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According to many researchers writting of the great shahnameh was supported by ilkhanids to legitimize their dynasy by making relations between Ilkhanid kings and mythical iranan kings.●PurposeThe current study aims to shed light on the significan role of Shahnameh in legitimation and Persianism of Mongols.●MethodThis artice has been written by the use of discource and liberary method and analysis of important paintings and is based on Foucault’s geneology theory.● Statement of the Problemin this article, persianism means the procces that Mongols went through in order to replace their own culture with Iranian culture and legitimize themselves●ConclusionIt can be inferred from the results that contrary to the initial discourse1 which was based on Ghenghis’s yasa2 that Ilkhanid dynasty is devided into 3 stages: 1.the first one is known for Ghenghis’s invasion and victories in wars and represents terror and fear.2.this stage is called power and domination discourse because of ilkhanid’s attacks that led to conquest of the last stage ilkhanid rulers converted to islam and became adapted to iranian culture. this situation caused the establishment of basics of persianization.Shahnameh was used by Mongols in order to replace themselves with mythical kings of iran. they selectively chose some illustrations of Shahnameh that could be helpful in emphasizing the similarities of the mythical kings and Mongol rulers so that they could be more acceptable for Iranian people. this shows the significant role of Shahnameh on their way to Persianism and legitimation.

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The gardens of the South coast of the Caspian Sea are prominent instances of Persian gardens which, unlike the Persian desert gardens, are not at variance with their surroundings. According to Eskandar Beig, Shah Abbas’ secretary, garden construction in Mazandaran is like paradise construction in the heaven. Despite several gardens in the area, little research has been conducted in this regard because few historic gardens remained; the only sources that refer to these gardens are the few descriptions and pictures in the European travelers’ histories and travelogues. Despite climatic variations, most of the Safavid gardens in this area were built based on the spatial geometric pattern of the Persian garden and the only difference between the gardens in this area and those in the central and the southern areas is in their use of the natural elements. Therefore, studying these gardens as a special kind of Persian Garden is necessary. This research is conducted in a descriptive-analytical method and investigates historical documents and images. Moreover, case study is conducted through field investigation in order to recognize the features of Bahroleram garden and the role of natural elements in this garden in comparison to other Persian gardens.This paper seeks to understand the role of the landscape elements such as water in the formation of Bahroleram. The hypothesis states that the widespread presence of water in this area and the full interaction of the garden with its context have create a kind of garden called the island-garden. According to the historical evidence, historians and travelers’ quotes, the garden situation, and also based on the images, Bahrol-eram is an island-garden which was constructed in the area because of its appropriate climate and abundant water. The widespread presence of water surrounding the whole garden which is embedded in the central island makes it a specific instance of the Persian gardens which can be referred to as island-gardens. Despite the lack of climatic justification (increased humidity), the Persians’ respect for water and its value for them have caused the garden to be a royal residence and resort. The existence of this garden reflects the natural diversity of Iranian garden, maintaining its basic principles.

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Problem statement: The building of Tekyeh Dowlat in Tehran has always created many arguments and questions among the researchers in conservation and architecture history. The main axis of these questions relates to the building’s history and the relationship between Royal Albert Hall and Tekyeh Dowlat building. There are conflicting statements approving and neglecting Tekyeh Dowlat architectural originality within researchers. A number of people referred to the trip of Nasereddin Shah to Europe and his visit to Royal Albert Hall building and believed he wanted to construct a similar building in Iran. Others deny this idea believing that this trip occurred after the construction of Tekyeh Dowlat, thus this reasoning is wrong.Research goal: the main aims of this research is explaining the role of Tekyeh Dowlat in Iranian architecture history by comparing the construction technique to Royal Albert Hall.Research Methodology: In the present study tries to find evidence about building construction techniques for both buildings through historical studies and comparative-historical analysis of the documents, especially those dealing with the architecture and structure of Royal Albert Hall – that was found in British history archive –and finally answer the question “what is the relationship between Tekyeh Dowlat and Royal Albert Hall buildings.Research result: Results from this study suggest that despite the similarity of Tekyeh Dowlat and Royal Albert Hall, Tekyeh Dowlat building is recognized as a valuable and important example in Iranian architecture history due to its use of construction technique derived from Iranian architecture. Tekyeh Dowlat’s construction began a year after Royal Albert Hall’s on 1868. Based on this result, the present study emphasizes on the role of construction technique studies for answering architectural history questions and considering it as an unlimited component of architecture history studies, especially the history of Iranian architectural evolution. This study means to eliminate the existing weaknesses in Iranian architectural studies, trying to find logical and rational answers about construction date of historical buildings in general and Tekyeh Dowlat in particular, avoiding myths and providing a general method for similar studies.

