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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Processes of socio-economic restructuring result in reshaping cities and affect all aspects of urban life all over the world. One effect of such processes is urban decline which may be defined as “the relative under-performance of many local urban economies and the resulting mix of economic, social, physical, and environmental exclusion, which often appears to be self-sustaining in the absence of external intervention”.The urban decline, because of spatial concentration, leads to the creation, continuation, and intensification of deteriorated neighbourhoods. In Iran, deterioration of some urban neighbourhoods can be considered as the consequence of contemporary socio-economic transitions. The consequences of urban deterioration are the disequilibrium of main functions in the neighbourhood, the concentration of unstable buildings, lack of public services, and unbalance between driving paths and pavements. The result is the lack of equilibrium, balance, and sustainability in the deteriorated neighbourhoods.The issue of neighbourhood sustainability can be considered from physical, functional, environmental, and social aspects. This paper put an emphasis on the equilibrium and balance between different functions and defines the criteria and indices of a sustainable neighbourhood from functional aspect. To this end, the content of literature is reviewed; then, the status quo of the deteriorated neighbourhoods of Tehran (in relation to the defined indices) is analysed; and finally, the required policy readjustments to enhance functional sustainability in these neighbourhoods is proposed.

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The city spatial organization is the order resulted from citizens’ preferences at their life space or the order among roles of elements which introduces the city as a whole (system). There has been a purposeful order and also a permanent association among the elements which this creates a meaning as a coherent entirety and single identity. The most important reason which makes the cities different from each other, is their different spatial organization which this difference results from the variety of orders in the cities as a system. To understand the totality of Tabriz and its spatial organization, it is necessary to discover the order of the city elements and results from surveying the relation between spatial organization indicators, is necessary.Discovering of order that dominates the city elements and also results from surveying the relation between spatial organization indicators is necessary to understand the totality of Tabriz and its spatial organization.The aim of this paper is to analyze Tabriz spatial organization from early Islam to Gajar era according to systemic theory and to determine the rules of Tabriz spatial organization. Results of this research reveals that the widespread communication between East and West and also earth structure limits at the northwest area of Iran are the factors which set up the city. Earthquake and neighboring countries attacks are the threatening factors throughout history. These factors have an important role in Tabriz spatial organization.By analyzing the city spatial organization indicators and their changes in historic eras, the rules of Tabriz spatial organization was defined: The city center in the process of city changes was a fixed element and also an identity for the city, the city territory had a fixed condition and was being changed in every period, the neighborhoods of the city had been influenced by the fixed city center and also had been located according to the main paths of the city and the city structure as a distinct and unique element has relatively radial network from center toward the main edges of the city. The method of this research has been descriptive- analytic and the library has been used to collect data and also data were analyzed by using the historical documents such as travel pieces, pictorial documents and also rational perceptions.

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Poem is a beautiful narration of history, and the poet takes it from people and their life essence. In Persian literature, “Nezami” is one of the strongest pillars in storytelling and lyrics. His poems are nothing but the social reality of his era. This research is trying to find the answer to this question that how the art of painting in society of 12th century ad is reflected in the poems of Nezami? The theoretical framework used in this research is the reflection theory in sociology of art. This theory is based on assumption of art as the mirror of society and reflector of its characters.The research methodology used in this research is library and the technic which is used is content analyses. The aim of this research is reaching to new information in the field of painting in aforementioned century. It is hypothesized that “the concepts of Nezami’s poems was taken from the social attitude of his era and was affected by life issues, and this could indirectly give useful information about various things to the researcher, including art of painting in society of 12th century ad”.The method of this research is content analysis and the data collection method was through library and included studying Nezami’s works in 12th century. Studying books which are written about stylistics and themes of Nezami’s works and related works to the art history of Iran, publications, etc. has also done.After a short orientation with the life and opuses of the poet, the information attributed to painting in opuses that existed in art history studied and some examples of Nezami’s poems which are a reflection of painting in the society investigated.The investigations demonstrated that the painting in 12th century’s society has existed in various methods including iconography, drawing portraits on paper, mural, painting on cloth, etc. also the psychological effects of colors was known in this era. The poet has illustrated two types of realistic and conventional painting as two different styles, and has made a difference between a painting that is painted exactly alike the face and a symbolic painting of it.

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Limitations of urban constructions in the form of rules and regulations with the aim of controlling city physical development is the product of city development plans and documents. Actually, construction rules and regulations in a metropolis like Tehran is the tool of performing urban development plans and development process in shortterm urban projects and long-term development plans is controlled by means of these rules and regulations.Therefore, how these rules and regulations are performed is a decisive factor in achieving goals and prospects of urban development plans. Quantity and quality of construction regulations in Tehran from the first comprehensive plan approved in 1970 to the strategic-structural plan in 2007 was changed along with the evolution of general urban developments and special development policies in Tehran. Also, necessity of updating rules and regulations of urban development is considered according to lack of full performance or low performance of many of the rules and regulations of previous plans. A major part of challenges about non-implementation of these regulations can be studied in the form of anomalies of constructional violations. This research analyzes and evaluates the way of performing these regulations and status of constructional violations with the goal of analyzing challenges of performing rules and regulations of urban development in Tehran metropolis using descriptive-analytical method.Hence, four time intervals: the interval between performing regulations of first comprehensive plan of Tehran and financial self-sufficiency of municipal, the interval between implementing density sales policy and modifying regulations of Tehran, the interval between performing Amendment of planning regulations of Tehran and announcing the rules of detailed and comprehensive plan of Tehran and after that are evaluated. Also, causes of creation of constructional violations and their consequences in the failure of urban development plans were analyzed and the results demonstrate that the factors such as physical field and limitations and natural tendencies of urban development, underlying society and economy of city, defects of construction rules and regulations and inefficient urban management system are the most important causes of constructional violations in Tehran metropolis.

