In The God delusion, in detail, Richard dawkins denies the God who gives order to the natural system; of course, in this book, in brief, he rejects God who hears prayer, does miracle and is aware of everything's and is omnipotent. dawkins’ Discussion on orderer God has three main concepts: natural selection, complexity and a low probability. When he substitutes orderer God with the natural selection, thus dosn’t criticise this popular theory that know divine way of creation as natural selection, but ridicules it and his discussion on complexity of the orderer God, use verbal share paralogism. In addition to, his discussion about to accepting or denying what its truth has a low probability have paradoxes in his book. In this article, in addition to above, I argue that in the books of theologians, the most important Dawkins arguments have been answered long before that he debate them. However, dawkins without criticism of responses and without being aware of it, give unfinished Discuss about God. Also in this paper, I indicate that dawkins’s investigation in the god delusion is biased.