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Climate change is threatening our planet and human settlements by its short and long time consequences. Globally, transport-related emissions of carbon dioxide are growing rapidly. The use of petroleum as a fossil fuel for transportation is the main source of carbon dioxide emissions. Statistics show that 22 percent of global CO2 emission occurs in transportation section and it is estimated that urban transport accounts for 8 to 13 percent of total emission in different countries. It is clear that any reduction in fossil fuel consumption in urban transport can help reduce total emission and improve the air quality in urban areas. Therefore, urban planners have considered different ways of energy usage reduction in the transportation section and have studied the effects of a wide range of factors on fuel consumption in urban transport over the recent years. Previous researchers have shown that urban form is a very important and effective factor that can affect energy consumption by 10 to 25 percent in urban transport. Based on reports by international organizations, Iran has the 7th ranking in the list of countries with the highest amount of carbon dioxide emissions. The damage of carbon dioxide and other particles is 2.7 percent of Iran’s GNI. Considering the rapid growth of urbanization and subsequently the rapid growth of energy consumption in urban transport, the present article studies the effects of urban form on energy consumption and the amount of emissions of CO2 and other pollutants in urban areas of Iran. The focus area for the research is Tehran. International experiences have shown that socioeconomic factors like, age, sex, job, and the academic degree can affect the traffic behavior of urban residents. These factors have been applied as control variables to help the research to establish a clear relation between urban form and energy consumption. Like many different international researches, vehicle distance travelled (VDT) is applied as the main measure reflecting energy consumption in urban transportation section. Regression analysis has been applied in the current research for determining the correlations between urban form factors and the VDT.For the purposes of the research, the socioeconomic and urban form factors for 300 individuals have been used from surveys like a sampling done by Tehran Comprehensive Transportation and Traffic Company (TCTTS) in 2005. The sample volume used in the present research is approximately 195, 000 individuals and 300 individuals were selected by applying systematic sampling method. Then, the collected data were divided base on the purpose of travel. It should be noted that in Tehran Transportation Master Plan, travel purposes are defined as job, educational, service, leisure and other. In the second step, travel distances for each person has been measured separately based on the purpose of travel.Preliminary investigations show that the share of job travels stands at 53 percent of total per capita distance travelled. It should be considered that vehicle distance travelled depends on vehicle choice of residents. For example, VDT for transit travels is considered as 0 in different researches over urban form and energy relations. Travelled distance should be divided by the average of number of passengers in the specific vehicle type that is used for the travel.The share of job-related travels of total VDT per capita is 63 percent based on measurement methods used in the present research. The impact of socioeconomic factors on traffic behavior and energy consumption is important and should be considered and measured alongside measuring the impacts of urban form. By this, the evaluation of the exact effect of urban form on energy consumption in transport section is ensured. Socioeconomic factors have been applied as control variables in the analysis process of the research.TCTTS’s sampling that has been used as the main database for this research contains various socioeconomic characteristics of each person. Among them, job, age, sex, academic degree have been picked up as control variables in the model. Finally, the effects of urban form factors on Vehicle Distance Travelled (VDT) are separately measured for four travel purposes (educational, job, service, leisure and other). Eventually, it was established that the total effect of urban form factors on VDT per capita of all kind of travel purposes is more than 10 percent in Tehran metropolis.Results also show that VDT per capita of job travels, which account for 63 percent of VDT per capita, can be described as a model of urban form factors but VDT of other three aims cannot be seen as a model of urban form. According to the model, street accessibility, job accessibility and the area of living region have most effects on vehicle dependency of Tehran different regions residents.

