During the life of human beings, one of the subjects which have engaged the men's thought has undoubtedly been the issue of employment and working for earning money.In this direction, labor law come to exist and developed in the light of social, economical, cultural..., field while different aspects of relationships between workers and workers, workers and employers,... have been taken into account. Now, Different groups of workers, including women, children, youths and disabled,... are working in factories and workshops, with their own specific problems and difficulties in their workplaces.In this article, among the mentioned working groups, only women and youths have been studied, and in this relation, we have attempted to introduce and refer to the recommendations, conventions and the other international concerned documents. The subject has also been studied in Japan, Korea, India, Egypt, United Kingdom and Iran. As a whole, an intensive attempt has been done to present a good and precise work while referring to the weakness and power points of each legal system in the concerned issues.As a final point it is worthy to say that, while we have given some suggestions and guidelines, we have also highlighted some positive and considerable points in the legal systems of the said countries for the reason of applying them in our labor code, in the case of possibility of the revising it.