement were similar to other treatment containing herb or enzyme or blend of them, and these supplements appear suitable for dietary inclusion. Careful choices are necessary when selecting dietary herb supplements for broilers, but beneficial effects can be observed.

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The aim of the present work was to determine whether the administration of melatonin or L-tryptophan (a precursor of melatonin) affects the immune responses and performance of broilers during induced exposure to aflatoxins in feed. The study was conducted from 0-6 weeks comprising six dietary treatments in triplicate with 10 chickens in each replicate. The diets were formulated to supply 23% crude protein (CP) and 2800 kcal ME/kg in starter ration and 20% CP and 2900 kcal ME/kg in finisher ration. The experimental diets were offered ad libitum with free access to water throughout the entire experiment. Inclusion of aflatoxin in the feed at 0.5 mg/kg feed caused a significant reduction in the growth performance of broilers. Supplementation of melatonin (20 mg/kg in feed and 20 mg/kg body weight through i.p. route) or its pre-cursor (L-tryptophan at 250 mg/kg feed) in aflatoxin fed broilers resulted in numerically improved perform-ance. Aflatoxin inclusion in the feed also caused a significant reduction in haemagglutination titer against sheep RBC and cell mediated immune responses to phytohemagglutinin (PHA-P) in broilers. Melatonin or L-tryptophan inclusion in toxin incorporated feed significantly improved both humoral and cell mediated immunity. No significant (P>0.05) differences were observed among various groups with respect to kidney and spleen weight but liver weight increased significantly (P≤0.05) and weight of bursa significantly decreased upon aflatoxin inclusion. Our study suggests that L-tryptophan was partially as effective as mela-tonin in alleviating aflatoxin induced growth retardation and immunosuppression in broiler chicken.

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This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of different levels of dried lemon pulp (DLP) on performance, carcass traits, blood biochemical and immunity parameters of broilers. In this experiment 240 of broilers (Ross-308) were used in a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replicates (with 20 birds in each replicate) from 1 to 42 days. Experimental diets included: 1) control group with no DLP, in 2 until 4 treatments the levels of DLP were 0, 1.5, 3 and 4.5 percent. Inclusion different levels of dried lemon pulp on broilers diets had significant effects on their performance, carcass traits and blood bio-chemical parameters (P>0.05). Adding DLP into broiler diets significantly increased the amount of feed intake in starter, grower and whole experiment periods. Also it significantly increased the amount of daily weight gain in starter and whole experiment periods; however they were not observed any significant difference between treatments in daily weight gain in grower period. As the rate of feed intake to daily weight gain was high, especially in grower period in treatments, which contained DLP, it had adverse effect on feed conversion and led to be increased, in contrast with control group. There were no significant differences between experimental groups regarding to feed conversion in starter period (P>0.05). Using 3% DLP significantly decreased the abdominal fat and blood low density lipoprotein (LDL), whereas the lowest per-cent of gizzard was obtained by inclusion 1.5% DLP. Adding different levels of dried lemon pulp could not significantly affect the hematological parameters of broilers. According to these experimental results, using DLP up to 4.5% of broiler diets in starter period, would be possible without any adverse effects on their performance, however these levels in grower period increased significantly the ratio of daily feed intake to daily weight gain and had adverse effect on feed conversion. Moreover 1.5% DLP had desirable effects on reduce of abdominal fat and blood low density lipoproteins.

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The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the adverse effects of high dietary rice bran (RB) inclusion levels on the feed intake, performance, bone status and nitrogen (N) retention of broilers could be mitigated by wet feeding. Giving a completely randomized design experiment in 2 × 2 factorial arrangement, seventy two broiler chickens, managed in 24 floor pens received one of the two experimental diets (having 20 or 40% RB) either in dry or wet form from day 21 to 42 using a completely randomized design experiment in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Wet feeds were prepared every day by mixing the respective air dry feed with tap water (1:1 w/w). Growth performance, visceral organ weights, N retention and tibia ash percentages were determined. At both dietary RB levels, birds given wet feed ate significantly more feed dry matter than those fed dry form of the respective feeds. The increase of RB level from 20 to 40% significantly reduced the feed intake, weight gain and N retention while increasing the digestive tract weight when the diet was of dry form. Those adverse effects were mitigated when the 40% RB diet was offered in wet form. It is concluded that wet feeding mitigates the adverse effects of high RB inclusion levels on broiler diets.