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The holy sites in Iran have mostly been established near mountains, fountains or trees as memorials of old Iranian beliefs which were mostly based on naturism and originated from ancient beliefs in Mithra and Anahita. Some of those holy sites changed their function after the advent of Islam in Iran and became shrines of religious figures. Nevertheless, they continue to preserve the signs and symbols of holiness as prevailed in ancient beliefs.Among the sites where signs of water purity are dominant is Sa’adi’s Tomb where the “Fish Pond” is a place for manifestation of water purity and where the common belief in this natural element is rooted. Many stories and narratives have been told about the importance of this pond and there are ceremonies held to this respect which were attributed later to ‘Sheikh Saadi’ and the holiness of his tomb. The fish pond at Saadi’s Tomb is one of the headsprings of Saadi’s Aqueduct which is one of the most watery and the oldest aqueducts in Shiraz. The old name for this aqueduct was “Pahndej” (wide fortress), the name of which was changed to Saadi aqueduct after building the Tomb next to it. The reason for calling this place “Pahndej” was the existence of the ancient fortress near the aqueduct.This fortress was one of the oldest residential places in Shiraz. Historical narrations have referred to physical and metaphysical features of this aqueduct where rituals and ceremonies were practiced in relation to the fish pond - rituals that have continued so far. This article assumes that the ceremonies concerning this aqueduct suggest the continuance and relevance of beliefs existing with respect to the holiness of the water. This originates from ancient religions and their point of view about water. As it was mentioned earlier, people in Shiraz have special beliefs about Saadi’s aqueduct and its physical and metaphysical properties. Also, they consider the fish pond as the symbol of holiness of this aqueduct and attribute its fish to Sheikh Saadi and avoid fishing there. With respect to the hypothesis proposed in this article and understanding the geographical-historical roots of this area, these beliefs together with the ceremonies and their relation to ancient Iranian culture have been analyzed (Table 2). The ceremonies related to this aqueduct and water element have been split into 4 general categories: holiness of fish, attribution of water to great religious men, washing (ablution) during special days and seeking abundance and fertility, each of which is realized along with a series of ceremonies and customs. A point worthy of reflection here is the adjustment of the time of conducting these ceremonies to ancient festivals celebrations. As an example, on the first day of the calendar month of Tir, people in the city would go to this aqueduct and wash their bodies for a week. This ceremony was synchronous with the day “urmazd” performed with the pouring of water. On the other hand, those beliefs prevailed after the advent of Islam in this area to the degree that they can be seen today, as well. It is believed that people took a bath in this water pond to draw in good luck, poured water on their heads and prayed for their demands to be answered. This ritual was taken into Islam and continued after the advent of Islam until today. Therefore, in describing and analyzing the historical events concerning this issue, the authors have been able to establish a significant relation between the ruined parts of the old fortress “Pahndej” near the Tomb and historical roots of ancient ceremonies which have continued to the contemporary time. According to the authors, this relation originates from the holiness of water in old times. This is a cross-sectional field study.

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In modern texts, the formation of the discourse of the drama has been very close to the development of street talk in the society. Accordingly, this has been influenced by the standards governing the development of non-drama discourse.Drama represents a unique style of social interaction.Dialogues in the drama have a striking similarity with the actual typical street talk. Interestingly, a main focus of recent literary criticism has become the differences between the literary works and particularly the drama with thegeneral patterns of street talk.Today, it may be necessary to use the help of the science of linguistics to realize the features of dialogues in drama which have a different form and function compared to other literary genres specifically fiction and narrative. This is what Applied Criticism has provided the critics of drama to the degree that the drama would be scrutinized beyond interpretation at the level of word and phrase.In short, Pragmatics has been described in Linguistics as the science of studying the meaning which is conveyed by the source and is interpreted by the audience. Among the main subject areas that rely on this approach in interpreting meaning include Politeness, the Cooperative Principle, the Turn-Taking Rules, as well as Speech Acts. Take the Persian drama Vay bar Maghlub (Woe on the Defeated) written by Gholam-Hossein Sa’ediin 1970 as an example. In this work, the Politeness Principle is repeatedly violated regardless to the social status of other characters. Therefore, the same principle will help in interpreting the drama. Accordingly, the present research is meant to study Sa’edi’sworks from the viewpoint of characterization.Considering that Sa’edi has been described as an innovative figure in Iran’s modern literature, the present research will try to draw on the standards of Applied Linguistics to show how innovation has manifested itself through dialogues regardless to the main theme and other components of the drama. The research will also try to explain how the characters that come from the lower strata of the society are better performers in using the language than the characters who belong to the higher strata.An analysis on the issue of Impoliteness whether it be the application of offensive language, four-letter words or disrupting others’ conversation and forcing own opinions on others in Vay bar Maghlubshows a direct correlation between the power of the characters in the play to their application of the principle of Politeness. Studying this principle also shows the change in the register and relations between characters throughout the course of the drama and the fact that the presuppositions of the audience with regards to the characters shake as the result of the application of language. In other words, it can be concluded that power relations in this drama are no longer in place as the result of the linguistic interpretation of the text.

