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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The urban landscape quality of a city, has an important and effective role in reading and understanding of urban spaces. Visual and conceptual factors promoting urban areas landscape, can only be achieved when priority assessment existing urban issues, be based on the comments of citizens and users of space. Because of the variety of opinions and viewpoints of the city and the surrounding urban landscape issues and its priorities, there are different views and opinions in the city and the surrounding urban land, also decisions must be integrated and comprehensive in line with coverage all aspects of priorities, For this aim, The purpose of this study is priority assessment and reading of city squares landscape of Hamadan, from the standpoint of citizens and professionals. Based on first criteria and indicators of landscape urban squares Hamedan studies using library-mining and then with respect to the goals and research questions ANP model was prepared. In this way, the ANP model - based urban squares landscape of Hamadan, including3cluster (criteria/group) and 20 option (node/sub-groups), using the Super Decisions softwares were produced and the results of the field investigations in the software were analyzed. Models outputs in the text differented ways, and various diagrams and think able for criteria and options, is presentable. Hence, according to the research questions: 1– How are prioritise indicators and effective criterion on urban squares of Hamadan the based on standpoint of citizen and opinions? 2 - What are priority indicators of urban landscape ration criterias based on experts point of view?, only, same part of the findings in the paper has been brought. The research results show that, from the standpoint of citizens, indicators of vegetation coverage in physical - bodily cluster and memorial and cemetery monuments within the cluster of identity – place, Scale and space proportionin perspective of -Skeletal –aesthetic of cluster, has the highest priority relative to other indicators in each cluster to the item(the BuAli Sina squire). Similarly, in Imam Khomeini Square, clustering building indexes features, in the cluster of physical -body, historical and cultural features of places in local – identity clusters, in Skeletal body aesthetic symmetry of cluster, have the highest priority, Baba taher Square, the green indicator in the cluster periphery of the physical body, memorial and cemetery monuments in the cluster identity-place, lighting and color, in bodily aesthetic, have the highest priority and ‘desirable sky line’ indicators within the cluster bodily- physical buildings, and memorial and cemetery monuments” within the cluster of local identity,” Scale and proportions of the space “the cluster of a bodily-aesthetic too, from citizen perspective have the highest priority relative to other indicators in each cluster to the item (eshrine of Abdullah Squar), and from experts opinions the "buildings facades" indicators had top priority and symbols and signs had the lowest priority within place-identity cluster: and indicators of scale and appropriateness of space had the highest and lowest priority and body symmetry than any other indicators in bodily a esthetetic cluste.

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For a long time, East pivot of metropolis Tehran has been playing an efficient role in spatial urban and rural habitation development in its region; so that in different periods this capacity and potential caused the pivot develop rural and urban habitations without meeting planning rules and requisites. Lack of schedule, and scattered, however, created disorganization and unfavorable conditions from different economic, social, environmental, and demographic aspects. Accordingly, the government has taken decentralization in Tehran into account based on new cities experiences in other countries and in order to decrease the population load, and also constructed and developed Pardis new town to organize habitation on this pivot in order for eliminating regional unfavorable conditions around Tehran. After more than two decades of Pardis new town construction, however, failure and success of this policy has received attention. Hence, this research serves to consider and comparatively analyze east pivot of Paris (as a successful instance of European new cities) and the one of Tehran. Research methodology is comparatively analyzing these two instances by means of spatial cartographic analyzes and comparative comparison of data related to spatial and skeletal characteristics of studied areas. perceived results indicate that planning without considering spatial relations between activities and habitation and a simple point attitude towards habitation are of main causes of failure in management and equalizing eastern region of metropolis Tehran. That is, new town Marne-La-Vallee in east of Paris comprises all houses and even old rural centers on its base beside spatial capacities of new development, whereas only determining the range of development and new buildings are considered regardless of habitations interrelations between Roudehen, Bumehen and Jajrud, and relations between other existing habitations in this pivot or spatial order has been neglected.

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Gender is a social and cultural concept that changes in different times and places. Various factors such as beliefs, religious teachings and customs are involved in shaping it. The present paper, applying historical approach and relying on an interpretation of historical texts and travelogues and focusing on the culture and religion in Iranian society, investigates changes in the gender realms of urban, rural and tribal communities in the Qajar period. Considering this pre-hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between “gender identity” and “spatial identity”, this paper response to a main question: Which factors have influenced in shaping of gender realms and their transformation in various situations? In this respect, we first find gender realms in the public and private places in the Qajar period. Then, we explain and analyze the comments of travel writers. The findings of the study indicate that cultural factors such as ritual beliefs, dressing way, women’s education and cultural influence of the West in the late Qajar era, social factors, including the structure of power, class, and social norms, and also economic factors including livelihood and geographic region have changed the relationship between gender and space. This paper discusses that how these factors influence on gender and space. Study of the Safavid and Qajar history and comparison of travelogues written during this period; give us the conclusion that the position of women in this period was similar in many aspects. The formation of movements and organization of women just after the constitutional revolution have changed this situation. Thus, in the present study, 6 travelogues of the Qajar dynasty, 6 travelogues of the Safavids, 8 memoirs and biographies have been investigated. In this paper, determining the influence of gender identity on spatial identity and the confounding factors in the relationship between gender and space are considered. Identifying domains as the basis of social and relative relations in public and private spaces have particular importance to detect possible changes in the gendered spaces. This research is based on historical texts, travelogues and biographies to explain the changes in spatial organization and classification of public and private realms according to changes in gender definition. This paper investigated these maters during the Qajar era. The main research question is that how features of space and the use of private and public realms affected of gender identity, social and cultural position, and status of women and men during the Qajar era.