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سازمان فضایی شهر نظم حاصل از تبلور ذهنیت شهروندان در فضای زندگی آنها یا نظم میان نقش عناصری است که شهر را به عنوان یک کل (سیستم) معرفی می کند. مهم ترین علت متمایز شدن شهرها از یکدیگر سازمان فضایی متفاوت آنهاست که این تمایز از اختلاف نظم هر یک از شهرها به عنوان یک سیستم ناشی می شود. برای پی بردن به کلیت شهر تبریز و سازمان فضایی آن، کشف نظم حاکم بر اجزای شهر که در نتیجه بررسی ارتباط میان شاخص های سازمان فضایی این شهر است، ضروری می نماید.هدف این پژوهش آن است که با استناد به نظریه سیستمی، به بررسی تحولات سازمان فضایی شهر تبریز از اوایل اسلام تا دوره قاجار پرداخته و قانون مندی های حاکم بر سازمان فضایی این شهر را تبیین کند. نتایج این پژوهش حاکی از آن است که ارتباط گسترده شرق و غرب و محدودیت های ساختار زمین در منطقه شمال غرب ایران به عنوان عوامل برپاسازنده شهر و همچنین زلزله و حمله های کشورهای همسایه به عنوان عوامل تهدیدکننده آن در طول تاریخ، نقش حائز اهمیتی در تحولات سازمان فضایی شهر تبریز ایفا کرده اند. با بررسی شاخص های سازمان فضایی شهر و سیر تحولات آنها در طول دوره های تاریخی، قواعد حاکم بر سازمان فضایی شهر تبریز به قرار زیر تعیین شد: مرکزیت شهر در روند تحولات شهر عنصری ثابت و هویت بخش به آن بوده، قلمرو شهر وضعی بی ثبات داشته و در هر دوره در حال تغییر بوده، کل های کوچک شهر تحت تاثیر مرکزیت ثابت و گذرهای اصلی شهر مکان یابی شده و ساختار شهر به عنوان عنصری شاخص، دارای شبکه ای نسبتا شعاعی از مرکز به سوی لبه های شهر بوده است. روش تحقیق در این پژوهش از نوع توصیفی- تحلیلی و جمع آوری اطلاعات به شیوه کتابخانه ای بوده و با بهره گیری از مستندات تاریخی از جمله سفرنامه ها، اسناد تصویری و همچنین استنباط های عقلی به تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها پرداخته شده است.

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The Event of the Last upper of Jesus Christ has always been considered as one of the most important events in Christianity. Many artists have addressed this event in their artwork; the most important and best-known representation of this event was addressed in Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper fresco that is displayed in the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie. The importance of this painting emerges from the fact that new readings and interpretations of this work have been made even in the contemporary era.Multiple images represented have The Last Supper in the contemporary era, with changes in the concept and content according to the features and the problems of contemporary society. The goal here is to study the represented works of Da Vinci’s The Last Supper in the era of postmodernism by following the period’s characteristics and conditions of this time. The content and meanings of the represented works of the Last Supper have changed. There are many represented examples of da Vinci’s The Last Supper of which, in this study, two sample images of artistic means (abstract-minimalism) have been analyzed and described.Data in this study has been collected by using documentations from the library, and finally, the images which represent the cultural aspects and the features of the society for audiences have been analyzed and described. In fact, these images are contemporary cultural objects which express new concepts. The wordtypes used were different, but meanings such as spirituality and holiness have been expressed by several signs in both works. By placing a timeless work of art in different positional contexts, therefore, new meanings are created.