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The architecture of mosques plays a pivotal role in the Islamic art. It reflects the thoughts and beliefs of the architects who devoted their lives to achieving unity in structure. Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, located in Isfahan, is a magnificent and highly splendid construction of Iranian–Islamic architecture prevalent in the Safavid era. The Mosque was built in Naghsh-e Jahan Square by the well-known Iranian architect of the time, Mohammad Reza Isfahani and on the order of Shah Abbas, the First. It is named after Sheikh Lotfollah Jabal Ameli, a great scholar of the Safavid era. Naghsh-e Jahan Square is one of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites. Unlike the traditional pattern of Iranian mosques, this building does not have a courtyard and a minaret. A feature of this mosque is its prayer hall’s 45 degree rotation to the axis of its entrance. The purpose of this is to adjust the direction of the entrance toward Qibla. The significance of this building lies in its architecture and beautiful tile work, which has significantly added to its value. Mosques, as places of worship, are the most appropriate form of architecture through which the concept of multiplicity in unity is realized. That is why mosques have always been the most enduring works of architecture during the Islamic era in Iran. In the architecture of Iranian mosques, geometrical tools have been properly utilized with regard to the condition of time and place. Accordingly, different mosques built in same era, though somehow similar, have their unique features. The accurate geometry of Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque will have every researcher wonder over the splendor of its architectural beauties. The analysis of many Iranian historical buildings from the geometrical point of view has proven that a thorough knowledge of proportions especially the Golden Section has been used widely in Iranian architecture and this is the basis of Iranian aesthetics. In many Iranian buildings, plans and vertical sections have been designed in frames of squares and triangles in which intersections determined all important fixed points such as width and height of doors, width, length and height of rooms and the location of inscriptions. Therefore, the dimensions of each component were associated to others by a certain proportion. As a result, the building was not a set of non-harmonic components, but was a harmonious combination of elements with appropriate relations between them, producing movement and calmness in space. A geometrical analysis of the architecture of Sheik Lotfollah Mosque reveals some of the principles which have been influential in the design of this splendid building. The Mosque's entrance on the side of Naghsh-e Jahan Square has been determined based on a specific geometry. The location of the entrance divides the side of the Square into two parts based on the specifics of the golden proportion. At the beginning of the entrance to the building and through a narrow corridor a 45 degree rotation to the left and within a short distance, a 90 degree rotation to the right has been designed. The purpose of this is to adjust the direction of the entrance to the prayer hall toward Qibla. This has caused the square-shaped prayer hall to deviate from the symmetrical axis of the entrance. Dome relocation and asymmetry are seen clearly in the building's facade. Ironically, this has not only caused any confusion but added to the beauty of the building and has made it a unique masterpiece. The Mosque’s positioning on the eastern side of Naqshe-Jahan Square, which is based on the Golden Section, and the movement of the prayer hall from the symmetrical axis of the entrance are the main focuses of this article. The research hypothesis is that the positioning of the prayer hall, with respect to its displacement from the symmetrical axis of the entrance of the building is linked to the position of the entrance on the side of the Square. In this article, a geometrical model is generated. Then, by applying the model to the plan of the Mosque, the geometrical and dimensional relations between the two above-mentioned spaces are identified. Based on this, the rationale behind the formation of this masterpiece is revealed. The findings show the architect’s full knowledge of geometry and its practical application and emphasizes that the dimensions of the prayer hall was determined proportionate to the dimensions of the entrance and the positioning of this space to the entrance was determined in relation to the positioning of the entrance on the side of Naqshe-Jahan Square. It is also revealed that the Golden Section and geometrical techniques of its construction have been used in this Mosque to create a balance between components of structure. The research method is analytical-descriptive and proceeds through the geometrical analysis of the building. At first, the plan of the Mosque and its positioning in Naqshe-Jahan Square are studied and then the hypothesis is proven through the analysis of the geometrical features of the Mosque.

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The present article studies the narratives of tile paintings on the eastern side of the main building in Eram Garden of Shiraz which may be one of the most beautiful gardens in Iran. The main tile painting in the entrance of Eram Garden comprises three torics that illustrate four scenes: Rostam in the court of King Solomon, the fainting of servants after seeing Prophet Joseph, the bathing of Shirin while Khosrow is watching, and the horse riding of Nasereddin Shah. The present research first studies the narrative of each scene and then looks into their related themes by taking into consideration the components of the scenes. And finally, it will study the arrangement of the components and identifies the common visual elements in each scene.What is important in the present research is the juxtaposition of each image with its corresponding image as well as the common elements that exist in a visual narrative. This is believed to help contribute to the understanding of the meanings of images or even change them. For the purposes of the research, the theories of Roland Barthes have been used to explain the implicit and explicit implications for choosing the images for tile work at the entrance of the site under study. The findings of the research show that the explanation of power under the theories of Michel Foucault can be applicable to the narratology of the subject under study in the present research. In other words, the visual elements in each of the three scenes have a common theme which is the concept of “the power of the king”.Prophet Solomon and Prophet Joseph are religious figures but Rustam and Khosrow are epic figures. Nevertheless, these figures are symbols of “powerful kings”. On the other hand, Prophet Joseph and Zoleykha and Khosrow and Shirin are symbols of “imaginary lovers” and represent lyrical and fancy concepts. Nevertheless, the lyrical, religious and heroic contents of the tile paintings around Nassereddin Shah’s picture at the site under study appear to serve to guard his power and contribute to a discourse that would represent his legitimacy and his popularity among the public.There have been several researches about Iranian tile paintings. Also, some researchers have looked into the tile works and their functions like Mahmoud Maher al Naghsh and Hadi Seyf. Nevertheless, Iranian tile works deserve a more profound analysis in light of the theories of Roland Barthes about interpretation the texts in arts as applied in the present research.