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Some wild Ganoderma lucidum were found growing on logs of dead wood and tree stumps at different location of the Nasarawa State College of Agriculture, Lafia and the Faculty of Agriculture, Lafia Campus, during the wet rainy season. The matured fruiting bodies seen as red open caps were removed for proxi-mate, mineral and anti-nutrient evaluation. The result showed that the fruiting bodies contained appreciable amount of crude protein (16.79%±0.13), carbohydrate (63.27%±0.2) and crude fibre (7.77%±0.34). The crude fat (1.52%±0.09) and fatty acid (1.22%±0.07) were low, making it a valuable nutritional ingredient for utilization in poultry production. The ash content of the mushroom (8.42%±0.13) also showed it contained appreciable amount of nutritionally important minerals, Ca (1.99%±0.04), K (1.11%±0.04), Na (229.88±0.34), Fe (121.37±1.82), Mn (71.06±1.56), Zn (51.49±2.16) and P (30.17±1.29) parts per million (ppm). Magnesium (0.34%±0.01) and copper (7.43±0.13) were least. The anti-nutrients, tannins (18.27%±0.30), phytates (2.43%±0.09), trypsin inhibitors (2.39%±0.11), saponins (1.26%±0.06), oxalates (0.57%±0.06) and cyanide content (0.08%±0.01) were low. The presence of these essential nutrients, which are nutritional requirements of poultry, implies it could be utilised as a feed supplement to improve growth performance and health of poultry. It was therefore concluded that wild Ganoderma lucidum contained appreciable amount of nutrients and could be utilized to improve growth performance and health status of poultry.

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This experiment was designed to evaluate the effects of different sources of calcium at different rates and cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) on the performance and egg quality of Hy-line W-36 Laying hens. In this study a total of 648 hens were managed in a completely randomized design using a factorial arrangement of 3 × 3 × 2 treatments, with three calcium sources (oyster shell, OS; ground limestone, GLI; fine limestone, FLI) and three different rates (70:30, 30:70, 50:50) and two levels of vitamin D3 (3300 and 5000 IU/kg diet). At 33-wk of age, hens received 18 treatments (3 replicates per treatment) until 45 wk. The results showed that egg weight (g), egg production (%), egg mass (g), feed intake (g), feed conversion ratio and egg quality traits which involve egg gravity, yolk index, shell weight (g), and Haugh unit were not effected by calcium sources and different levels of vitamin D3. The high level of vitamin D3, resulted in an increase of eggshell thickness, ash and calcium percentage of eggshell (P<0.05). Moreover, replacement of 50-70% FLI or GLI with OS improved eggshell quality (P<0.05). There was a significant (P<0.05) interaction be-tween Ca sources and vitamin D3 level on eggshell quality. Hens fed with diets containing OS/GLI at 70:30 and vitamin D3 at 5000 IU/kg showed the highest values for eggshell thickness, calcium and ash (P<0.05). These results clearly indicated that supplying calcium sources, with at least 1 / 2 OS (large particle) with or without high level of D3, can significantly improve eggshell quality without adverse effects on the laying performance in first cycle of the laying period.

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Canistel (Pouteria campechiana) is an underutilized fruit tree species found in many parts of the world. The objective of this study was to evaluate suitability of canistel fruit meal (CFM) as a feed ingredient for broiler chickens. Giving completely randomize design, ninety broiler chickens in 30 floor pens received one of five diets ad libitum from day 21 to 42. The nutritionally balanced control diet contained 40% maize meal. In the other four test diets, CFM quantitatively replaced 25, 50, 75 and 100% of maize meal from the control diet. One randomly selected bird from each cage was killed on day 42 to determine the visceral organ weights and tibia ash contents. Breast meat samples were subjected to sensory evaluation by ten panelists. No mortality or visible health problems were observed throughout the experiment. Except between day 21 and 28, CFM had no significant effect on feed and water intake. Increasing levels of dietary CFM linearly reduced the live weight on day 42 and weight gain while increasing the feed conversion ratio (FCR). However, above parameters of the birds fed diet with 10% CFM (25% substitution of maize meal) was not significantly different from those of the birds fed control diet (40% maize meal). The transit times of di-gesta, relative weights of gizzard, pancreas, heart and abdominal fat pad, tibia ash contents and organoleptic properties of the meat in the birds were not significantly different among treatments. Birds fed 40% CFM had higher relative gut length and liver weight compared to those fed 40% maize meal. It was concluded that canistel fruit meal could be included up to 10%, substituting 25% of the maize fraction of the broiler diet without any delirious effects on growth performance. Further research is needed to determine the important nutritional indices of CFM.

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This study was conducted to investigate the effects of garlic powder (GP) black seed (BS) and plant premix (GP and BS) in the diet on broiler growth performance and intestinal morphology. included 480 Hubbard broiler chicks(day-old). There were 4 treatment groups each consisting of 3 replicates. The four dietary treatments consisted of a control (basal diet), basal diet +0.5% GP, basal diet +0.5% BS and basal diet +0.5% (GP and BS), to the starter and finisher diet. The experiment lasted 42 days. Body weight, body weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio were determined weekly and intestinal morphology was determined at the end of the study (42 day). The addition of GP and BS plant premix (GP and BS) to the diet resulted in significantly higher body weight, body weight gain and feed intake than control group. However, feed conversion ratio was not influenced by dietary treatment (P>0.05). The villus height, crypt depth and crypt depth to villus height ratio was significantly higher in Black seed and plant premix (GP and BS) than other groups. While villus height, crypt depth and crypt depth to villus height ratio were lower in the control group compared to the other groups (P-value). It was found that the goblet cells were not affected by any treatment. Based on the results of this study it could be suggested to supplement broiler feed with 0.5% GP.