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The structure of historic cities has been formed based on the needs and demands of their citizens within history. Climatic conditions and nature - the type of existing materials - technical abilities - livelihood and the economy - prevailing culture of society and ultimately creativity and innovation of architects and designers, have changed human life in the cities throughout history. The historical texture of the cities is eliminated due to the traditional structure, deterioration of housing, lack of accessibility, poor physical infrastructure and environmental organizations. In line with these fundamental changes in the historical cities and solving problems related to historical texture of these cities, some urban plans as format reconstruction - reconstruction - rehabilitation and revitalization in the economic, cultural, social and physical fields have been provided and completed in different countries. The method of dealing with the historical contexts is resulted from different philosophical perspectives on urban planning. In recent decades, the reduction and elimination of exhaustion of cities and objects of historical context as well as the maintenance and restoration of historical centers and Coordination between new and historical context with emphasizing on social norms and values are taken into consideration. Iran holds a rich and extensive history of civilization and culture over the centuries has valuable historical cities. Now in historical cities of Iran, only physical problems such as copycat design is considered and historically valuable urban space optimization not. Isfahan is one of the historical cities of Iran with significant architecture and urban values due to its location and as the capital of the Safavid era. Many critics and historians attributed architecture and urban prosperity in the Iran to Isfahan in the Safavid era. the formation of the city is based on two axes, one is natural and originated from the Zayandeh rod river and other is geometrical and resulted from Naghsh- e jahan square. In the past, composition of the city was based on dividing city into smaller units called localities. Relative self-sufficiency of the localities and organizing their space and communication networks and access roads in the localities of the city in such a way that residents were self-sufficient for their needs. The historical city of Isfahan has experienced many changes in fundamental modern urban developments such as integrated and organic systems with the city road network (Indoor and outdoor) and historical self-sufficient localities have had many developments, such as the Joybareh locality as a core component of historical city of Isfahan. In this locality, despite the implementation of projects, including road-improvement and reconstruction of valuable buildings and green space, it h a s been unable to maintain its historical identity as well as the past and the lack of a long-term plan formulated in the preservation and restoration of historical cores of this city and in harmony with the rest of its components in the development and always its population abandoned this locality and aging buildings and the historic cores of this city are observed. Preserving steady historical values in the locality, traffic planning and unity in environment in this locality, job opportunities and restore social identity of Joybareh locality and revitalizing historical passages and transitions to attract tourists are the most important results of this research which carried out by field study and analysis in the historic core of Joybareh locality with capability in attracting potential tourists. In this study, after identifying and studying on a neighboring unit in the locality, every building in the neighborhood and components have been addressed to allow desirable regeneration based on social, cultural and economic structures and public participation to realize historical identity of Joybareh locality and in line with a lively neighborhood with preserving its historical identity to achieve a Sustainable modernization.

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Urban Regeneration has changed from a simple engineering and construction project to a sophisticated social and economic phenomenon. Management and considering context are to critical factors of regeneration projects success and failures in Iranian initiatives are strongly the result of negligence of them. The main propose of this research is to develop a managerial model for regeneration projects in Tehran based on the context. After considering different dimensions of urban regeneration, the structure and components of the model is identified based on David`s strategic management model and then to complete the model, interview with experts and analysis of consultant`s documents related to Tehran`s deteriorated fabrics is done. Finally every identified part is synthesized into the final model. The most important aspect of the model is role of facilitator for urban management and not a direct actor giving the chance for developers and professionals in private sector to direct regeneration with participation of people and other actors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Educational system of the society is one of the fundamental pillars of emergence, development, and transfer of its cultural elements. The system itself involves four pillars, including educational structure, instructor, learner, and educational environment. Earlier researches on the architectural history of Iranian schools indicates that the relationship between education and school architecture has not been widely explored. The main research question is how the transformations of educational system have been relevant with the transformations of Iranian schools spaces? The study aims at recognizing the spatial evolution of Iranian schools architecture. It seems that with the transformation of Educational system in the Qajar period and the establishment of Darolfunoon academy, the system and the architecture of schools have gradually shifted the traditional school to new ones. Based on a historical-interpretive approach, data were gathered using library method, then were analyzed citing historical documents. To this end, three periods were identified in the educational system and architectural developments and three typical schools of the given periods, including Sepahsalar School, Darolfunoon academy, and Alborz high school, and their relevant educational systems were analyzed. Studies suggested that the traditional system had been based on the concurrent life and learning, coordination of spiritual and worldly sciences, and Interactive relationship between master and disciple. This system had interacted with the architecture of schools, with prominent features such as considering one place for living and learning, the use of schools for religious affairs, and considering large spaces for schools. In the next period, the religious aspect and the interaction between disciple and master has been removed from schools such as the Darolfunoon, but the overall shape the central courtyard has been preserved and the function of the chambers has shifted to classrooms. Finally, in the modern educational system, the architecture of schools has become linear, the classes and their layout has led to a unilateral teacher-student relationship, and has distanced from the architecture of the traditional schools.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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