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Theories of urban development have mentioned many advantages for using a structural approach. However, intuitive (and not objective) methods have been used to determine the main structure, which is essentially considered equivalent to the main passage network and public utilities. Since the mental conceptual structure is considered in a way that its components are combined to gether as a whole, the present study aims to develop an objective mechanism for extracting the mental structure of people about texture. Accordingly, this research seeks to answer the question that which elements and objective analysis have a greater impact on the explanation of the existing structures in the cognitive maps. In this regard, cognitive maps of people were collected through drawings and interviews, and the structure was extracted in three physical, functional and semantic dimensions. The analysis of the spatial values associated with the network of passages and land use in the geographic information system as well as the spatial qualities and relationships were carried out using spatial analysis. Spatial integration between the mental structures of cognitive maps, on the one hand, and the objective analysis of passages, land uses and spatial layout, on the other hand, showed that “axial depth” analysis explains the physical dimension of mental structure (Correlation=0.72361, Sig.< 0.001), “mean depth of convex space” analysis explains the functional dimension (Correlation=0.66973, Sig.<0.001) and “Convex Space Integration1” analysis explains the semantic dimension (Correlation= 0.44744, Sig.<0.001). Accordingly, it is concluded that objective analyses of the existing urban textures can be used to explore people’s cognitive maps. Contrary to existing theories, this paper showed that the segmentation and land use models could not significantly explain the structure of cognitive maps while spatial analysis has the highest degree of explanation of the structure of cognitive maps. The main network of passages, in accordance with the existing theory, is still an appropriate explanation for all three dimensions of mental structures of the cognitive maps.

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The combined and decorative motifs of the “human-script” in the artificial arts of the Seljuk period are a combination of the head and body of human in a stylized and abstract manner in various moods and situations, along with the common script lines of that era, such as Kofi and Naskh script lines. These motifs have been used with a diverse structure of the earlier motifs of that era, in harmony with the components, frame, and even painted place. Visual elements and geometric motifs play a major role in the various parts of this decorative composition, which made it as a distinctive and appropriate motif in many fields of graphic design. Reviewing the structure and articulation of these illustrated-lines, which became very close to the illustration and were less addressed in the Islamic art researches, in addition to the familiarizing with the innovations and the specific quality of the artistic practices of this era, due to the high graphical capabilities of the structure of these compounds can be considered as a new approach in order to use in the variety of artworks including graphic arts and animated graphics.●Research Questions1. How is the jointing in “human-script” compounds.2. Which calligraphy techniques and sensitivity Method were the most effective one in “human-script” compounds.●HypothesesIn these combined motifs, the Jointing (fastening) method human motifs to inscriptions are seen in four general modes: the complete joint of human faces to the stems of written letters, the division of space into two upper and lower parts, the combination of human figures and script lines, and, finally, placing the human motifs between the words and phrases separately.In these inscriptions, Nask script is more commom than the other calligraphy technique. Also, at the beginning of the work, in terms of the authors, using the variety of motifs in the composition of words and positioning in a specific form, as prominent methods, have been very effective in the general structure and the sensitivity of the “human-script” compounds.The purpose of this research is recognizing the basis of the structure of combined “human-script” motifs in the artificial arts of the Seljuk era, which can have great visual features in various branches of contemporary arts. So far, no specific research has been done on the structure and articulation of combined “human-script” motifs of the Seljuk era. This research was done by descriptive-analytical method and also library resources, articles and valid websites were used.