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This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different levels of oxidized fat (yellow grease) and copper sulfate on performance, carcass traits, blood metabolites and immune cells of broilers. This study was carried out as a 3 × 2 factorial experiment with 3 levels of oxidized fat (0, 2 and 4%) and 2 levels of copper sulfate (0 and 300 mg/kg) in 6 treatments, 3 replicates and 12 birds in each replicate. In this experiment, 216 day-old broiler chicks (Ross 308 strain) were used for 42 days. The results showed that there were significant difference between groups in performance, blood metabolites and immunity parameters (P<0.05). The highest amounts of daily feed intake (43.51 g) and the best feed conversion (1.88) were resulted by inclusion 2% of oxidized fat in broiler diets, whereas in these respects they were not significant difference between control group and group with 4% of oxidized fat. The lowest level of triglyceride (34.34 mg/dL) and highest percent of lymphocyte (88.58%) were obtained by the addition of 4% oxidized fat into the broiler diets. The overall results showed that inclusion of 4% oxidized fat into broiler diets compare with the control group do not have desirable effects on their performance and improve the blood metabolites and immunity parameters.

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The potential of extracts prepared from seeds of three citrus species (orange, lemon and grapefruit) to stabilize lipid oxidation of cooked and raw broiler meat under refrigeration storage was evaluated and compared with butylated hydroxyl anisole (BHA), a synthetic antioxidant. The citrus seed extracts were separately applied at a rate of 1.5% of the weight of the meat. There was a negative control without any additive and a positive control with 0.01% of BHA. Each sample was divided into 28 parts of 12.5 g each. Fourteen of these were cooked in microwave oven for 1½ minutes while the other 14 samples were left raw. Both cooked and raw samples were stored in a refrigerator for 12 days at a temperature of 4 0C. Oxidative stability of the cooked and raw samples was monitored at 2 day intervals using the Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) assay. The result shows that all the additives and BHA were able to reduce lipid oxidation in broiler meat than the negative control. Addition of citrus seed extract was effective in reducing lipid oxidation in both cooked and raw broiler meat under refrigeration. Thus, oxidative stability of chicken meat can be prolonged for 12 days with citrus seed extracts under refrigeration storage.

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The aim of this experiment was to study the effect of in ovo injection of royal jelly (RJ) on growth performance and immune response in broiler chickens challenged with Newcastle disease virus. A total of 200 hatching eggs were divided into four groups of 50 eggs each one using a completely randomized design. The eggs were injected with sterilized sodium bicarbonate buffer (pH=10.4) or RJ (88%) in a 0.3 mL volume into the albumen at d 7 of incubation. A non-injected control and a dry punch control (shell pricked without injecting solution; needle) were included. Chicks hatched from the respective treatment group were reared in floor pens until d 28. The chickens were challenged against Newcastle disease virus on days 7 and 21. On d 21, the chickens emanated from the RJ injected egg had the highest body weight. In ovo injection of RJ had a significant effect on feed intake in broiler chickens during starter period (d 1 to 21) and throughout the trial (d 1 to 28; P<0.05). On d 14, serum antibody titer against Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was not significantly different among treatments. On d 14 and 28, heterophil and lymphocyte number and their ratio were affected by in ovo injection. In conclusion, the results of the present study suggested that in ovo injection of RJ on d 7 of incubation exerted a beneficial effect on growth in starter phase and could stimulate feed intake in broiler chickens challenged with Newcastle disease virus, although the antibody titer against NDV was not influenced.

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The main objective of this study was to elucidate the effect of short- term exposure of Japanese quail eggs to acute high incubation temperature on embryonic development and on the ability of post- hatched chicks to cope with subsequent heat stress conditions during the growing period. A total of 998 Japanese quail eggs were divided into two groups, the first group (470 eggs) was maintained at the recommended incubation temperature (37.5 0C), while the second group (528 eggs) was exposed to 39.5 0C for two hours at days 3, 7 and 13 of embryogenesis. After hatching, chicks from each incubation temperature were randomly as-signed to four dietary treatments, a control, a high-energy (+150 kcal ME/kg diet more than the recommended level); a high-lysine (10% more than in the control diet) and a vitamin C supplemented diet. During the experimental period all of the quail were fed ad libitum and they received similar hygienic and managerial conditions. The rearing temperature was 32±2 0C during the entire experimental period. Pre-hatching exposure of eggs to 39.5 0C did not significantly affect the post-hatching body weight and weight gain during the growing period. While, vitamin C or high-energy diet increased it. Body temperature, respiration rate (RR) and the relative weights of the thymus, spleen and bursa of Fabricius were not significantly affected by the pre-hatching temperature or the post-hatching dietary treatments. However, the high-energy and vitamin C diets caused obvious decreases in RR at 4 weeks of age. Pre-hatching heat treatments caused a slight increase in the plasma triiodothyronine (T3) and plasma thyroxine (T4) concentrations, however, was significantly decreased by both the pre- hatching temperature and post- hatching dietary treatments at 6 weeks of age. Based on the above results, it was concluded that pre-hatching exposure of quail eggs to high temperature and post-hatching feeding of a high-energy or vitamin C supplemented diet can be recommended for alleviating the deleterious effects of heat stress during the growing period.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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