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فرآیندهای بازساختاردهی اقتصادی و اجتماعی منجر به بازشکل دهی شهری شده و تاثیرات فراوانی را بر شهرهای جهان در پی داشته است. یکی از این تاثیرات، افت شهری است که به معنای کارایی نامطلوب (نسبی) اقتصاد شهری و شکل گیری محرومیت اقتصادی، اجتماعی، کالبدی و محیطی است که در نبود مداخله بیرونی از امکان تداوم و پایداری برخوردار است. افت شهری-به دلیل تمرکز فضایی- منجر به ایجاد، تداوم و تشدید فرسودگی در برخی محلات شهری شده است. در ایران نیز، فرسودگی برخی محلات شهر به عنوان یکی از پیامدهای تحولات اقتصادی و اجتماعی دوران معاصر قابل ردگیری است. تاثیر فرسودگی بر این محلات، برهم خوردن توازن بین کارکردهای اصلی، تمرکز ساختمان های کم دوام، کمبود خدمات و تسهیلات عمومی و نبود تعادل بین حرکت سواره و پیاده است، شرایطی که تحت عنوان عدم تعادل و ناپایداری قابل تبیین است.پایداری محله از جنبه های مختلف کالبدی، کارکردی، محیطی، اجتماعی و... قابل بررسی است. یکی از جنبه های پایداری (که در این مقاله مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است) تعادل و توازن بین کارکردها و عملکردهای مختلف در محله است. در این مقاله، ضمن شناسایی معیارها و شاخص های دستیابی به پایداری محله (از جنبه کارکردی) از طریق تحلیل محتوای منابع موجود، وضعیت محلات دارای بافت فرسوده در شهر تهران در ارتباط با این شاخص ها مورد بررسی قرار گرفته و راهکارهای مورد نیاز برای ارتقای وضعیت محلات جهت دستیابی به پایداری کارکردی معرفی می شود.

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شعر روایتی زیبا از تاریخ است و مردم و جوهر زندگی آنها مایه و الهام بخش شاعر است. یکی از ارکان استوار شعر فارسی در ادبیات ایران، «نظامی» است. شاعری که بارتاب واقعیت اجتماعی زمانه یکی از خصوصیات شعر اوست. بررسی ها نشان می دهد نظامی به موضوعاتی لبریز از مایه های واقعیت و بیانگر حقیقت و عینیت زندگی پرداخته و آثارش منابعی گرانقدر برای شناخت جامعه دوران او از منظرهای گوناگون به خصوص هنر نقاشی است.هدف از این پژوهش، دستیابی به اطلاعاتی جدید در زمینه هنر نقاشی در قرن مذکور و در جستجوی پیدا کردن این پرسش است که اشعار نظامی چه بازتابی از هنر نقاشی در جامعه قرن ششم ه.ق دارند. فرضیه پژوهش حاضر این است که «مضامین اشعار نظامی ملهم از کردار اجتماعی وی و متاثر از مسایل زندگی است و این می تواند به صورت غیرمستقیم اطلاعات مفید و کارآمدی را درباره موارد مختلف از جمله هنر نقاشی در جامعه قرن ششم در اختیار پژوهشگر قرار دهد». چهارچوب نظری استفاده شده نیز نظریه بازتاب در جامعه شناسی هنر است که معتقد است هنر آیینه جامعه و منعکس کننده ویژگی های آن است.روش تحقیق، تحلیل محتوا و شیوه جمع آوری اطلاعات، کتابخانه ای شامل مطالعه آثار نظامی شاعر مطرح در قرن ششم هجری بود. همچنین مطالعه کتاب هایی که درباره سبک شناسی و مضامین آثار شاعر مذکور نگاشته شده و کتاب های مرتبط با تاریخ نقاشی ایران، نشریات و... است.بررسی ها نشان داد که نقاشی در جامعه قرن ششم ه.ق با شیوه های مختلف از جمله پیکرنگاری، کشیدن پرتره افراد بر روی کاغذ، نقاشی دیواری، نقاشی روی پارچه و موارد دیگر در جامعه قرن مورد مطالعه وجود داشته است. همچنین تاثیرات روان شناسانه رنگ ها در این روزگار شناخته شده بود. شاعر در اشعار خود دو نوع نقاشی واقع گرایی و قراردادی را به صورت دو سبک مجزا نشان داده است و بین نقاشی که عین تصویر فرد کشیده می شود و نقاشی نمادین از چهره، تفاوت قائل شده است.

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Case studies are frequently used in research in the field of architecture and urban studies and according to the research subjects, some cases are evaluated. However, the role of these cases in the research process and how to extract useful data from them are usually vague and no method is specified in this regard. In fact, researchers usually analyze the cases personally and without the scientific method. The lack of systematic method, on the one hand, diminishes the value of scientific research, and on the other hand, increases the possibility to exercise personal opinion of the researcher on the study, so that two researchers may make two different conclusions about a single case.On the other hand, architectural studies that are going to benefit from past experiences are forced to refer to previous cases and take their positive aspects for further ideas. For this reason, it is essential that proportionate to the research subject, scientifically codified techniques be identified and used in a systematic framework.To respond a need, i.e. how to formulate rules of juxtaposition with sacred monuments, the present study attempts to propose an approach to formulate criteria for future projects through existing cases. The resource constraints, holistic and non-indigenous laws and documents (international charters and recommendations), conflicting views of experts on the conservation and new structures, and the implications of study on valuable historical monuments indicate that among the available methods, a method that analyses the past cases in a geographic region and extract principles related to that geographic and cultural platform is preferred from all existing methods. The proposed method, “case-based reasoning”, based on a structured model, helps the researcher to analyze cases in a specific process and achieve the expected outcomes. This method can be used for similar researches and makes researchers in the field of architecture and urban planning free from the different attitudes toward same cases.

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