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به زعم بسیاری از محققین، نگارش شاهنامه بزرگ ایلخانی یکی از روش هایی بوده که ایلخانان با هدف مشروعیت بخشی به حکومت خود از طریق برقراری پیوند میان ایلخانان و شاهان اساطیری ایران در نگارخانه های دربار از تولید آن حمایت کردند.● هدفچگونگی بازتاب و نحوه بیان قدرت و مشروعیت در نگاره های شاهنامه بزرگ ایلخانی.● روش تحقیقبه شیوه کتابخانه ای و تحلیل موردی برخی از نگاره های مهم انجام پذیرفته است.● بیان مسالهپژوهش حاضر در صدد آن است تا بررسی کند که چگونه مشروعیت ایلخانان در نگاره های شاهنامه بزرگ ایلخانی بازتاب یافته و به پیوند آنان با فرهنگ ایرانی کمک کرده و به چه نحو در نگاره ها به نمایش درآمده است.● نتیجه گیرینتایج حاکی از آن است که بر خلاف گفتمان1اولیه مغولان که مبتنی بر یاسای چنگیز و با ورود چنگیز و فتوحات اولیه او بر پایه وحشت و ارعاب بنا شده بود، در دومین حمله مغولان که به فتح سراسری و تشکیل حکومت ایلخانی توسط هولاکوخان منجر شد، به گفتمان تسلط و اقتدار بدل شد و در نهایت در اواخر دوره ایلخانی و با مسلمان شدن سه حاکم آخر ایلخان، حاکمان در برابر فرهنگ ایرانی نرمش و انعطاف نشان داده و زمینه های ایرانی گرایی را فراهم کردند. مغولان از شاهنامه در راستای جایگزینی خود با شاهان اساطیری ایران بهره گرفته و به انتخابی گزینشی از صحنه نگاری شاهنامه روی آوردند، البته نه در راستای انطباق با نقاط عطف داستانی شاهنامه، آن گونه که در دیگر نسخ دیده می شود، بلکه در رابطه با صحنه هایی که در آن با توازی میان صفات شاهان ایرانی و ایلخانان و جایگزینی بصری خود و آنان قادر بوده تا توازی منطقی میان آنان و شاخصه های مشروعیت حکومت ایرانی را فراهم سازند تا راهی برای کسب مشروعیت و پذیرش هویت ایرانی برای خود به وجود آورند. امری که نشانگر قرارگیری شاهانه بزرگ در بطن گفتمان مشروعیت خواهی ایلخانی در راستای ایرانی گرایی به منظور کاهش فاصله با جامعه ایرانی بوده است.

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● Problem explaination: Traditional houses of Yazd area valuable cultural heritage, which constitute the main part of the historic fabric of this city.These buildings are as a manifestation of the history, civilization, urbanization, culture and identity of Yazd historic city, but - unfortunately - many of them have been evacuated and demolished over the time. Conservation, restoration and rehabilitation of this precious treasure, not only provide the opportunity to review and understand the values of these works but also it will transfer these values to future generations.● Purpose of the paper: This paper is to study and identify common improper interventions in the city of Yazd’s traditional houses and examine the technical and functional damages caused by undesirable restorations specifically in relation to climatic conditions.● Methodology, case-studies and the research structure: The research method in this paper is “descriptive-analytical” and based on library resources and field observations. The research methodology is of experimental and simulation studies too. This paper reviews the case studies in the city of Yazd, which includes two examples of historic houses in the historic fabric of Yazd.● The concise results: It shows that incorrect restorations without the support of knowledge and scientific approach will have bad effects on climatic conditions in historic houses and will increase the thermal load and the costs of set the environmental conditions of the buildings at the time of utilization. The results clearly show that these kinds of interventions increase the thermal load of buildings and reduce the climatic desirability of them.

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