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In our country, The common approach in the building industry is just design, construction, completion of the projectand occupation. So, after these steps, there is no relationship between designer & builder with building and performance result, while building as a active system is always influenced by indoors and outdoors environment changes and it requires to design or changes again. On the other hand, building defects appear and it’s quality control just after doing some tests. Under this subject, school buildings and educational environments are more important as physical potential for mental development of human resources in every country. If these buildings aren’t practical, it will reduce productivity and efficiency of human resources in educational and learning zone as the most basic zone in development and growth of every country. Scientific and punctilious evaluation of buildings after construction and during of occupancy period has received less attention and it has retrograded to level of becoming resistant of building. According to this necessity, this research tries to represent a reasonable method in the case of building evaluation to identify current situation and also some feedback to reform the defects and eventually, using from these results in future to next designs and constructions. This method is named ‘post occupancy evaluation’ under environmental psychology view point that’s background backs to 1960 in the U.S. So, this school is selected, because of its architectural characteristic & being newly built. School building is evaluated based on all variables such as environmental quality, environmental security, environmental easiness (convenience), environmental comfort and saving energy. For evaluation of Hossein Amin School building from user’s view survey method based on questionnaire was used. Trial and error method was used to achieving standard questionnaire with high validity and consists of research variables. So firstly 10 questionnaires were prepared and data was collected and all of data was analyzed and was tested by validity test. Then 10th questionnaire was selected as base of research and statistics analysis because of its suitable validity and reliability. Students were selected as 70 members-statistical population of the first grade to fifth grade of elementary by cluster sampling. Questionnaires were distributed among them to data gathering. The process of data earning was controlled by questions explanation by researchers of this article and 2 experts in education of students. In fact survey method was used in this research because of evaluation nature (evaluation of current condition and adapting it to student needs and requests in order to results earning and consensus.) thus Related data to each variables analysis in SPSS software to sure that whether the questionnaire is enough validate and reliable to test variables. The results from building evaluation in user’s view indicate Esfahan Hossein Amin building school has a suitable environmental quality, but in the other variables it isn’t desired. So this school isn’t match with user’s expectation. In conclusion one of this research results is reasonable method presentation that through function of current building with educational usage can be evaluated. This method will help to be known current condition, so defects and lacks will be known and results will be used in future buildings. This process directs designers and decision-makers team to reform and do some changes and prepare principles for designing of future buildings. Without this process, defects in building designing will be repeated in future and buildings won’t be practical and human and financial resources will be wasted. These events will effect on community arrears. So obviously post occupancy evaluation is an irrefutable necessity and must be considered by decision-makers and managers especially in education and educational buildings. It’s obvious that this research not only evaluates this school, but also represents problem seeking process as a first step in the school building post occupancy evaluation.

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During the last decades, Iran’s southern provinces have been among the most important spots in the world because of their strategic location toward the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea. However, despite the importance of those spots, there have been little academic research on their urban structures. Many ancient structures in Iran’s southern areas have been destroyed by severe weather over time and only a few sites remain from the Qajar era. This adds to the importance of taking efforts to preserve those sites. In fact, the protection and documentation of the remained buildings of Qajar era in southern Iran is important since in today’s architecture, it can be used as examples of vernacular architecture in adaptation with environmental conditions.The degree of prosperity of any city can be a crucial factor in studying its urban structures in any given juncture. To the same effect, the present paper will first identify the main prosperity criteria in Iran’s southern cities based on available scripts from the Qajar era and then will then determine the typology attributes by combination of characteristics. The typology will be a descriptive typology and has a grounded structure. The data will be gathered through theoretical studies, based on scripts available from the Qajar era written documents such as itineraries and historical books. This paper will first identify the criteria of prosperity in this region as illustrated in the scripts remaining from Qajar era.The results show that during the Qajar era the existence of drinking water, fertile land and geographical positioning were important criteria for considering a region as prosperous. Further factors included the secure and easy access to land and marine passages. Based on the combined factors for the research, 12 cities, ports and islands were identified and an analysis on the typologies showed that the main criterion for prosperity in ports is easy access to the open sea. This is while drinking water, fertile land and easy access to the open sea are the main criteria for prosperity of cities. As for islands, the important criteria for prosperity are drinking water, fertile land.Results also show that easy access to the open sea and geographic positioning were the most frequent criteria for the prosperity of ports. This is while drinking water, fertile land and easy access to land are the main criteria for prosperity of cities. As for Islands, the important criteria for prosperity are drinking water, fertile land and sea resources.

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